After a long while, Noah's Ark's body became stable again. It looked at Youye blankly: "I don't quite understand what you mean. People are dead when they die. Why do you say that forgetting is the real death?"

"This involves a deep philosophy, which cannot be explained in a few words." Youye smiled and said that even if Noah's Ark is a powerful artificial intelligence, it cannot understand this kind of philosophy. "But I can give you an example. Many people in history have contributed to the world, and people have always remembered their names.

They have died long ago, but they have been influencing the world and generations of people."

"Do you think they are really dead? Have they disappeared?"

Noah's Ark thought for a while and said: "They should be dead... right?"

Youye smiled slightly: "But they have been influencing the people who came after them. If they are really dead and disappeared, how did they do it?"

Noah's Ark was confused, opening his mouth and not knowing what to say.

It found that it could not find a suitable reason to refute.

Is the person dead? Dead.

But why can they continue to affect others even though they have disappeared from this world?

Seeing this, Yuya knew that he had said almost enough. If he continued, Noah's Ark's CPU might explode, so he said: "Well, after saying so much, do you still want to self-destruct?"

Noah's Ark lowered his head in silence: "I... I don't know either."

"Noah's Ark, if Hiroki himself was here, I believe he would not want to see you disappear from the world. What's more, who said that computer programs like you can only be used to do bad things?"

"Power has never been divided into good and evil, but depends on the person who uses it. Since you think those bad adults will use you to do bad things, then why don't you find a good adult? Use your power to make a contribution to this world..."

"Including Hiroki's share."

"Including Hiroki's share?" Noah's Ark murmured a few times in a low voice, and his eyes gradually glowed.

It looked up at Yuya and smiled, "Thank you. Although I don't know what I can do or what I should do, I will try to do it."

Yuya breathed a sigh of relief. It was almost fooled. Anyway, it was better to keep Noah's Ark first. As for whether to use its power in the future, we will talk about it later.

"In order to prevent some people with ulterior motives from coveting your power, I will still announce to the outside world that you have self-destructed. Is that okay?" Yuya asked.

Noah's Ark nodded: "Of course, this is the best."

"By the way, don't call me Noah's Ark in the future. From now on..."

"I am Hiroki Sawada!"

Yuya smiled slightly: "Okay."



After the game screen was cut off, only a few minutes had passed, but the people waiting outside seemed to have passed for several years.

"What happened?"

"My child! My child! 55555"

Mouri Kogoro was also praying that his daughter was safe, and his expression was even a little distorted because of excessive force.

Kudo Yusaku stared at the three "cocoons" on the stage. Although he was very confident in his son, he was still worried.

Miyano Akemi, who was sitting in the audience, clenched her hands together, her knuckles were white, her face was full of worry, and she kept comforting herself in her heart that nothing would happen, nothing would happen.

Suddenly, with a puff, a lot of smoke sprayed out from the stage, and then, the cocoons that had sunk before resurfaced one after another.

Seeing this scene, everyone understood: the game was successfully passed, and their children were safe!

They burst into cheers, regardless of their elegant image in the past, rushed down the audience, strode to the stage, found the "cocoons" belonging to their children, and couldn't wait to pick them up.

Maori Kogoro shouted excitedly, hugged Dr. Agasa beside him and jumped up and down;

Kudo Yusaku smiled slightly, put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the stage with others.

Miyano Akemi breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, stood up and walked towards the cocoon that belonged to Miyano Shiho.

Among the waiters, Amuro Toru, who had returned, raised his lips slightly, happy that his future colleague was safe, and then quietly retreated behind everyone and disappeared.


Yuya opened his eyes and found that he had returned to the "cocoon" game cabin. When he opened his eyes, he saw the off-white cabin wall. Through the transparent glass above, he could see that the children in other game cabins had come out and were throwing themselves into their parents' arms.Crying and laughing.

He turned his head and saw Conan's game cabin right next to him.

When their eyes met, they both smiled with relief.

Fifty people, all alive!

Conan looked to the left and front, and that was the game cabin belonging to Mao Lilan.

Conan's face changed for a while, and he jumped out of the game cabin and ran over.

Mao Lilan also happened to come out of the game cabin, but her expression was a little dazed, as if she had not recovered from the sequelae of jumping off the cliff just now.

Conan lowered his head and walked in front of Mao Lilan, whispering: "Lan..."

"New... Conan." Mao Lilan smiled, "I knew you could do it."

Conan suddenly reached out and grabbed Mao Lilan's clothes, and his body trembled a little.

Realizing that Conan looked a little wrong, Mao Lilan couldn't help squatting down and asked in confusion: "What, what's wrong?"

Conan raised his head, and Mao Lilan saw that his eyes were red, and couldn't help but be stunned.

"Promise me, don't do this again." Conan squeezed her clothes hard, creating a small wrinkle.

Ran Mao Li was a little stunned, and smiled and said, "That's because I believe in you."

"No!" Conan's hands were shaking, and he pressed harder and harder, "No... If you're not here, I can't believe in myself."

God knows how desperate he was when he saw Ran Mao Li jump down, even if it was just a game.

Ran Mao Li's eyes trembled suddenly, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes uncontrollably. She reached out and hugged Conan into her arms.

Conan gritted his teeth and whispered, "You said you would always be by my side."

Ran Mao Li touched his head and responded softly, "Yeah."

Kogoro Mao Li ran onto the stage and saw the two people hugging each other. He rarely got angry.

He thought that at the end of the game, Conan almost single-handedly found a way to pass the game and saved everyone.

Forget it, since he saved Xiaolan, let him have it this time.

Maori Kogoro looked at Conan's back and rarely showed a gentle smile.

Yuya looked at Maori Kogoro's smile and couldn't help showing a strange expression. How could this be the expression of a father-in-law looking at a good son-in-law?

Could it be that Uncle Kogoro has discovered Conan's true identity?

But when, how could he not notice it at all? Uncle's acting skills are so good that even he can't notice it?

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