Haihu Park.

The assassination team of Yasuki Domon is in place.

Chianti and Cohen are located on the roofs of two buildings not far from the park. They can snipe from different angles and make up for each other's blind spots.

There is a bench in Chianti's scope. That is the location they have decided. Mizunashi Rena leads Yasuki Domon to this location, and then Chianti and Cohen seize the opportunity to snipe.

Gin, Vodka and Vermouth are sitting in the Porsche, commanding remotely through the camera worn on Kiel's chest.

Chianti holds a photo of Yasuki Domon in his mouth and complains impatiently: "Is Kiel not here yet?"

Gin said coldly: "Kiel has already gone there with DJ. Don't just shoot irrelevant lambs to kill time! Cohen too."

"I know!" Chianti replied impatiently.

Cohen didn't speak, but Gin knew very well that he heard his order.

While the assassination team was waiting patiently, a bright red sports car stopped outside the parking lot for a while. Yuya looked out and then retracted his body: "I didn't see Gin's car, let's go in."

The sports car drove into the parking lot.

Yuya began to assign instructions: "Conan, go to Rena Mizunashi's car to retrieve the eavesdropping device and tracker. Teacher Judy and I will go to the park to find Domon Yasuki. Mio, stay in the car and don't run around."

"Yuya, be careful!" Miyano Shiho gripped the steering wheel tightly, and her fingers turned white because of too much force.

Yuya smiled slightly, leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Don't worry, I will be fine. When this matter is over, we..."

Miyano Shiho blushed slightly, and then thought of something and her face changed slightly. What's wrong with this look full of flags! I'm scared of you like this!

Yuya smiled, kissed her gently on the face, and then got out of the car with Judy and Conan, and ran in different directions.

Conan used the eyeglass tracker to quickly find Rena Mizunashi's car.

He looked around to make sure no one was around, then took out the lock pick that Yuya had given him in advance, fiddled with the door lock for a while, and with a click, the lock was opened.

He climbed into the back seat, found the bug in the gap between the seats and recovered it, put in another more concealed micro bug, then cleaned up any traces he might have left, closed the door and left quickly.

At the same time, Yuya and Judy also found Yasuki Domon.

Standing next to him were Rena Mizunashi and the TV station staff.

There were also many people around, and Yasuki Domon was talking and shaking hands with them with a gentle smile on his face.

The two did not approach, but just watched from a distance.

Yuya couldn't help but sigh: "Yasuki Domon is as approachable as the rumors say." If someone else stood in this position, they might not even bother to communicate with ordinary people like this.

It doesn't matter whether he is acting or not. If a person can keep acting like this, even if it is fake, it will be the same as the real thing.

Judy didn't have the time to pay attention to these things, and asked anxiously: "Where will the sniper be?"

Youye analyzed: "Since the other party is afraid of rain, it means that the sniper is in an open-air place..." He looked around and soon found a vague figure on the roof of a building not far away.

"It should be on the roof of that building."

Based on her experience, Judy looked for another suitable sniping location and soon determined that there might be a sniper under the water tower on the roof of the building opposite this building.

On the other side, Cohen had already locked onto Domon Yasuki and asked Gin in a stiff voice: "Now that we have him, are you going to shoot?"

Gin immediately stopped him: "Wait, Cohen, there are too many sheep in the way. Wait until DJ sits on the bench before shooting."

Judy said to Yuya: "I'll go protect Mr. Domon, you take the others to a safe place..."

"No," Judy's method was a police-specific way of thinking, but it was obviously not applicable in the current situation. "If we rush in rashly, it is likely to anger the organization. If they shoot randomly to kill Domon Yasuki, it will be troublesome. We have to find another way."

Judy asked hurriedly: "How to do it?"

Of course there is a way. Yuya looked at the crowd. Because the rain had just stopped not long ago, these people were still holding umbrellas.

He glanced and found the sprinkler in the middle of the lawn.

Yuya whispered to Judy: "Teacher Judy, do you have a gun and a silencer?"

Judy nodded: "Yes, but what do you want to do?"

Yuya raised his finger and pointed: "You will shoot that thing according to my instructions, but don't let anyone notice it."Judy looked in the direction and immediately understood. She nodded seriously: "I understand, leave it to me."

Yuya nodded slightly. Judy's shooting skills were still fine.

On the other side.

"Kil, let DJ sit down quickly!" Gin gave the order again.

He had just ordered once, but Rena Mizunashi did not guide Yasuki Domon to sit on the bench as required. She habitually doubted in her heart: Is Kiel going to betray?

Rena Mizunashi closed her eyes, and she was extremely reluctant, but for her undercover plan, she could only act according to Gin's order.

She sighed slightly and walked in front of Yasuki Domon: "Mr. Domon, it's almost time for the interview."

Yasuki Domon smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, the crowd is too enthusiastic, I'll come right away."

The TV station staff came out: "Everyone, can you step back a little? The interview will be conducted next."

The crowd stepped back obediently, leaving a large space.

Domon Yasuki walked towards the bench.

At the same time, the crosshairs of the two sniper rifles followed him closely.

Chianti raised a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth: "Cohen, I'll take care of the head, and you take care of the back, okay?"

Cohen said coldly: "I prefer the head."

Chianti tutted, but considering that the opponent's sniping skills were higher than his own, he had to compromise: "Forget it, whatever you like." As he said, he moved the crosshairs slightly down.

Seeing Domon Yasuki walking towards the bench, Judy and Youya realized that the organization's sniper was about to take action.

"Teacher Judy, hurry up!" Youya whispered.

Judy quickly ran to a dense tree, took out the pistol and silencer, assembled them, and then aimed at the sprinkler...



The bullet hit the sprinkler and made a light sound.

Mizuno Rena was startled and looked back subconsciously, only to see a figure running by.

She glanced and saw the broken sprinkler spraying water out crazily.

"Sprinkler? What is this?!" Mizuno Rena realized something.

Judy moved quickly and broke all the sprinklers surrounding Domon Yasuki in less than half a minute.

The water in the sprinkler was pressurized. At this moment, without the pressure of the water pipe, it rushed straight into the sky and fell down one after another, forming a sudden light rain.

"It's raining again?"

The water fell on the crowd and quickly wet their clothes.

Everyone complained and opened the umbrellas that were not yet dry and held them above their heads.

The bodyguard opened the umbrella, and Domon Yasuki quickly hid under the umbrella when he saw this.

Chianti's finger was already on the trigger, but the target was blocked and she couldn't see it at all.

"Damn it! Cohen, can you see the target?" She yelled into the headset.

Cohen's crosshairs moved slightly, and he said expressionlessly: "Target, dark blue umbrella, can you shoot?"

Gin looked at the screen with cold eyes and said coldly: "Wait, the hit rate will decrease through the umbrella..."

Vodka looked at the rain on the screen in confusion, then looked out the window, and muttered in confusion: "Strange, it's not raining here?" They were not too far away from the target, so it didn't make sense that it was raining there but not here?

He stretched out his hand and looked out the window.

As if he was called by something, a drop of rain fell on his palm, and then it started to rain heavily.

Gin looked out the window, holding the walkie-talkie and said coldly: "Kil, Chianti, Cohen, retreat temporarily."

"See you at the old place in an hour."

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