When several people were discussing heatedly, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly interrupted and said, "But the small wine glass is very similar to the small plate used in Japanese painting."

Everyone looked at her in surprise.

Suzuki Sonoko was not nervous either, and explained, "My father's hobby is also to paint Japanese paintings. I have seen this before. It is very similar to a small plate used for fashion paint."

Yuya gave Suzuki Sonoko a thumbs up in his heart. Congratulations, you have found the real murderer.

Inspector Megure pondered and said, "In this case, Mr. Kisaragi is also related to the small wine glass."

Shiratori Renzaburo touched his chin and analyzed, "If we look at it from the perspective of the small wine glass, Kazama Hidehiko and Secretary Sawaguchi have nothing to do with it."

"Officer Shiratori, is Mr. Kazama really a disciple of Teiji Moriya?" Conan asked.

Shiratori nodded: "That's right, but unlike the artist-type Teiji Moriya, he is a technical person, so he doesn't insist on symmetry."

"Also, regarding Sawaguchi, we found out that her father was a journalist who died of overwork when she was a senior. But so far, no connection has been found between her and the victim."

Yuya said: "Inspector Megure, can I see the photos of the scene?"

My brother took the initiative to ask for help, and Inspector Megure certainly had no reason to refuse, and immediately signaled Shiratori Renzaburo with his eyes.

Shiratori Renzaburo took out a few photos from his notebook and handed them over, and Conan and Maori Kogoro hurried over.

The photos were photos of the scene where Oki Iwamatsu died.

Oki Iwamatsu's chest was covered in blood, and he fell to the ground against the wardrobe, and there was a lot of blood on the wardrobe. But the distribution of the blood was a bit strange, and it only splashed on the lower half of the wardrobe.

Yuya pointed at the photo and said, "Inspector, this bloodstain is a bit strange. Looking at the splash marks, there should have been something hanging there at the time, right? Did you find anything at the scene?"

Inspector Megure shook his head: "We also noticed this, but nothing related was found at the scene."

Yuya nodded and said nothing more. Even if he now hinted that there was a painting hanging there, a night had passed, and Kisaragi Mine must have disposed of the painting long ago.

Conan suddenly thought of something and whispered, "Do you think they did it?"

The wine glass can be associated with wine, and the code names of the organization members are all wine names.

Yuya denied: "I know what you mean, but it is unlikely. With their confidentiality, they will not do such a self-incriminating behavior."

Conan felt that what Yuya said made sense, so he could only suppress this idea.

Turning his sight, he saw Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi opposite him discussing something furtively.

Conan lowered his eyes. Based on his experience, he felt that the three little brats were going to cause trouble again.


After a fruitless discussion, everyone left the Metropolitan Police Department.

As soon as they left the door, the three little brats looked at each other, nodded, and went in different directions.

Conan looked at the three little figures with empty eyes, and finally chose to follow behind Yuantai. He was the biggest and it was not easy to lose him.

As Conan expected, the three little brats wanted to get rid of him and secretly investigate the case, but they were blocked at the entrance of the station.

What surprised Conan was that the three little brats investigated the residences and movements of Kisaragi Minemizu, Kazama Hidehiko, and Hara Yoshiaki very clearly, and their goals were also very clear. They would go to Kazama Hidehiko and Kisaragi Minemizu to investigate today, and then go to Hara Yoshiaki who was farther away the next day.

Kazama Hidehiko seemed to like children very much. Faced with the requests of several people who claimed to be the Junior Detective Team to investigate the case, he unexpectedly cooperated with them and had a serious discussion with them, but unfortunately he could not provide any useful information.

The second stop was the residence of Kisaragi Minemizu, located on a small hill in front of Mount Fuji.

Kisaragi Minemizu had a bad temper and was not as easy to talk to as Kazama Hidehiko. When he heard that Conan and his friends were here to investigate the case, he directly scolded them.

Although he drove Conan and his friends out in the end, he drew a portrait for each of them.

Every Mount Fuji painting by Kisaragi Minemizu was a masterpiece, but he seemed to be a little bit bad at drawing people.

Conan looked at the slightly abstract portrait and barely recognized that it was himself. There was also Kisaragi Minemizu's signature and seal on it. He comforted himself in his heart: This is a painting by Kisaragi Minemizu, maybe... it's worth some money?


On the other hand, Yuya asked Miyano Akemi for the address and key of the apartment she rented without telling the organization.

Because Miyano Akemi was already dead, there was no way to return the apartment.

If she went, if the organization investigated there, it would definitely arouse suspicion. Anyway, it would only lose one year's rent.When the rent is due, the landlord will naturally take it back if he can't contact anyone.

After using disguise to pretend to be a passerby, Yuya came to the apartment.

He asked the neighbors, but no one had come to the door recently.

Yuya pretended to be a policeman and asked the other party to keep his question confidential on the grounds that he was on a secret mission.

The neighbor seemed a little bit second-year, and immediately saluted when he heard it, promising that he would not say a word even if he was tortured.

Yuya smiled kindly and opened the door with the key.

Although it was just a small single apartment, Akemi Miyano lived here secretly from time to time. The small room was decorated quite warmly, and there were still some traces of life.

Yuya saw a few pink small clothes casually placed on the bed at a glance, and coughed and looked away. If this was Miss Shiho's things, he might take a closer look to study her dressing preferences.

He glanced at the phone on the table, and the red light on it was on, indicating that it was in the state of leaving a message.

After walking around the room for a few times, Yuya finally set his eyes on the top.

After moving a chair, Yuya exchanged a super mini bug from the system mall and installed it on the metal rod of the chandelier.

Then he carefully cleaned up the traces of his presence in the room, closed the door and left.

Next, he only needed to wait for Gin and Vodka to investigate the apartment, and he could pretend to be Miyano Shiho to call and reveal that he would go to the Twin Towers.

Gin and Vodka's goal was to blow up the main computer of the Tokiwa Group and would not stay for long.

But if he knew that Shirley would go to the Twin Towers, Gin would not leave without seeing Shirley because of his obsession with Shirley.

As for Akai Shuichi...

Although Judy might not be able to help him pass the information to Akai Shuichi, Yuya already had a guess in his mind.

Vermouth stole the files of him and Maori Kogoro from the Metropolitan Police Department, and the FBI, who had been paying attention to Vermouth's movements, should know about this.

But they don't know Vermouth's specific purpose. Although they suspect Vermouth is going to harm Yuya and Maori Kogoro, they can't act arbitrarily and alert the enemy, so they can only send people to monitor them secretly.

Yuya's side is undoubtedly Judy.

Judy is Yuya's English teacher. Even if she is discovered, she can use her acquaintance to fool her.

Akai Shuichi should be monitoring Maori Kogoro.

Yuya is very confident in his speculation, even if he is wrong, it doesn't matter.

If he doesn't find Akai Shuichi, then he can just not call, and let Gin blow up the computer and there will be no reason to stay, right?

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