Inside the apartment.

The Maori father and daughter, Conan, and Mizunashi Reina sat on the sofa, looking at Yuta Akikawa who was kneeling in the middle and crying loudly, and they had a headache.

Maori Kogoro opened his mouth and found that he was not very good at comforting men, so he looked at his daughter for help - this man's crying is too annoying, Xiaolan, you think of a way!

"That... Mr. Akikawa..." Maori Ran called out tentatively.

Yuta Akikawa hiccuped while crying, wiped his tears and looked up: "What, hiccup, thing?"

Maori Ran smiled awkwardly: "Why do you want to, uh, follow Miss Reina, can you tell us?"

Although this man was wearing a black suit, he was not a bad guy at first glance - how can bad people cry, they are all making others cry, right?

While crying, Yuta Akikawa told the love story between himself and his deceased wife.

"We grew up together. I finally found a good job and settled down. We just set the date for the wedding, but... she suddenly died in a car accident! Woo woo woo woo..."

Ran Mao Li was silent for a while: "So, you haven't held the wedding yet?"

Yuta Akikawa raised his head suddenly and said loudly: "We have registered. She is my wife! I only love her in my life!"

"Ah woo woo woo!"

After that, he started crying again.

Several people were in a hurry, and it took a long time to comfort him before he stopped.

"So, Miss Mizuno looks very similar to your... deceased wife, so..."

Yuta Akikawa nodded vigorously, then looked up at Rena Mizuno, and his mouth flattened - the expressions of the four people changed slightly. Would he cry again? How come Yuta Akikawa is more watery than women?

Fortunately, he might be tired of crying, and he stopped after just two howls.

"She doesn't look like my wife, but she looks exactly like me, especially her gentle personality." Yuta Akikawa said, taking out a photo from his wallet and handing it to Kogoro Maori.

Kogoro Maori took the photo and looked at Rena Mizuno, and immediately showed a surprised expression: "They really look alike!"

He handed the photo to Rena Mizuno, and she was also surprised after taking a look: "If I didn't know that I was the only daughter in the family, I would have suspected that there was a lost twin sister."

Ran Maori and Conan also came over curiously. The person in the photo looked almost exactly like Rena Mizuno, and they were about the same age.

She was smiling at the camera, and she looked very gentle as Yuta Akikawa said.

"Do you believe it now?" Yuta Akikawa's emotions had calmed down, and he put his hands on his knees and looked at the few people timidly.

The four looked at each other.

Rena Mizuno returned the photo to Yuta Akikawa, and he took it and put it in his wallet carefully.

This scene made them believe even more that things might really be as Akikawa Yuta said.

Maori Kogoro pondered for a while and said: "Even if there is a reason, but you..."

"I'm very sorry!" Before Maori Kogoro finished speaking, Akikawa Yuta bowed down, "I know it will cause trouble to Miss Mizuno, so I only dared to watch from a distance to relieve the pain of lovesickness, and didn't dare to disturb you."

"And... I haven't rested well recently because of this matter, and I have been punished by the company several times at work. I may be fired soon..."

Maori Kogoro was speechless for a while. This man seemed a little too pitiful. His wife who hadn't married yet died in a car accident, and the job he finally found might also be lost...

He looked at Mizuno Rena in embarrassment. This matter still depends on her opinion.

Mizuno Rena sighed: "Mr. Akikawa..."

"Here!" Akikawa Yuki responded loudly, and then sat upright.

Mizuno Rena choked and continued: "Although I understand your feelings, you have really affected me, so... do you understand what I mean?"

Akikawa Yushu immediately showed a heartbroken expression.

Mizuno Rena suddenly felt that she had become a big villain, but she couldn't let this man follow her.

She had to try to comfort him: "I think your wife probably doesn't want to see you like this. You are still young and have a long life ahead..."

After all, the host is very eloquent. After a round of comfort, Akikawa Yushu is no longer sad, but full of hope for the future.

After sending Akikawa Yushu, who was full of gratitude, out of the door, Mizuno Rena breathed a sigh of relief. The matter was finally resolved, and now she could continue to perform her mission with peace of mind.

Akikawa Yushu left the apartment and returned to the alley, and soon a white car drove out.He turned his head and looked at Rena Mizuno's room, sighed regretfully, and whispered: "I didn't expect her to ask a detective to come... Assistant Umino messed up the task, I hope I won't be punished."

The car window slowly rolled up, and the white car left quickly.

In the room, Rena Mizuno bowed to Kogoro Maori: "Mr. Maori, I'm really sorry to bother you! I will remit the commission fee to you later!"

"No, no, this little thing is not a commission, hahaha!" Kogoro Maori touched his head and laughed.

Rena Mizuno was a little embarrassed: "But, at least a little thought..."

"Is that so..." Kogoro Maori rubbed his hands like flies, and said with a smile, "Then, I'll send the account to your mobile phone later."

Rena Mizuno is not a young girl who has just entered the society. Naturally, she can see that Kogoro Maori said this to get her email address.

She had to show an awkward but polite smile.


The next day, Conan sneaked out while others were not paying attention and planned to retrieve the bug and tracker, but he couldn't find the chewing gum in the alley.

He patted his head in distress: "Was it cleaned up by the cleaner?"

He pressed the tracker attached to the glasses and found that the signal was nearby.

Conan followed the signal and found that the chewing gum somehow got to the bottom of the stairs of the apartment and was stepped on and flattened.

He couldn't help but wonder, could it be that it was stepped on by Maori Kogoro or Akikawa Yuki yesterday and brought here?

Conan bent down to pick up the chewing gum and found that the tracker was intact, but the bug was a little broken and it was a little shaky when installed on the glasses.

"Forget it, just find it back and let the doctor fix it later." Conan sighed, and he couldn't avoid being nagged by the doctor.

Back in the room, Maori Ran and Mizunashi Rena had already prepared breakfast.

After breakfast, Rena Mizunashi suggested driving them back home.

Kogoro Maori readily accepted.

The Maori office was not far from here, and the car arrived soon.

"Thank you for troubling you, Miss Mizunashi." Maori Kogoro thanked her with a smile while unbuckling his seat belt.

Rena Mizunashi smiled and said, "It's okay. I also want to thank Mr. Maori for helping me solve the stalker problem."

"Well, goodbye then."

The few people said goodbye to each other.

Just as they were about to go upstairs, Ran Maori suddenly pointed at Conan's glasses and said, "Conan, what happened to your glasses?"

Conan touched it in confusion and was surprised to find that the glasses leg with the eavesdropping function had disappeared at some point.

He turned his head in confusion, but Rena Mizunashi's car had already disappeared.

"Oh no, it seems to have fallen on the car?"

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