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According to Shen Bei's understanding of the four words "King Kong is Indestructible".

Indestructible and indestructible, it should be the terrifying physical defense brought about by the most powerful and tyrannical exercise method.

Shen Bei is full of yearning in his heart.

Can't wait to open the martial arts book.

Just looking at the description, it seems that the practice method of this Heng Lian magic skill is not difficult. A total of 108 different esoteric postures and action charts are the core practice methods of the entire Heng Lian hard skill, supplemented by striking, medicinal baths, etc. Waiting for auxiliary practice methods.

Head, arms, elbows, knees, fists, palms, waist, body, legs... the 108 secret movements cover all parts of the human body, and each posture exercises a different body part.

Each movement must be combined with unique breathing and luck techniques to refine the warrior's own energy into a unique strength.

Then it is deeply penetrated into the flesh, blood, and internal organs of the warrior, so that the warrior's flesh, blood, muscles, bones, and internal organs are all greatly strengthened. The warrior's body defense and physical strength can be blessed to an astonishing degree!

Its cultivation is divided into four levels:

At the first level, when luck protects the body, the body turns black and blue, which is called an iron body!

At the second level, the warrior's martial arts body has a red copper color, which is a horizontally refined copper body!

At the third level, the body becomes silvery, which is called horizontally refining the silver body!

The fourth level is also the highest level. During the circulation of the body-protecting Gangqi, the warrior is like being infected by golden light, and his body is indestructible. This is called a vajra indestructible body!

In Shen Bei's view, King Kong's Indestructible Kung Fu is a purely horizontal and hard skill with only one purpose, which is to allow warriors to develop an inhuman body with infinite strength and indestructibility!

Judging from the description alone, Vajra Indestructible can enhance strength and physical defense at the same time. It is undoubtedly a very comprehensive and hard-working skill that is both offensive and defensive, especially suitable for the situation he is facing now!

Let’s take a look at the attribute requirements for practicing this martial art. There is only one point: 50 points of true physical attributes.

50 points!

And it is a real attribute.

If it were anyone else whose superficial attributes did not reach above 80, they would not be confident in their cultivation.

But Shen Bei is different.

The superficial attributes are all earned by doing odd jobs.

All are real properties!

Coincidentally, Shen Bei's physical attribute points had already exceeded 50 points.

It's almost like it's tailor-made for you.

At this moment, Shen Bei couldn't help but feel restless in his heart.

Without hesitation, he carefully analyzed the movement charts that came to his mind and prepared to start practicing.

As complex pictures flashed past in front of him, Shen Bei's mind moved slightly.

There was no other reason, because he found that the first few dozen movements in the secret map were fine, but the later ones became more exaggerated and weird, and they were simply not like movements that normal people could do.

This seems to be because later on, the Vajra Indestructible Exercise is a loophole that is extremely difficult for the body to exercise, so it becomes more and more difficult.

"The first twenty-seven postures of horizontal iron body training are not very difficult, so practice first!"

Browse through all the movements briefly, and then understand all the key points by heart.

Shen Bei immediately took up his posture, stood up straight, put his feet together, put his hands together in front of his chest, and assumed the indestructible starting posture.

Then Shen Bei straightened his arms, slowly leaned back and bent from the waist, and touched the bottom of his hands like a human arch bridge.

The postures on the map were deeply engraved in his mind. Shen Bei adjusted his posture little by little until it was accurate, and then his posture became completely standard.

With a little luck, he immediately felt a unique heat flow from his chest and abdomen to his waist and arms, which seemed to be changing something subtly.

In less than ten minutes, Shen Bei was already sweating on his forehead and felt that this posture had reached the limit of his body's endurance.

Then the second secret posture flashed through his mind. He straightened up, clasped his arms behind his back, stepped in with his left leg, and twisted his waist to 180 degrees, making his whole figure look like a twisted twist.

At this time, an inexplicable aura was mobilized in Shen Bei's body, turning into streams of heat that penetrated into Shen Bei's waist and arms bit by bit, as if integrated into his flesh and blood.

"This is……"

Shen Bei's expression moved slightly, his face full of disbelief: "The true energy that only a third-grade warrior can feel?"


It is worthy of the martial arts provided by the country.

Isn't this too overbearing?

You know, releasing true energy is a warrior's leap!

Equivalent to power catalysis


Similar to monosulfide, dinitrate, and charcoal, add a little sugar to the white sugar in Daiwan!

Although Shen Bei is still unable to release his true energy, he can feel the true energy, which is an unexpected and huge improvement!


Shen Bei did not get carried away by the surprise and continued to practice.

Ten minutes later, Shen Bei was sweating profusely, and he could maintain this posture to the limit.

Next comes the third move, the fourth...the fifth...

Four hours later, when he reached the twenty-seventh pose, the last movement of the horizontal iron body exercise, except for Shen Bei's belly, his head, chest, legs, arms and other parts were completely off the ground, and his hands were in contact with each other. Pointing his toes, his whole body turned into the shape of a snake!

Although Shen Bei's stance has exceeded the limit that this generation of students can imagine.

But in front of the indestructible King Kong, he is still a little too young.

Now Shen Bei was sweating profusely, soaked to the skin, and his eyes were beginning to become hazy, as if he had reached the limit of his body's endurance, but he was just holding on with the remaining willpower.

These postures are not easy to perform, and the key is that they consume a lot of physical and mental energy. Even Shen Bei's current physical strength has been quickly consumed.

However, even so, Shen Bei's body was emitting scorching heat like a furnace.

At the same time, you can also see that the muscles all over his body are almost inflated, and the whole person seems to have swelled by a small size!

"Ten...Four, three, two, one! Phew! Phew! Phew..."

In his chaotic mind, he estimated the time and silently counted to one. Shen Bei suddenly relaxed his movements and lay sprawled on the ground, breathing hard.

He looked like he had been fished out of the water, and a large stain of sweat was clearly printed on the ground where he was lying, which showed how much physical exertion he had endured during these hours of practice!

"I never thought it would be so difficult to practice these twenty-seven movements continuously. With my current physique and strength, I almost couldn't complete it!"

After a while, Shen Bei lay on the ground, his blank mind slowly returning to thinking.

There is another special feature in the Vajra Indestructible cultivation method, that is, the twenty-seven secret movements at each level must be connected to achieve the maximum cultivation effect.

The difficulty of subsequent levels of training is even more increasing, and the training actions of the previous level must be included to achieve the best training effect.

For example, a warrior with the highest level of indestructible body, when he continues to temper his body, he needs to start with the first movement of the horizontal steel body, and then complete all the 108 secret movements in one go. The difficulty is even more amazing!

However, after completing the twenty-seven movements in the Iron Body chapter, Shen Bei has reached the limit of his body's endurance, and the subsequent training is still far away from him.

Throw away unnecessary thoughts. Shen Bei sat up slowly. His previously inflated body had roughly returned to normal, but it could still be vaguely seen that it was slightly larger than before the exercise.

Staring at his now slightly swollen muscles, he clearly felt that his muscles seemed to have been forged by craftsmen. In addition to being swollen, they were also a bit tougher.

"Very good. It only took one practice and the effect appeared. It seems that it won't be too difficult to achieve the iron body, and it won't take long."

Shen Bei squeezed the slightly bulging muscles. While he was overjoyed, he couldn't help but have a strange thought in his heart:

"But... looking at this trend, if you continue to practice like this, you will inevitably become a muscle maniac?"

please do not……

I still want to be a little fresh meat.

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