Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

The martial arts exam lasted until noon and ended briefly.

Because students come from all over the country relatively late.

The exam session in the morning only included political review and testing of strength attributes.

In the afternoon, mental, physical, and agility tests were conducted, and finally, a group photo was taken of the freshmen admitted to Wuhan University.

This day is the end.

At this time, the attribute values ​​of the top ten students were also listed on the electronic screen.

The number one ranking is well deserved...Liao Zhongyang.

Taking first place with a strength attribute value of "38" points.

And Shen Bei has just touched the threshold of the top ten.

Ranked tenth with an attribute value of 25 points.

Of course, this is just a ranking of strength attributes.

With PM other attribute values ​​are detected.

This list will undergo drastic changes.

After all, some students are not outstanding in terms of strength, such as Jian Tong, whose mental attributes are particularly scary, but it's just that she hasn't shown her skills yet.

Now, all the students began to disperse and look for restaurants or food stalls near the test center to eat.

The test center is near the scaffolding.

Boss Zhang looked confused as he watched Shen Bei grab his rice.

I looked at the rankings on the electronic screen again, and my whole body trembled.

He patted his bald head, squatted next to Shen Bei, and said in a solemn tone: "Brother, please stop doing it, I'm afraid~~"

Shen Bei spat out the chicken wing bones and made an inarticulate sound: "What are you doing?"

"As I said before, you have hope of becoming a warrior."

"Will this prevent me from working?"

"Well...that's not to say that, but this life is despicable and you shouldn't touch it."

Shen Bei took a sip of mineral water and answered the question: "This dish is a bit salty. Don't order this box lunch next time."

Boss Zhang:......

Right now.

A beautiful figure came to Shen Bei.

Shen Bei only felt a refreshing fragrance hitting his face.

Look up.

It's Gu Xinrou!

She stood in front of the beautiful scenery. She was noble, mature, cool and aloof, making people feel heartbroken and admired.

But at this time, Gu Xinrou's eyes held an indescribable meaning, and her delicate face embodied the beauty of a god.

"Shen Bei!"

Gu Xinrou's tone was stiff and seemed to be angry.

"Teacher is here." Shen Bei said with a smile, "Would you like to have dinner together?"

"Is it delicious?"

"It's just a little salty."

"Stop talking to me!" Gu Xinrou twisted Shen Bei's ears: "Get up!"


Shen Bei bared his teeth and said, "Who provoked you again?"

"What do you think?" Gu Xinrou pinched her waist and said fiercely: "You are really promising! You have worked all the way to the test center. Can you take the martial arts test seriously?"

"You are already very serious." Shen Bei turned to Boss Zhang and said, "Really? Is the knot of my screw not strong?"

Boss Zhang:......

When Gu Xinrou saw Shen Bei, he was still so out of tune.

After a long silence, her mature and soft female voice was a bit cold, and she asked: "Tell me, how much money can I make from this part-time job? I'll give it to you. Now go back and take the exam!"

Shen Bei groaned: "300 an hour. I have been working since eight o'clock last night. It will take about three hours in the afternoon, 17 hours, 5,100 yuan."

Gu Xinrou twitched the corner of her mouth and waved her hand: "I wish you a happy work."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Shen Bei chuckled and continued to squat on the ground to eat.

Boss Zhang opened his mouth in astonishment and hesitated: "It's not...you, brother...then...isn't that your class teacher? Why did you leave in anger?"

Shen Bei said with a straight face: "Boss Zhang, this is your fault. What made me angry? It was because she overestimated her small wallet."

"You...you...just be happy."

Boss Zhang was completely speechless.

I can’t understand this world at all.

By the afternoon.

The martial arts test continues.

Shen Bei is still the same.

When it was his turn, he took the electric drill and went to take the exam. After the exam, he went back to work.

Shen Bei had to be so busy, fearing that the daily settlement panel would not be activated due to his absence.

The loss would be huge!

Anyway, according to Shen Bei's prediction, it would be easy for him to get into Wuhan University.

What's more, my attribute values ​​have increased a bit after the daily settlement of rewards this morning.

Absolutely far ahead!

After the agile testing is over.

Shen Bei's agility attribute once again attracted the attention of the audience.


Up to 20 points!

Another data that breaks through 20!

Add the previous 25 points of strength attribute.

45 attribute points!

Shen Bei ranked on the list and jumped directly to the first place!

"I originally thought this guy had outstanding strength, but I didn't expect his agility to be over 20!"

"Freak! What a freak!"

"Is it possible that the next two attribute tests will both break 20 points?"

"I bet that Shen Bei's physique and spirit must be around 10 o'clock! Otherwise, I will stand on my head and eat shit."

"Add me and I will have a five-speed electric fan."

Both the onlookers and the examiners.

Most of them think that Shen Bei's other attribute values ​​are hovering around 10 points.

This is in line with certain rules. ,

If they all break 20, the overall attributes will break 85 or more.

This is a rare occurrence in Lingnan City.

The probability of it happening is so slim that it's almost impossible.

It has an attribute of 80 points. According to the Education Bureau's information, there are a few talented students who can give it a try.

For example, Liao Zhongyang, Qi Chuanyu, Niu Dunben, Du Ziteng and others.

85 points... I can’t even think about it!

If such a monster appeared, would Changtu County High School know about it?

The news had to be leaked anyway, right?

The examiner flipped through the information and analyzed it again with other examiners:

"It seems that the public's vision is right."

"The last time Shen Bei was tested at school, the four-dimensional attributes were all around ten o'clock. This time it is considered an explosion."

"This is also rare. Generally, the explosion of mining attributes is concentrated on one attribute value. Shen Bei's two attribute values ​​go hand in hand, which is considered a blessing from God."

"With 65 attributes, I should be able to pass the exam this year."

"It's hard to say. This student, Qi Chuanyu, is already on drugs, which will raise the admission threshold."

"Is it necessary?"

"Fighting for the top spot."

on site.

Seeing that Shen Bei's agility attribute had exceeded 20, Qi Chuanyu felt like shit in his heart.

Liao Zhongyang seems to be riding a horse with a crow's mouth!

Liao Zhongyang also touched his chin and analyzed the situation.

Silently took out a pill and knocked it down.

Qi Chuanyu glanced with disdain: "You've become weak and started taking drugs?"

"I ate candy balls." Liao Zhongyang said without blushing.

The exam continues.

The third mental test.

Jian Tong walked briskly, her black and smooth hair now a little messy scattered on both sides of her head, and her willow-smeared eyebrows that looked like spring mountains in the distance were very delicate.

She waved her hand in the direction of the scaffolding from a distance.

Shen Bei also stopped what he was doing and waved his hand.

Jian Tong's posture was reflected in Shen Bei's eyes.

Her gently flaring little nose and beautiful pink cheeks are full of attractive beauty.

The most important thing is her charming temperament.

Like an iceberg that is melting, and like a very expensive peony, the noble and elegant temperament that naturally shines out in her every move is really the finishing touch on her body.

"Stop pulling your crotch!"

Shen Bei smiled playfully.

Jian Tong flipped up her flying hair, Yangliu's slender waist raised her head proudly and snorted softly.

Come to the test.

After one operation.

The electronic screen began to scroll the test results.

The ones digit is: 0!

The tenth digit is: 4!

40 points!

Add the attribute value in front of the two items.

Jian Tong jumped to the first place on the list with a comprehensive score of 68 points!

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