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Although Shen Bei is the top pick in this session.

But Liao Zhongyang was obviously unconvinced, and he also looked down on Shen Bei in his words.

It's not that Liao Zhongyang is unconvinced by Shen Bei's super high comprehensive attributes.

It's that Shen Bei's attribute points are too evenly distributed.

There are no outstanding highlights.

But in terms of strength competition, Liao Zhongyang definitely does not lose to Shen Bei.

In addition, he already has basic boxing skills in hand.

He was also confident in a duel with Shen Bei.

But how could Shen Bei have the same knowledge as Liao Zhongyang?

While chatting, the "ATM" machine in Liao Zhongyang was successfully activated.

Liao Zhongyang immediately exploded and took Shen Bei to the room upstairs.

Liao Zhongyang pulled out a "Basic Boxing" book from his backpack.

"Now, open your eyes and see if this is a basic boxing technique?"

Liao Zhongyang held the book proudly and waved it in front of Shen Bei's eyes.

Shen Bei said with a look of disdain: "Who knows if there is a comic book in it?"

"Comic book?" Liao Zhongyang opened the page and pointed at the content on it: "Is this called a comic book?"

"Let me see."

Shen Bei quickly grabbed it and flipped through the pages.

And his brain is like a copy machine, or the copy button on a mouse, imprinting the above content one by one in his memory.

This is Shen Bei's latest "special" attribute.

Within ten days before the martial arts examination.

Shen Bei received a very strange job in the labor market.

There is a tutoring agency that specializes in tutoring third grade primary school students.

Because the business is so booming, the tutoring institutions don’t have enough teachers.

After the boss saw that Shen Bei was still a high school student, he felt that Shen Bei's cultural level was enough to cope with primary school students.

So I hired him to teach primary school students every day.

Primary school students at this stage are learning about the same things as Blue Star.

Things like warriors are rarely mentioned in books, or if they are mentioned, they are in Chinese texts.

The main focus is still on cultural classes.

For Shen Bei, a course for the third grade of elementary school? Isn’t this easy to grasp?

If you have the guts, give me a fourth grade education!

So, Shen Bei, the people's educator, pretended to be online!

The result...

Shen Bei cursed the editor who compiled the textbook every day.

He's an uncle.

The questions here are no longer questions, but brain teasers.

Why put water here, water in there, and ask when the water will be full.

Isn't this a waste of water? Isn't this something that third grade students should learn?

Why else would a chicken and a rabbit live in the same cage? Shen Bei said, wouldn't it be too crowded?

There are countless questions like this.

It almost burned Shen Bei's CPU.

It’s so damn hard!

One hour of tutoring every day was like seconds, especially when the primary school students looked at Shen Bei with doubtful and cool eyes, waiting for answers.

Shen Bei doesn't even want to show his cards, I'm a bad student, I won't play anymore!

But after getting through this period, the daily activation settlement rewards are still very delicious.

Mainly to increase the two unpopular attributes of "memory" and "self-correction".

After a few days, my memory reached 100 points.

Shen Bei has acquired the ability of photographic memory!

After browsing for a short time, Shen Bei threw "Basic Boxing" directly back.


Shen Bei can recite every word in this book, even the punctuation marks!

Sometimes, Shen Bei thinks it's a joke that some geniuses can memorize pi backwards.

Now it seems……

Still a joke.


Shen Bei said lightly and turned around to leave.

"Ahem?" Liao Zhongyang asked with a look of astonishment: "You just left like that? You were all making gestures with me."

"I'm afraid I'll knock you to the ground with one punch and you blackmail me for money..." Shen Bei said seriously: "After all, I made more than 5,000 yuan today, and I won't be fooled."

Liao Zhongyang:...

He always felt that Shen Bei was here to secretly learn his basic boxing skills.

But after thinking about it, it was impossible.

In just five or six minutes, who could remember such a large number of text and pattern records?

Liao Zhongyang chirped, secretly saying it was a pity.

We can't defeat Shen Bei, the top pick, now. When we get to Wuhan University in the future, there won't be many such good opportunities.

After all, defeating the top pick would be enough to brag for a year.

But why didn't Shen Bei give him a chance?

At this time, Shen Bei returned to his room.

Do not hit

Hang up the nuisance sign, close the door and lock it, and then put up the safety lock.

"Basic boxing skills..."

Shen Bei recalled the introduction in the book.

This is a basic book for warriors who want to take the melee combat route after breaking through.

Just like if you want to build a tall building, you need to dig the foundation.

This basic boxing technique may seem simple, but it is the foundation!

Without any hesitation, Shen Bei immediately recalled the contents of the book in his mind and took a stance.

But I saw that his movements were slow and slow, as if he was doing Tai Chi, which is popular in society.

His eyes were always focused on his moving fingers.

Shen Bei always stretched out his hand slowly first, then grabbed it with five fingers like a crosshair, and then quickly took it back.

This action of slowly reaching out and catching it quickly reminded Shen Bei of the tips for fishing when he was a child: first slowly put his hand into the water so that the fish would not notice it, and then when the distance was close, he would suddenly grab it. The fish was caught.

Moreover, Shen Bei also discovered that during this basic boxing technique, the body was constantly walking in circles, and the steps under his feet were always flat against the ground as he walked out cautiously, as if he was wading in muddy water.

Shen Bei felt that if he looked at it from God's perspective, his posture was not graceful, but between the movements he made and retracted, his whole body was moving, and his strength was exerted everywhere, and there was a kind of excitement. a feeling of.

I don’t know how long it took.

Shen Bei stopped moving, raised his hands to the center of his eyebrows, then slowly pressed them down to his abdomen, lightly stepped on the ground with his left foot, and exhaled a long breath.

A long line of white air shot straight out of Shen Bei's mouth, like a sudden arrow of air.

"Can the breath come out like this?" Shen Bei saw his breath spurting out.

Also very surprised.

"No wonder Liao Zhongyang said that he is no match for him. This basic boxing technique can really help a martial artist advance to a higher level!"

Then, Shen Bei became obsessed.

Continue punching until you finish a set of movements, still lifting your hands, pressing your abdomen, stepping on your feet, and exhaling.

Repeated practice.

After each set of movements, Shen Bei constantly corrected his wrong movements.

It's like a machine that automatically fixes bugs.

This feature is another unpopular attribute "self-correction" that Shen Bei obtained from tutoring primary school students.

This attribute probably belongs to the feeling that will arise in Shen Bei's heart once something goes wrong.

If the angle of the punch is wrong, Shen Bei will feel flustered and realize his mistake.

Then look for the feeling and correct yourself.

I have to say that this attribute is very useful, but it also comes with scoring problems.

Especially at Wuhan University, if you make a mistake under the guidance of a teacher, the teacher will correct it directly.

But when you are alone, "self-correction" will not happen behind closed doors.

But how to correct it still needs to be explored and improved by yourself. The attribute of self-correction will not provide the answer.

There may also be situations where the window paper cannot be broken.

In any case, for Shen Bei at present, the "self-correction" attribute can play a very good supporting role.

About two hours later.

Shen Bei stretched out his hand and clenched his fist.

Facing the wall, An Jin issued out!

Shen Bei's clothes seemed to stick to the air, bringing out the crisp sound of firecrackers suddenly exploding!


After Shen Bei grimaced and closed his fist, a shallow fist mark appeared in front of him!


Shen Bei's eyes widened in disbelief.

Right now.

Jian Tong's voice sounded outside the door: "Shen Bei, open the door quickly!"

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