Yuya glanced at the sign that read "Amuro Detective Agency", then looked at the wheat-colored man in front of him, and couldn't help asking: "Is this your business?"

Amuro Toru looked back and said with a smile: "Yes, in fact, I have always wanted to open a detective agency. After working hard for a long time, I finally achieved it."

Yuya was a little stunned and asked tentatively: "So you work so many jobs to raise funds for this agency? Is it because someone in your family is sick?"

Amuro Toru's expression flashed a little unnatural, but he still smiled very gentlemanly: "That's it."

Now it was Yuya's turn to be embarrassed. He always thought that Amuro Toru worked so many jobs because of family reasons, but he didn't expect that he was fighting for his ideals.

He glanced at Miyano Shiho and found that she didn't show any uneasy expression, which meant that Amuro Toru didn't have the aura of the organization.

Unexpectedly, Amuro Toru, who was originally thought to be a member of the organization, turned out to be a detective. Yuya immediately showed an interested look. I wonder how good he is at solving cases?

"So, you are also a detective?"

Amuro Toru smiled and said, "Yes, but I can't compare with Kamiya-kun. I'm not that famous, so I can only take on some small commissions."

"Don't say that," Youya waved his hand, "I'm just lucky and I solved a few more cases. When Mr. Amuro solves more cases, he will definitely be more famous than me."

Amuro Toru smiled awkwardly: "I can only take on some small commissions, and I can't compare with a famous detective like you."

He glanced at the hands of the two people holding together and asked casually: "Are you out for a walk, Kamiya-kun? If you don't mind, come in and sit for a while?"

"Now? Aren't you going to close the shop?" Youya glanced at the sign of closure in Amuro Toru's hand and was a little surprised. He found that Amuro Toru's eyes flashed with guilt.

He thought that they had only met a few times and said a few words by the way. It seemed that nothing happened. Why should he feel guilty?

What is he feeling guilty about?

Amuro Toru said with a smile: "It seems that no one will come to entrust the case today, so I plan to close the shop early and go back. I have another job to do in the evening."

Yuya was a little speechless: "You have opened a shop, and you still have to work part-time?"

Amuro revealed an embarrassed expression: "I can't help it. The agency has just opened and there are not many big commissions. The water, electricity, rent and other miscellaneous expenses are not small. I still have to live. The commission fee alone is not enough..."

Yuya sighed: "It's not easy for you..." He glanced at Miyano Shiho and saw that she didn't mean to object, so he said, "Don't bother me, right?"

Amuro Toru quickly made a gesture of invitation: "Of course not, please come in."

The three entered the agency.

Yuya looked around and found that the layout was very simple, not much different from the Mori Agency.

"That's great, I also want to have my own agency." Yuya couldn't help saying.

Amuro Toru made a surprised expression: "Oh? Kamiya-kun wants to continue to be a detective in the future? Have you ever thought about joining the Metropolitan Police Department? You are so outstanding, the police should have invited you, right?"

"What would you like to drink?" Amuro Toru asked as he walked to the tea room.

"Two cups of coffee, thank you."

"Who knows what will happen in the future, but if I really want to compare, I think being a detective is more free."

Amuro Toru brought three cups of coffee and asked: "Is latte okay?"

Yuya nodded casually. It's already been brewed, so you can't say it's not good, right?

Amuro Toru put the coffee in front of the two people, sat on the sofa next to Yuya, and said: "But if you are a policeman, it will be more convenient to solve the case, right? After all, detectives don't have law enforcement power."

"No," Yuya blinked, "What's inconvenient, just ask the police chief for help."

Amuro Toru fell silent immediately, thinking of the good relationship between the boy in front of him and the Metropolitan Police Department... It seems to be true.

Forget ordinary private detectives. For famous detectives like Yuya and Maori Kogoro, the police are usually happy to cooperate. Sometimes, famous detectives are invited to serve as consultants for some major cases.

After all, it is a world of science, and detectives, especially famous detectives, are still very respected.

Amuro Toru knew that this reason could not convince Yuya, so he had to change the subject and chat about family matters: "Speaking of which, if I am not mistaken, are you a couple? How did you meet? Classmates?"

He glanced at the hands of the two holding together, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

"Well... not entirely, she transferred here." Yuya touched his head embarrassedly and glanced at Miyano Shiho. She lowered her head and sipped her coffee with a cup. Her expression could not be seen. "Maybe it's fate? At first sight..."

"I see, that's good." Amuro said with a smile, and didn't ask any more questions.

Yuya blinked and asked curiously: "Mr. Amuro, don't you have a girlfriend?"

Amuro showed an embarrassed expression: "I'm busy working all day, how can I have time to find a girlfriend! But as for the person I like, I actually have one, and I've been working hard."

"Oh? What kind of person is he? "Yuya asked curiously.

"Sorry, it's a secret~" Amuro Toru smiled mysteriously.

Yuya pouted, and was still very mysterious. He was too lazy to ask more questions, probably because he didn't know him.

The two chatted about some topics casually, and it seemed that they were getting along quite well.

Miyano Shiho didn't speak the whole time, sitting quietly on the side drinking coffee, pinching the dishonest, constantly pinching his hand from time to time.

Yuya used his body to cover his movements, although it was secretive, but Amuro Toru still noticed it, and a hint of imperceptible deep thought flashed in his eyes.

After finishing the coffee and talking about almost the same topic, Yuya pulled Miyano Shiho up and said goodbye.

"Goodbye, Mr. Amuro, let's talk again when there is a chance. "

Toru Amuro watched the two of them leave the office, and looked at their hands that had never been separated from the beginning to the end, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

After locking the door of the office, Toru Amuro returned to his desk, squatted down and fumbled under the table for a while, opened a secret compartment, and took out a thick stack of information from it.

On the title page of the information, it was written "Detailed Investigation Report of Yuya Kamiya", and a special badge was printed in an inconspicuous position in the corner of the title page.

"Yuya Kamiya... What kind of person are you?" Toru Amuro looked solemn, opened the information and continued to read it.

When turning to a certain page, Toru Amuro's pupils shrank slightly.

On this page, it was written about the explosion case three years ago, in which Yuya Kamiya was also involved.

"Three years ago..." Toru Amuro closed his eyes, "Matsuda... Ogiwara..."


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