"Puff!" A chuckle came from the side.

Yuya looked sideways and saw Conan covering his mouth with his shoulders shrugged. It was obvious that the laugh came from him.

Yuya raised his eyebrows, walked over and held his head, and said coldly: "Little Conan seems to have an opinion on what the police officer Yamamura said?"

Everyone's eyes fell on him.

Conan was shocked. You want to harm me?

"No," Conan raised his head, said innocently and sweetly, "I just think what the police officer Yamamura said makes sense."

Yamamura's eyes lit up: "Does Conan agree with me?"

Conan nodded repeatedly, his face was serious, but he was actually laughing in his heart.

You always say that I brought the case here, it's obviously your own fault! Look, now even the police officer Yamamura said so, what else do you have to quibble?

Conan's eyes revealed such information.

Oh, dare to provoke me? Yuya raised his eyebrows.

What can you do to me? Don't forget that I'm a child now. Conan smiled with narrowed eyes.

Yuya pretended to cough, stood up and looked at Mao Lilan: "Xiao Ran..."

Mao Lilan blinked: "What's wrong?"

Yuya smiled slightly: "I have some black material about Shinichi here, do you want to hear it?"

Conan: ! ! !

"Black material?" Mao Lilan was stunned. They grew up together, and Shinichi actually had black material that she didn't know? I said that these two people must have done something behind their backs!

Suddenly, she became interested, "I want to hear it!"

"I'm telling you..." Yuya raised a finger, but he didn't say anything.

"Ah!" Conan suddenly said.

"What's wrong?"

Everyone looked at Conan in surprise. They were just about to listen to gossip. What are you yelling about, little brat?

Although not all of them know who the Shinichi that Yuya mentioned is, it doesn't stop them from joining in the fun. After all, gossip is human nature, and this is the same for men, women, young and old.

If someone says that he is not interested in gossip, it must be that the matter did not touch his point.

Conan grabbed his head and laughed dryly: "Should we solve this case first now?"

Yamamura Cao said nonchalantly: "It's okay, it's okay. With Kamiya-kun here, the case will definitely be solved easily."

He and Yuya are quite familiar with each other. In addition, he liked the policewoman played by Kudo Yukiko when he was a child and even became a policeman because of this. Naturally, he knows who the Shinichi he is talking about is. Isn't it the Kudo Shinichi who disappeared recently? The outside world is rumored that this person was involved in the case and died.

But Yamamura Cao thinks that Kudo Shinichi must have hidden because of some important case and was investigating in secret like an undercover.

This is really hot!

Now that he has the opportunity to hear the black material of Kudo Shinichi, Yamamura Cao is naturally very curious.

This young man who has a good reputation in the outside world and was once hailed as the savior of the police world, also has a dark history?

Conan's forehead darkened: No, you are a policeman! Focus on solving the case!

In the end, under Conan's disruption, Yuya still did not reveal the black material of Kudo Shinichi.

Kuramoto Yoji asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Officer, why do you think this is a closed room murder?" He sneered at Yamamura So's statement that the detective was murder. How could there be such an unscientific thing?

But the important pillar of the band died. It looked like suicide, but it might be murder, which made him very concerned.

With his hands behind his back, Yamamura So said calmly, "Although laymen can't see it, we police officers can see the clues at a glance."

He pointed at the chair and said, "Usually, people who commit suicide by hanging themselves with ropes will kick away the things used as pedals, but this chair is placed properly under the rope. It is obvious that someone strangled the deceased and disguised it as suicide..."

"That..." Seeing Yamamura So seriously reasoning in the wrong direction, the expressions of others began to become strange. Mao Lilan thought she should correct it and raised her hand like in class, "We lifted up the chair after we came in."

Yamamura So was stunned: "Why did you lift it up?"

You was a little speechless. He thought he could come up with some excellent reasoning, but it turned out to be just the most basic common sense, and it was even wrong.

"Of course it was to put the person down! Generally speaking, the first reaction when seeing someone hanged is to put the person down, maybe the person is still alive!" Tiantangxiang said with a frown, "By the way, I was the one who lifted the chair up."

"Is that so..." Shancuncao pondered for a moment, took out the manual and quickly wrote, "Then this case is indeed suicide."


Yuya and Conan's mouth twitched slightly. They thought he had grown up a little, but he was still as confused as before.

Yuya coughed and said, "Officer Yamamura, don't rush to draw conclusions. There are still doubts in this case."

"Oh?" Yamamura Cao hurriedly looked at Yuya, "What do you want to say, Kamiya-kun?"

Yuya walked to the sofa, stretched out his gloved hand, and pulled out the key ring from the waist of the deceased.

"Swish!" With a sound, the key ring was pulled nearly one meter long.

Yamamura Cao was a little surprised: "This key ring can be pulled so long?"

Shinno Jun came over with some sadness on his face: "I heard from Renzi that this is a creative product that can be used to measure things. The length seems to be about five meters."

Yamamura Cao exclaimed: "That's really convenient! ”

Yuya was speechless. Forget it. Let’s just order directly, so that the police won’t waste time with random reasoning. Let’s try to solve the case before Sister Sonoko comes.

So he said, “Since the key ring is five meters long, can’t we lock the door from the outside?”

Yamamura So was a little skeptical, “It shouldn’t be possible? Whose hand can stretch that long?”

Yuya:? Do you want to listen to what you are saying.

Hondou Eisuke suddenly said, “Ah, that’s it!”

Everyone looked at him.

Hondou Eisuke was not nervous at all. Instead, he looked immersed in his own reasoning, “Look, the place where Miss Renko is hanging is not far from the door. The length of the key ring is enough.

As long as the key is passed through the crack of the door, then locked from the outside, and finally released, can’t this room be turned into a secret room?”

Yamamura So asked, “But isn’t the key to this room on the electronic keyboard? It’s not hanging on the key ring. "He just tried it, and none of the keys above could open the door.

Hondou Eisuke guessed, "Perhaps someone who killed her and arranged the scene to look like suicide did so on purpose, just to mislead us and make us reject this method that could be easily accomplished."

"I see." Yamamura So nodded slightly, this reasoning was indeed reasonable.

"Hey," Shinno Jun looked a little ugly, "You mean, the criminal is among us?"

"Don't joke like that!"

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