Yuya pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Why are you here?"

Mouri Kogoro curled his lips at Hondou Eisuke: "It's this guy who said he saw a strange commission on the Internet, so we came to investigate."

"Oh?" Yuya felt something, "What kind of commission is it?"

Mouri Kogoro snorted and pulled Hondou Eisuke over: "You tell me yourself."

Hondou Eisuke smiled awkwardly and began to explain.

It turned out that in a community on the Internet, someone posted a post, which wrote that he received a high-paying and low-labor commission two weeks ago.

The publisher of the commission is suspected to be a public welfare organization that makes garbage harmless. They want to collect garbage for investigation. The commission is to go to a garbage collection point nearby and send the garbage here to a car in a nearby parking lot before the recycling truck comes.

The client will process and investigate the garbage.

Then, when the next recycling truck comes to collect garbage, the processed garbage will be exchanged with the newly placed garbage and let the recycling truck take it away.

After completing such an exchange, you will receive a reward of 50,000 yuan.

"Oh? There is such a commission?" Youya raised his eyebrows, "Is there any crime hidden in it?"

Mouri Ran nodded in agreement: "Yes, I think so too. How can there be such an easy and well-paid job?"

Although she is still a student, she has worked part-time before. She knows very well that there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. What falls may be a trap.

Hondou Eisuke said: "The strange thing is that the person who took over this job accidentally discovered that the garbage he sent over had no signs of being investigated. All of them were placed intact in the car."

"Oh?" Youya touched his chin, "Is this money laundering? Or drug trafficking?"

But this should be the organization's people who discovered Touji Funamoto and are investigating secretly, right?

"So, what is the result of your investigation?"

Mouri Kogoro pointed at Hondou Eisuke and said dissatisfiedly: "This idiot got the garbage collection time wrong, so we didn't find anything and made a wasted trip."

"Is that so." Yuya looked at Hondou Eisuke with deep eyes.

Hondou Eisuke felt a little guilty, and laughed to cover up his apparent embarrassment - he was unlucky to meet this person here. Compared with Maori Kogoro, Kamiya Yuya was obviously not so easy to fool.

Conan tilted his head and asked innocently: "Brother Yuya, why are you here? Did a case happen inside?"

Yuya glanced at him sideways. Shinichi, this guy, was getting more and more skilled in playing Conan. Sometimes even he couldn't tell whether this guy was an adult or a child.

He squatted down, touched Conan's head and said: "Be good, children should not ask about adult matters casually."

Conan's forehead darkened, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he stared at Yuya.

Ran Maori behind was also a little speechless. Yuya was really teasing Conan by using his identity as a child.

With Yuya here, even if there was a case, there was no need for Maori Kogoro to appear, so he was not interested in asking more questions.

He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, you little guys can play by yourselves, I still have something to investigate."

Ran Maori curled her lips and said disdainfully, "Are you going to investigate the small steel balls? Before you came, you shouted that a new small steel balls store had opened nearby."

Kogoro Maori stumbled and almost fell, turned back and cursed in shame and anger, "Ku La, don't destroy your father's stage!" He turned around angrily and left with exaggerated steps.

At this time, Inspector Megure came out. He unexpectedly saw the back of Kogoro Maori and was a little confused: "Is that brother Maori?"

Yuya nodded.

Inspector Megure didn't think much about it. He thought that it was enough to have his brother around. So he turned to look at Yuya: "Brother Kamiya, although I don't want to involve irrelevant people..."

Ran Maori was in a complicated mood: Inspector Megure called him Brother Maori, and then he turned around and called him Brother Kamiya. Why did Yuya suddenly become so senior? If that's the case, should she call Yuya uncle?

Yuya smiled slightly: "Inspector Megure, don't worry. I just happened to have a commission nearby. Since I have encountered a case, I can't turn a blind eye. Those who are capable should do more work. I am happy to help for the stability of Tokyo."

Inspector Megure showed a very satisfied smile. Brother Kamiya just speaks better than Brother Maori.

If it were Maori Kogoro, he would definitely be so proud.

Yuya asked: "So what are the results of the on-site inspection?"

Inspector Megure winked at Takagi Wataru next to him.

Takagi Wataru stepped forward and read his manual.

This householdThe man's name was Tatsuto Funamoto, and the person killed was his wife, Kenyo Funamoto, 39 years old.

After the maid finished making breakfast in the morning, she found that the wife, who should have gotten up early, had not gotten up yet, which was strange, so she went to check the situation. As a result, she found that Kenyo Funamoto had been shot in the back of the head and was dead leaning against the wall of the balcony.

From the perspective of the bullet entering, the shooter should be more than 1.8 meters tall, and the time of death was between 9 and 10 o'clock last night, which happened not long after the wife returned home from a party at a friend's house.

"The bullet went through the head. We have asked nearby residents for help, but no bullet has been found so far."

Yuya pinched his chin: "Are there any suspected motives for murder? Where are the witnesses?"

Inspector Megure said with his hands behind his back: "The motive for murder may be money. The necklace and bracelet that the lady was wearing are gone."

Takagi Shigeru added: "No witnesses have been found so far."

"Is that so," Yuya pondered for a while and pretended to analyze, "If so, the murderer's method is quite sophisticated, maybe he is a repeat offender."

Inspector Megure nodded in agreement: "I think so too."

Yuya said: "Anyway, can I go to the scene?"

Inspector Megure nodded: "Of course, although we have already done an investigation."

Inspector Megure led everyone into the yard and saw a man in a wheelchair.

Yuya: "This person is..."

Inspector Megure nodded: "Yes, he is the male host, Mr. Funamoto Tatsuto."

Funamoto Tatsuto was a little surprised to see Inspector Megure come in with a familiar young man, and asked tentatively: "Inspector, this person is..."

"Hello, my name is Kamiya Yuya." Yuya introduced himself with a smile.

"Kamiya... Yuya?" Funamoto Tatsuto pondered the name and felt more and more familiar. Suddenly he reacted and looked at Yuya in surprise, "Are you the famous high school detective?"

Yuya nodded slightly, and just as he was about to step forward to conduct the usual inquiries, a little boy suddenly ran out from the side.

The little boy ran to Yuya, raised his head and shouted, "Famous Detective Brother!"

Yuya recognized the little boy as Touji Funamoto at a glance, so he squatted down and asked with a smile, "What's wrong, little brother? What's your name?"

Tatsuto Funamoto said, "This is my son, Touji."

Yuya smiled, "Oh~ Your name is Touji, what's the matter?"

Touji Funamoto raised his head and said loudly, "The person who killed my mother is a foreign woman dressed in black!"

Foreign woman in black? Conan's face suddenly changed, and the first thing he thought of was Vermouth.

Moreover, for some reason, he felt that the little boy looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

"Huh?" Yuya's expression froze - actually pretending.

Tatsuto Funamoto said in a deep voice: "Touji, stop talking nonsense, go to the side and play."

Touji Funamoto looked at his father dissatisfiedly: "Dad, why don't you believe what I said?"

Tatsuto Funamoto's face sank: "Your nonsense will bring trouble to the police."

Yuya smiled and touched Touji Funamoto's little head, saying: "It's okay, any clue may become the key to solving the case, Touji, little brother, can you tell me in detail about the foreign woman?"

Tatsuto Funamoto saw that the famous detective said so, so he had to shut up obediently.

But his expression was a little unnatural, and he didn't seem to welcome the arrival of this detective.

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