"Who are you texting?"

Yuya looked up and saw Shiho Miyano standing at the bathroom door holding a hair dryer. Her face was flushed after getting out of the bath. She was wearing a silk nightgown that she had bought specially, which just covered her knees and revealed a section of her white and tender calves.

"Company matters." Yuya replied casually, put down her phone and waved.

Shiho Miyano walked over slowly, handed the hair dryer to Yuya, then turned around and pulled a stool over and sat in front of him.

Yuya plugged in the hair dryer and carefully helped her blow dry her hair strand by strand.

Shiho Miyano squinted her eyes and looked very happy.

The hair was blown quickly, Yuya put down the hair dryer, raised his hand and patted Shiho Miyano's butt lightly, and whispered in her ear: "I'm going to take a shower, you wait for me on the bed."

Shiho Miyano turned her head and glared at him, snorted, and dragged her slippers up to the second floor.

Looking at Shiho Miyano's back, Yuya let out a long breath.

People who haven't experienced it may not know that the girl just finished taking a bath, came out of the bathroom fragrantly, and there were wisps of hot steam on her body.

After sitting down, the nightgown could only cover half of her thighs, and a large area of ​​white skin was exposed outside, sitting in front of him without defense.

How attractive is this look to a young man full of blood!

Which cadre can withstand such a test!

Anyway, You couldn't resist it.

He rushed into the bathroom quickly, flushed, applied shower gel, rubbed out foam, flushed, and wiped dry, all in one go!

While taking a bath, You couldn't help but have a question in his mind.

Why does the fragrance of girls last for a long time after taking a bath, and you can even smell it the next day.

But boys don't do this? Unless you use the kind that smells very good, you may not be able to smell the fragrance right after taking a bath.

Obviously using the same bathroom, the same shower gel, the same shampoo...

It's very strange.

After a quick shower, Yuya quickly came to the bedroom, got into bed, and then reached out and hugged Miyano Shiho into his arms.

Yuya rested his chin on Miyano Shiho's shoulder, smelling the fragrance of her hair, and felt that the whole person relaxed.

Miyano Shiho twisted her body and complained softly: "Can you stop pushing against me? It's uncomfortable..."

"Oh? Where is it uncomfortable?" Yuya asked with a smirk, and his hands began to get dishonest.

Miyano Shiho groaned, endured for a while, and suddenly turned around, hooked Yuya's neck and kissed him hard.

After a while, the two separated with a slight breath.

Miyano Shiho's face could not be seen in the darkness, but the temperature from her body could feel that she was not calm at this time.

She complained softly: "You have led me astray."

Yuya retorted aggrievedly: "No, you took the initiative just now."

"You still say!"

Miyano Shiho was furious and bit Yuya's shoulder.

"Hiss!" Youya gasped in pain, and his hands subconsciously grabbed hard.

"You hurt me!" Miyano Shiho frowned.

"Sorry, sorry, who told you to bite so hard... I feel like I'm bleeding."

"You deserve it!"

The two quarreled for a while, and they were tired after running for half a day, so they quickly fell asleep in each other's arms.


The next day, Youya opened his eyes and found that Miyano Shiho was gone.

He got up from the bed, closed his eyes, and staggered into the bathroom like a zombie. Just as he was about to turn on the faucet, he heard a scream in his ear.

"Get out!"

Youya was startled, opened his eyes, and saw Miyano Shiho sitting on the toilet, looking at him with a red face, pulling down her nightgown with both hands, but the skirt was too short to cover the whiteness.

Seeing that Yuya was not staying where he was, Shiho Miyano raised his voice: "Get out!"

After being shouted at, Yuya finally woke up and apologized and left.

Huh? Why should I come out? Standing outside the door, Yuya came to his senses. They were already an old couple sleeping together...

Thinking of this, Yuya turned around and put his hand on the handle.

Shiho Miyano seemed to have noticed his purpose in advance and said coldly: "If you dare to come in, I will cut you off! Then slice you for research!"

Yuya suddenly felt a chill down there, and his legs subconsciously clamped together, and smiled awkwardly: "No, no, I just want to see if the door is closed."

After being warned like this, Yuya naturally didn't dare to go in again, otherwise he would look like a pervert.

But I have to say, Shiho is really white...

After waiting outside the door for a while, Shiho Miyano came out with a cold face, glanced at Yuya, snorted coldly, pushed him away and went back to the bedroom.

Youya scratched his head and went back to the bathroom to wash up..

After cleaning, Yuya went downstairs. Miyano Shiho had already changed into her uniform and was eating breakfast at the dining table.

Yuya looked around and found that there was only one breakfast on the table. He couldn't help but pointed at himself and asked, "Where's my breakfast?"

Miyano Shiho glared at him and said, "No!"

Yuya couldn't help but "uh", thinking that he was still angry about what happened just now. Anyway, he had touched every part, so what's the harm in taking a look...

But he didn't dare to say it out loud, otherwise Miyano Shiho would be so angry that she would raise the plate and fight him.

There was no other way, Yuya had to get a breakfast for himself.

"Stop!" Miyano Shiho suddenly spoke.

"Ah?" Yuya looked back in surprise.

Miyano Shiho glanced at him and said coldly: "Today I will punish you by not allowing you to eat breakfast!"

Youya was stunned: "This is not good, right? I'm still growing..."

"It's nothing wrong," Miyano Shiho showed a dangerous smile, exuding a chilling aura, "Boys, it's okay to go hungry for a meal."


"No buts!" Miyano Shiho glared, Youya shrank his neck and dared not speak, so he had to move to the sofa and sit down, then propped up his chin and looked at Miyano Shiho pitifully.

Miyano Shiho turned a blind eye to this and continued to eat.

Seeing that Miyano Shiho ignored him and deliberately smacked his lips to make a delicious sound, Youya touched his rumbling stomach, looked at the kitchen again, and sighed helplessly.

In order to prevent such things from happening again, why don't he go to the bathroom on the first floor in the morning?

No, Yuya narrowed his eyes. Shiho must have been frightened because she was not prepared, and she was embarrassed because I saw her big white butt.

Even if they were boyfriend and girlfriend, especially for girls, such a scene was still a bit embarrassing, so she pretended to be angry to cover up her shyness.

Well, Yuya felt that his analysis made sense. He should apologize first, after all, it was his fault.

So he tentatively said: "Um, Shiho..."

"Shut up!"


The apology plan was aborted.

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