The next day came in a blink of an eye.

"Mrs. Masuo, do you really have no other clues to provide?"

Hitano Ning sat opposite Masuo Kayo, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand.

Yes, he came again.

He still visited in person, hoping to make Masuo Kayo reveal the truth by repeatedly putting pressure on her.

It is easy to collapse under too much pressure, especially the pressure from the law, which is difficult for ordinary people to bear.

Masuo Kayo's expression was a little ugly now, and he forced a smile and said, "Mr. Officer, I really didn't hide any clues."

"What good would it do for me to hide details and interfere with the police's investigation? As a hostage, I have no reason to speak for the criminals."


Her mind was working quickly, "Or do you think I have Stockholm syndrome? That's a bit too unrealistic."

Higashino Ning shook her head, "That's not what I suspect. I just suspect that your husband Masuo Keizao is one of the kidnappers. According to your surveillance video..."

Halfway through the words, Masuo Kayo was a little She stood up out of control, saying fiercely, "Please take back what you said, Mr. Officer!"

"How could my husband, as the president of a bank, do such a thing? This is a great insult and slander. If you continue like this, I will definitely initiate legal action against you!"

She walked quickly to the door in her slippers, took a deep breath, and pointed outside. "Okay, I'm a little tired now and need to rest. Please leave first, Mr. Officer!"

Dong Ye Ning shrugged, "An accomplice is different from the principal offender, and not reporting the crime is different from an accomplice. The sentencing standards for surrendering and being arrested are even more different."

The footsteps in the room were not so heavy, but they were obvious enough.

The sunlight shone through the large area of ​​lighting glass all the way to the door.

Dong Ye Ning changed his shoes slowly, then turned back and said calmly: "It's only a matter of time before someone is caught. It's not shameful to choose to protect yourself in the face of jail."

"Anyway... the relationship between Mrs. Zengwei and your husband is not very pure, is it?"

After saying that, Dong Ye Ning walked away slowly.

After closing the door, Zengwei Jiadai also used her forehead to press against the door panel, trembling all over.

After a long time, she turned around and leaned against the door, her body lost strength and sat down suddenly, her expression was very tangled.

Dong Ye Ning's guess was right.

When she was held hostage, she had already recognized who the robber was.

The one who held her hostage was her husband's friend, and the other robber who basically did not appear must be her husband.

Zengwei Jiadai could also guess why her husband chose to rob the bank she managed.

It was to provide funds for her extravagant life.

That's 200 million... If she can survive the police's investigation and pursuit, I don't know how long this money will be enough for her to squander!

But now...

Thinking of Tono Ning's eyes that seemed to see through everything and firmly believed that the criminal had been found, Masuo Kayo felt that the two hundred million could not be kept at all.

She was unaware of it at the beginning, and she did not participate in it. At most, she was sentenced to knowing but not reporting it.

If she confessed all the facts now, she would not only be innocent, but also meritorious.

It seems that there is no need to think about how to make a choice.


On the street.

Tono Ning was answering the phone. It was from courier service, saying that he had a package that needed to be signed for.

No need to think, it must be the documents for adopting Haibara Ai.

Calculating the time, it was less than 24 hours.

Now we just have to wait for Haibara Ai to nod and move in.

Tono Ning thought about it, and took the initiative to call Megure Jusan to ask if there was anything he needed to deal with later.

After getting a vague negative answer, he decided to go home first, and then if he had nothing to do in the afternoon, he would go directly to Teitan Elementary School to pick up Haibara Ai.

"It's really troublesome without a car."

Higashino Ning scratched his hair and walked towards the tram station.

It was a wrong decision not to drive the police car here today.

As a result, when he was still a few hundred meters away from the tram station, he suddenly saw Maori Kogoro and his group in the middle of the street.

Maori Ran's sharp features were too obvious, not to mention that there was a dark-skinned detective from Osaka standing next to her.

This group of people looked a little confused, as if they hadn't figured out where to go.

This was the smell of the case, the top version.

Higashino Ning could understand Megure Jusan a little bit.

If they continue to do this, the police will really be too busy!

Wait a minute...Since Conan is here, isn't today a holiday?

Forget it, being a police officer is always about looking at the date instead of the day of the week.

First go over and talk to Maori Kogoro and the others, and leave a phone number. If a case occurs, call the police directly to him, and you can pick up another wave of reward points at that time.

Higashino Ning began to approach, and Hattori Heiji's voice also came into his ears.

"Anyway, you have nothing to do. I just happened to come here for something. I want to take this opportunity to take a good look at Tokyo."

Mauri Ran asked Hattori Heiji what he was doing this time.

Then Higashino Ning officially entered.

"Mr. Maori, and Xiaolan, what are you doing here?"

His voice was gentle and attractive, and everyone's eyes immediately turned to him.

Maori Kogoro was stunned for a moment, " are not that...that...hiss...let me think...what is your name...?"

Mauri Ran on the side was speechless, "This is Officer Higashino! Dad, you are so rude!"

The confused detective opened his mouth to quibble, "I can't think of any problem at the moment."

Seeing that the father and daughter were about to quarrel in the street, Higashino Ning quickly said, "It doesn't matter, I don't have many opportunities to meet and know Mr. Maori."

As he said, he took out his mobile phone and smiled, "Mr. Maori, why don't you leave your phone number? I feel that there will be many opportunities for cooperation in the future."

It was already this situation, and Maori Kogoro had no room to refuse, so the two exchanged numbers.

Hattori Heiji squatted behind Conan and lowered his voice, "Who is this guy?"

Conan said casually, "He is a policeman, his last name is Higashino, he has solved several major cases recently and has been in the news media."

He was a little surprised, "Why, didn't the Osaka newspaper report these?"

Hattori Heiji shook his head, "I haven't heard of it."

As he said that, he changed the subject, nudged Conan's shoulder blade with his elbow, and teased, "I think 80% of them are solved by you again?"

"Oh, some people's former glory is now forced to give up to others. This must be a bad feeling."

Who knew that Conan sighed and shook his head, "Those cases are indeed related to me, but not much. The real protagonist is this police officer Higashino."

Hattori Heiji was stunned by these words.

Before he could continue to ask, Conan rushed towards Dong Ye Ning, very enthusiastic, "Officer Dong Ye! Did the criminal yesterday confess everything?"

Dong Ye Ning took the time to look at Conan, "Yes, he confessed everything not long after returning."

He squatted down and touched Conan's big head, "Thanks to the clues you found in the secret passage, how is it, is the wound on your head better?"

"It's much better!" Conan continued to play the role of a child and responded.

"So..." Dong Ye Ning stood up and continued to turn his eyes away, smiling at the "new face", "My name is Dong Ye Ning."

The Osaka duo also hurriedly introduced themselves.

After the courtesy, Dong Ye Ning waved his hand, "Then I won't bother you for now, I wish you have fun."

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