Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

For a moment, Gu Xinrou's crystal-white face gradually turned pink.

"I...I...what did I say? Did you lie to me?"

Gu Xinrou stuttered and was speechless.

Shen Bei chuckled, looking at Gu Xinrou's charming appearance, it can be said that everyone loves her, and she is worthy of being the most beautiful woman in the world.

Shen Bei jumped off the sofa and said meaningfully: "I recorded it all."

Gu Xinrou tilted her head, her eyes a little nervous: "Put it out and I'll listen."

"Really?" Shen Bei took out his mobile phone and fiddled with it in his hand: "This is a recording of a social worker. Do you want to think about it again?"

Gu Xinrou hesitated and asked tentatively: "Then...then delete?"

Shen Bei rubbed his fingers.

Gu Xinrou crossed her arms and curled her lips: "I still suspect you are deceiving me."

Shen Bei directly pressed the play button.

Come on come on.

Who knows who will die.

Just listen.

The phone plays the sound of sleeping.

next moment.

Gu Xinrou was babbled in her sleep, and an indescribable song came, like the howling of a she-wolf under the full moon: I have a little donkey, and I never ride it, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp~~~

Gu Xinrou:...

"It's so cute that the teacher sings in the dream."

Shen Bei touched his chin and continued: "It's just that the singing is a bit unacceptable."

"It really shocked me at the time."

"This song has a sense of layering, the bass is deep, not loud, the sound is warm, elastic, and imaging, with almost no background noise. I seem to hear the AES from the Tianwan Nuclear Power Station 322.1 kilometers away from the sound of electricity. -The elastic and powerful sound when thermal neutrons bombard uranium-235 atoms in Unit 2 of the Type-91 Nuclear Power Plant.”

Gu Xinrou covered her face, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and crawl in now: "Stop talking, stop talking."

Gu Xinrou immediately took out her wallet and threw out three thousand bills: "Teacher, please delete it."

Shen Bei was so jealous of money that he deleted the recording in front of Gu Xinrou.

In an instant, Gu Xinrou returned to her cold demeanor and said in a calm tone: "After breakfast, take the bus back to Changtu County. Hurry! Don't let others wait for you."

Shen Bei was surprised at how quickly Gu Xinrou turned her back, and said seriously: "Yes!"

After the martial arts exam, students do not go to school immediately, but there is a holiday. After the holiday, school starts uniformly.

During this time, it is natural to go home.

At this time, Gu Xinrou glanced at Shen Bei and left in a panic.

Shen Bei counted the banknotes and was delighted.

What a great start to the day.


If nothing else, the accident happened again.

Just as Gu Xinrou ran out of the room, she bumped into Gu Changfeng who had finished his night shift!



Gu Changfeng looked at his sister who looked a little panicked with a surprised look on his face.

Suddenly, my heart felt like a volcano erupting, and my face became even more ferocious and terrifying!

How could he not know that this was Shen Bei's room!

His sister stayed in Shen Bei's room all night?


In the end what happened!

Gu Changfeng couldn't even think about it, it was so sad!

"Come out!"

Gu Changfeng stretched out his hand and twisted Gu Xinrou's ears, and asked in great pain: "Why did you come to Shen Bei's room?"

Gu Xinrou groaned a few times: "I drank too much and fell asleep."

"What!" Gu Changfeng's teeth chattered: "You... you... you are really mad at me! Get back!"

Gu Xinrou stuck out her tongue and ran away.

Shen Bei looked amused.

It turns out that Teacher Gu Xinrou also had her ears twisted one day.


Wait a moment——

Shen Bei watched Gu Changfeng burst into anger and walk into the room with an expression that seemed to be murderous.

This state... what does it mean?

Gu Changfeng was filled with boiling murderous intent that could not be suppressed at all, and his cold voice almost came out from between his teeth: "What on earth did you do to my sister while she was drunk! Tell the truth!"

Shen Bei:......

Am I so hungry that I will do whatever it takes?

Shen Bei thought for a while and felt that it was useless to defend.

He directly opened the quilt on the bed and spread his hands: "Look."

Gu Changfeng took a look and breathed a sigh of relief, it was clean...

"I didn't do anything!" Shen Bei said innocently.

Gu Changfeng said expressionlessly: "That's good."

"However, I'm warning you, kid." Gu Changfeng continued: "Don't think I can't see it, there is no relationship between you and my sister!"

Gu Changfeng is ready to attack Shen Bei in all directions and extinguish Shen Bei's little thoughts.

"My sister's requirements for choosing a mate must be handsome!"

Shen Bei straightened his back.

Gu Changfeng:......

Damn it, it hit the muzzle!

Gu Changfeng waved his hand: "This does not count, you must be a warrior!"

Shen Bei continued to straighten his back.

Gu Changfeng:......

Damn it! I was so angry that Shen Bei was already the f*cking number one scholar in martial arts!

"This doesn't count!" Gu Changfeng thought for a moment and said, "You must be someone who knows everything!"

Shen Bei continued to straighten his back.

What a fool... Gu Changfeng slapped his head, one student and one teacher, still don't know the basics?

"Ahem, the above don't count."

Gu Changfeng felt embarrassed and decided to find a characteristic that Shen Bei didn't have.

"My sister can't stand the fight between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It must be——"

Before Gu Changfeng could finish speaking, Shen Bei straightened his back again.

Gu Changfeng's mouth twitched.

He flicked his sleeves, turned around and left angrily: "I don't give a damn, just do whatever you want!"

"Slow down, uncle!" Shen Bei made a stabbing blow.

When Gu Changfeng heard this, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground as if he had been struck by a nuclear bomb.

After the beautiful episode in the morning.

Shen Bei's consciousness sank.

The daily settlement panel pops up.

[Yesterday’s settlement rewards are as follows:]

[Complete the scaffolding construction work and obtain money +5100, strength +1, agility +1, constitution +1, falling damage -50℅, climbing +20, aerial combat stability +20. 】

[Catch members of the Apocalypse cult, complete the bounty mission, and receive +50,000 money, +1 strength, +1 agility, +1 constitution, +1 spirit, and +20 combat intuition. 】

After Shen Bei finished reading the information.

The reward for scaffolding work is not bad.

Especially the special attributes are given a lot.

Very practical.

During the second bounty mission, Shen Bei despised Gu Changfeng.

Too stingy!

He was only given 50,000 yuan. He seriously suspected that Gu Changfeng had deducted his reward, but there was no evidence.

Although there are bounty announcements on the Internet.

But if it is not directed at anyone in particular, there is only the word "reward".

The specific number is quantum mechanics.

However, all the four-dimensional attributes of this task are given, which is also very good.

Combat intuition is also good.

According to Shen Bei's understanding, it should be a kind of "induction"

Similar to the outward release of spiritual consciousness in cultivating immortals, one can sense who is hostile to oneself in the distance.

Shen Bei never minded giving any reward, just give it and take it all!

"The martial arts exam is over, and now we have to prepare to go to Wuhan University."

"However, this world is not as peaceful as it seems, and I still need to become stronger."

"While taking advantage of the vacation, I still need to temper myself!"

After Shen Bei set a "small goal" for himself, he went downstairs to eat.

Breakfast was very rich.

Shen Bei's belly bulged after eating.

This free thing doesn't feel painful to eat. Although it tastes ordinary, it gets better and better the more you eat it, and you can't stop eating it.

nine in the morning.

All students who took the exam took the bus back to their respective schools.

After arriving at No. 1 High School in Changtu County.

Shen Bei was shocked by the scene in front of Yigao's door...

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