Everyone came to the monitoring room. On the monitoring screen, Mikio Fujieda pretended to be a cultural man and was enjoying music, which was funny.

"O-Master's hand!"

Butler Ueki suddenly looked at the image on the monitor excitedly and shouted: "Why did you raise your hands!"

"Wait a minute! What happened!"

"What's going on? Is there someone threatening him with a gun?"

Kisaki Eri and Yukiko became nervous instantly.

"Ah, no way." Xiao Ran became nervous, "I was watching the monitor just now, and Mr. Fujieda leisurely put the bookmark in the book before getting up.

"Probably just get up and stretch."

Lin Xiaofeng echoed, but just as he finished speaking, Mikio Fujieda suddenly fell down on the screen.

"No way!" Fujieda Soka stared nervously at the screen, "He was shot!"

"Where's the key to that room!" Kisaki Eri hurriedly turned around to go to that room, while looking at Butler Ueki.

"Ah, in my room."

"Go get it quickly! Then gather at the door of that room!" Yukiko also followed.

"Wait a minute! You guys, don't panic yet!" Lin Xiaofeng grabbed Yukiko's arm, "Look at the monitor, Mr. Fujieda just fell down, but there was no sign of bleeding at "340", no. Got shot!"

"Conan! You and lawyer Fei followed Butler Ueki to get the key and go to that room to investigate the situation. Yukiko and I will continue to watch the surveillance here. The others will also stay here and cannot move around at will!" Lin Xiaofeng looked around and shouted loudly, "Under the current situation, everyone must calm down and not act alone!"

Fujieda Suhua couldn't sit still. She ignored Lin Xiaofeng's request and forced herself to go with Kisaki Eri and Conan.

Because Conan and the lawyer were accompanying him throughout the whole process, Butler Ueki had no chance to play tricks along the way.

Of course, he has also tried, but the final result is often blocked by that brat.

Butler Ueki even felt that he had been suspected by that brat. Therefore, he could only give up his thoughts temporarily, return to the room obediently, take out the key in his hand and open the door. However, he didn't have time to get rid of the silencer he was currently hiding.

In the monitoring room, Lin Xiaofeng watched as Kisaki Eri and Conan entered the listening room, as well as Butler Ueki and Shigeru Fujieda, and Fujieda Souka helped Mikio Fujieda up.

"It's all very clear."

The nervous Yukiko next to her turned to look at Lin Xiaofeng.

"Xiao Feng, have you discovered something?" Yukiko's eyes were shining, and her delicate body came forward, and gently hugged Lin Xiaofeng's tiger body.

"Well, I've discovered it." Lin Xiaofeng nodded and replied.

"Tell me! Tell me quickly! I want to do a mystery show by the Baroness of the Night!" Yukiko rubbed her delicate body against Lin Xiaofeng's body hard, and blew into Lin Xiaofeng's ear in a coquettish tone.

"I thought you were going to say Baroness of the Night."

"People are afraid that you will be unhappy."

"Sister Yukiko, I understand. Before that, please let go of me." Lin Xiaofeng felt that he couldn't hold it anymore, and Xiao Ran was staring stupidly next to him.

Lin Xiaofeng deliberately interrupted Xiao Ran's gaze and said to Xiao Ran: "Xiao Ran, call Conan immediately and ask him to keep an eye on that coffee cup!"

"Oh? What's wrong with that coffee cup?" Xiao Ran asked Lin Xiaofeng while calling Conan.

"The key to why Fujieda Mikio fell down shortly after standing up and stretching was in that coffee cup."

"Stretch yourself? Aren't you being threatened?" Xiao Ran, who had already conveyed Lin Xiaofeng's instructions to Conan and hung up the phone, continued to ask Lin Xiaofeng.

"No." Lin Xiaofeng showed a confident and sunny smile, pointing to the book on the table on the screen, "If you were threatened, who would have the leisure to put a bookmark on the book you just saw? place and put them together on the desk."

"Furthermore, after sitting and reading for a long time, it is normal for people of his age to get up and adjust their bodies due to fatigue."

"Then, the drug that was put in the coffee cup took effect, causing him to collapse immediately.

"Isoproterenol was originally a drug used in experiments to induce delirium. Doctors gave it to patients who were delirium to induce their symptoms in order to find out whether the cause was not related to the heart or brain, but to the free law. Neurological drugs.

"If used in moderation, it can just treat bronchial asthma."

"Cure bronchial asthma!" Yukiko suddenly turned his gaze back to the display screen, staring at the person inside, "Night Baroness, hum... The truth has been discovered!"

“Moreover, at the beginning, he was the one who preconceived the idea and led everyone to think in the direction that Mikio Fujieda was being threatened with his hands raised.

"Butler Ueki..." Xiao Ran opened his mouth slightly and looked at the scene on the monitor in surprise.

"So, he also put those two pieces of paper and the bullet?" Yukiko looked at Lin Xiaofeng and asked.


"Where's the evidence?"

"You only need to investigate the source of the drugs, and you can find his purchase records, and drug residues can also be found in the coffee cup. This is the key evidence.

Yukiko nodded with a smile. She couldn't wait to show off in front of everyone, and more importantly, to compare with Kisaki Eri in front of Lin Xiaofeng.

Yukiko originally thought that Lin Xiaofeng would definitely vote for her, proving that she is more beautiful than Kisaki Eri, but she did not expect that Lin Xiaofeng said that she was just as cute, which made her very unconvinced.

Kisaki Eri and Conan had already called the police and ambulance respectively, and isolated Ueki and Fujieda Shigeru from the room, waiting for the arrival of the police.

Originally, they wanted to isolate Fujieda Soka as well, but she refused and even lied on the floor and acted like a fool.

Kisaki Eri could only agree to let her stay for the sake of her family's money, and let Conan watch her to death.

Butler Ueki and Shigeru Fujieda returned to the monitoring room.

To this day, Shigeru Fujieda is still confused as to what happened.

Therefore, as soon as he entered the room, he went directly to Yukiko to ask about the situation.

Butler Ueki noticed something was wrong as soon as he entered the room.

Except for Lin Xiaofeng and Shigeru Fujieda, everyone in the room looked at him with something wrong.

The maids even evaded him, as if they were afraid of him.

Butler Ueki looked at Lin Xiaofeng as if he was feeling something.

This is the only person who has not been misled by himself from the beginning.

Could it be that he... really noticed something?

Their eyes met exactly together.

Butler Ueki immediately looked away as if he felt guilty.

I didn't dare to stay on Lin Xiaofeng for a second.

After Yukiko briefly explained the current situation to Shigeru Fujieda, she ran to Lin Xiaofeng and chatted with him...

The most important thing is that when she is biting her ears, she always glances at Butler Ueki from time to time.

In an instant, Butler Ueki knew that he had been exposed.

After a while, police cars and ambulances arrived at the same time.

The nurse carried Mikio Fujieda, who was still recovering, into an ambulance and sent him to the hospital for treatment.

The police began to gather everyone in the house together and inquire about the situation.

"Uh... Isn't this Mrs. Kudou! And Brother Lin and Xiao Ran, why are you even here?"

Megure Inspector, who had already met Conan and Kisaki Eri in the listening room, was shocked to find three familiar faces standing in the monitoring room when he arrived.

"Long time no see, Inspector Megure. I was entrusted by Yūsaku, who was entrusted by Fujieda Shigeru, to investigate the situation." Yukiko explained with a shrug.

Lin Xiaofeng: "I'm here with Mrs. Kudou."

Xiao Ran: "I came here with my mother."

"Okay, I understand, then... please tell me one by one what you know. Megure Inspector pressed his hat, and then looked at everyone present. said the man.

After the interrogation, Yukiko couldn't wait to become the Night Lady.

"Megure Inspector, have you summoned everyone?"

"Yes, Mrs. Kudou, I have followed your instructions and summoned everyone to the lobby of the villa.

Megure Inspector looked at Yukiko blankly.

"Ahem...The Baroness of the Night is about to start her reasoning show."

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Yukiko followed the tips given by Lin Xiaofeng and deduced the truth that Butler Ueki was the murderer, and made a big splash in front of everyone. By the way, he also deliberately mocked Kisaki Eri.

Kisaki Eri naturally knew that it was Lin Xiaofeng who helped Yukiko, and he just saw through it without telling him.

As usual, Butler Ueki knelt down in tears and trapped himself.

The motive was as outrageous as ever, in order to protect the late wife's garden, she planned to kill the male owner.

The police took Butler Ueki away, and under the threat of Kisaki Eri, Fujieda Soka obediently paid the commission fee, and everyone was happy.

Because Kisaki Eri came here in a 2.8 car, Lin Xiaofeng and Yukiko took a ride with Kisaki Eri.

Kisaki Eri first sent Yukiko back to Kudou's house. When he asked Lin Xiaofeng where his family lived, Lin Xiaofeng got off the car directly with Yukiko.

After Kisaki Eri sent Xiao Ran home again, he did not follow Xiao Ran back to the Mouri Detective Agency, but drove again to the salaryman's house.

at the same time......

"Xiao Feng, can you please stop going to the love hotel?" Yukiko said to Lin Xiaofeng in shame.

"Sister Yukiko, didn't you agree? I helped you solve the commission and let you be the Baroness of the Night. Now you are regretting it. It's not kind." Lin Xiaofeng was very unhappy.

He felt that he was good enough to Yukiko. If Yukiko hadn't been so good-looking and her jade body was so useful, he wouldn't have been able to bear the breakup.

"I'm sorry, Xiaofeng. Sister, I really can't bear it and can't resist it anymore. I will definitely go with you next time."

Having said that, a curtain involuntarily pulled Xiao Feng towards his bedroom.

Lin Xiaofeng doesn't understand Yukiko at all. What does it mean?

Only when he followed Yukiko to the bedroom did Lin Xiaofeng understand the reason.

I saw Yukiko slowly lifting the hem of her dress, and in front of Lin Xiaofeng, Yukiko released her element and exploded.

Tide! I have returned!

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