I woke up early in the morning.

Dong Ye Ning felt a little stiff in his back and a little sore in many parts of his body.

This is normal, don't worry too much.

But the bed, pillow and other things seem to need to be remade.

[Yesterday the host got a total of 7 bonus points for free. ]

Oh, there were still yesterday?

That's right, he officially took office today after going through the process of this office.

Now that reasoning and Jeet Kune Do have been upgraded to the level of Level 4 Master, it is a bit cost-effective to continue to use bonus points to force proficiency.

After all, the current level 1 bonus point only corresponds to 0.1% proficiency, and it takes a full 1,000 bonus points to upgrade. Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.

But now he can finally officially step into other skill promotion areas.

"Save some more to exchange for snipers. Although it is not useful now, it will be very useful in the future."

Dong Ye Ning suddenly thought of bomb-related skills again.

"Forget it, bombs can be exchanged directly from my beloved concubine, and then they can be taken out and installed out of thin air. There is no need to learn special skills."

Get up and open the door.

Huiyuan Ai is not opposite this time, but next door.

It seems that the little loli is still sleeping soundly. She was also very tired after helping to move things yesterday. She was exhausted when she came back from dinner and collapsed on the sofa.

The new house naturally has no food, not even pots and pans - the ones used in Kudo's house before were ready.

Dong Ye Ning washed and changed his clothes and went out to find food.

This is not a downtown area, but a suburban area. The environment is quite secluded. The nearest neighbors to his house are all 100 meters away.

He drove out for a long time before finding food.

Buy breakfast, then go to the vegetable market to buy three days' worth of fresh vegetables and a week's worth of meat. Buy as much rice, seasonings, and other things that can be stored for a long time as possible.

It's quite far for Huiyuan Ai to go out to buy vegetables, so he will go out to buy them all at once in the future.

Seeing that it was still early, Dong Ye Ning drove to explore the surrounding terrain again before going home.

The little girl was still sleeping. I don't know if she stayed up late last night or just liked to sleep. Dong Ye Ning finished his breakfast downstairs. Seeing that Huiyuan Ai still didn't come downstairs, he went upstairs to check a little worriedly.

The door was not locked.

Knocked on the door gently first, no answer, then opened the door gently.

Huiyuan Ai was lying on the bed. Her sleeping posture was not so elegant, but very cute. Miss Panda with a bulging belly rested on her arm.

"Well... her belly is moving up and down, she's still alive."

Dong Ye Ning made a quick judgment, closed the door gently and left.

It's time to go to work.

There are still a lot of things to do today.

He had to deal with his own work problems first, and then explain his work methods and attitudes to police officers such as Yamamura So, and make a general arrangement for the work in the next quarter.

After finishing these, Dong Ye Ning will go to find a school for Huiyuan Ai.

It is precisely because the new school has not been found that she has directly dropped out of Teitan Elementary School instead of transferring.

As for why she still needs to go to school... it can only be said that the situation is forced.

In terms of willingness, Huiyuan Ai does not really want to go to school, and Dong Ye Ning also thinks it doesn't matter whether she goes to school or not.

But because there are a lot of social relationships, Dong Ye Ning himself is a leader in the police system, and this school is really necessary for Huiyuan Ai to go, otherwise there will be a lot of troubles.

So... Huiyuan Ai has to continue to be a real elementary school student here.


Dong Ye Ning rushed to the Metropolitan Police Department.

On the other side.

Tokyo, Maori Detective Agency.

Time goes back a few dozen minutes.

"Conan, good morning~"

Conan saw the enthusiastic Ran Maoli as soon as he walked out of the bedroom.

The other party has recovered her memory.

The effect of yesterday's two-person tropical paradise trip was very significant.

Conan deliberately reproduced the whole process of the last time he went there with Ran Maoli, and he also communicated with Ran Maoli in the identity of Kudo Shinichi throughout the whole process.

During this period, he also said a lot of things in his heart.

When it was night, Conan led Ran Maoli to the timed fountain.

After the fountain appeared, Ran Maoli also recovered her memory.

The whole process was quite warm and romantic. Ran Maoli had a lot of fun before and after recovering her memory, and there were no twists and turns throughout the process.

Conan patted his head to recover from his dazed state, and smiled back at Ran Maoli, "Good morning, Xiaolan."

Ran Maoli turned his head to look at her father's bedroom first

, and then approached Conan after making sure that no one came out. Before Kisaki Eri went home, Conan slept in the same room with the confused detective, but not now.

She chuckled and said, "The name 'Sister Xiaolan' sounds a bit strange now."

Conan blushed for no reason.

Mao Lilan was too close, and her breath hit his face.

A little... fragrant...

He scratched his head uncomfortably, blushing and stubborn, "Now I can only call you like this, if I call you Xiaolan directly, there will be problems."

Mao Lilan snorted and complained in a low voice, "It's not like you haven't called me before."

"That's not anxious..." Conan hurriedly ran away, "I'll go wash up first."

Looking at Conan's hasty escape, Mao Lilan felt a strange sense of happiness in her heart.

In fact, she didn't have too many requirements for Kudo Shinichi, as long as he didn't disappear and make her worry.

After breakfast.

Kisaki Eri pretended to be pretentious and said, "Since Xiaolan has recovered her memory, I will move out today."

While talking, she would naturally secretly watch Maori Kogoro's reaction. She also hoped that he would say something like "Why bother with so much trouble, just stay here."


Mauri Kogoro was overjoyed, "That's great, have you packed your luggage? I'll help you take it downstairs."

Everyone: "..."

Mauri Ran was stunned for a moment and quickly said, "Dad! What are you talking about!"

After that, she immediately hugged her mother's arm and said coquettishly, "Mom, don't argue with Dad. What he said just now was nonsense. In fact, he was just stubborn. In his heart, he really hopes you come back. Why don't you stay?"

"Hey! What do you mean by talking nonsense?" Maori Kogoro jumped a little, "This old woman makes me restless day and night, I don't want her to come back."

The anger is accumulated.

Eri Kisaki stood up, her face as cold as ice. "Ran, come to the office to play with me next time you have a holiday. I'll leave first."

After that, she went back to her room to pack her luggage with an aura that could freeze people directly, and left without hesitation twenty minutes later.

So Ran Mouri's anger was accumulated, and she was madly attacking her father, and she just needed to bring out the karate skills she had learned throughout her life.

Even a clean official can hardly judge family affairs.

Conan, who was curled up on the sofa, had a sad face.

How to say it, if we only compare the family, Ran's experience is much worse than his.

If there are conflicts in the original family, the child will gradually develop an avoidant and pleasing personality.

"That's why Ran is so tolerant of me..."

Conan felt a little complicated for a while.

Before officially confessing his identity to Ran Mouri, he seemed to have never thought about these things.

He will definitely protect this girl well.


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