Hattori Heiji picked up a photo, observed it carefully and said: "Is this the evidence provided by the detective? Several screws that were cut off are indeed exactly the same as the method in the first question."

Hakuba took the photo and looked at it for a few times, and said regretfully: "It's a pity that there are only photos, and there is still some difference from the real thing. If you can actually see those screws, you may get more clues."

The photos of evidence in the file are only used for archiving. The actual evidence is placed in the police station, but now it is obviously impossible to go to the police station to see those screws with your own eyes.

"But it's strange," Youya pinched his chin with his hand and pretended to analyze, "If it was really murder, why didn't the murderer recycle these screws? From the death of the eldest lady to the overturn of suicide, there was a period of half a year."

The other three were stunned. They had been reading the file and forgot that the span before and after the incident was half a year.

Conan quickly lay on the table, carefully observing the photo, and suddenly raised his head and said: "I see, I know."

Hakuba Tan said, picked up the photo and looked at it for a few times, revealing a look of realization: "I see."

"Ah? What do you know?" Hattori Heiji was a little unhappy. And Conan, you are my assistant, right? Why do you look like you are in sync with Hakuba Tan?

Hattori Heiji felt deeply betrayed.

Hakuba Tan handed the photo over: "Take a look for yourself."

Hattori Heiji muttered "pretending" in a low voice, but still took the photo and looked at it, and immediately he shouted: "I see!"

Yuye was speechless: "Don't make such a fuss, okay?"

Hattori Heiji smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, sorry, I'm just cooperating with you. But in this way, isn't the truth of the incident very obvious?"

Yuye nodded: "Yes, the evidence that the incident was characterized as homicide is these screws. Since there is a problem with the evidence, the maid is very likely not the murderer."

Hakuba Tan raised questions at the right time: "But who did it and why did they do it? Could it be that the young lady had some grudge against the maid and deliberately left the questionable evidence at the scene so as to frame the maid?"

Yuya retorted: "No, if it was really the young lady who deliberately framed and disguised the suicide as homicide, then these screws would be wrong. These screws are just ordinary screws. They will be exposed to rain when they fall outdoors, right? It's too strange that there are not many signs of rust after half a year."

Hakuba Tan said: "In that case, I think the answer to the second question is obvious, right?"

Yuya nodded slightly.

Hattori Heiji interrupted: "Yes, it seems that our answers are the same again?"

Hakuba Tan chuckled: "Indeed."

Yuya was a little amused: "Isn't this endless? How can we decide the winner if this goes on?"

"This..." Hattori Heiji and Hakuba Tan both felt a little tricky, and the topic of the competition seemed a little too simple.

Could it be that, as Yuya guessed, someone deliberately changed the topic in order to get them to help uncover the truth of the incident?

Yuya smiled faintly: "I think the second question is not over yet. Think about it, if the so-called evidence is problematic, the maid is very likely innocent. Then who is the culprit who led to this result, or to put it bluntly, who caused the maid to commit suicide?"

Hattori Heiji's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice: "The high school detective who solved the secret room method? No, since the evidence is problematic, then the existence of the so-called secret room is questionable."

"In other words," Conan pinched his chin, "the real question of this second question is actually for us to find out the identity of the high school detective? "

Hakuba nodded in agreement and added: "Yes, maybe there is a secret hidden behind the screw?"

Conan also expressed his own opinion: "Where did the screw come from? Was it deliberately framed by someone, or was it actually from another incident, but the detective just happened to find it and mistakenly thought it was evidence of this incident. After all, there was a gap of half a year between the two incidents, and anything could happen.

The appearance of the screw is actually... a coincidence?"


The three great detectives pondered - two were really thinking, and the other was just pretending.

Suddenly, they realized something and looked at Tokatsu Junya and Koshimizu Nanatsuki in tacit understanding.

Yuuya asked: "Why are you two silent? What do you think of our reasoning?"

The other two adults and one child showed a thoughtful expression. They found that since the end of the first round of the game, the state of these two people seemed to be a little wrong.

EspeciallyIt was this Tokizu Junya. When he first said that he had solved the secret room method, he was so proud and complacent. Why is he silent now? And he looks like he has a lot on his mind.

Tokizu Junya was shocked, and he forced himself to control the expression on his face and squeezed out a smile: "What you said makes sense. My opinion is similar to yours."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled and nodded: "Me too."

Although he didn't know why, Hakuba Tan saw that they seemed to be playing badly, and they kept saying "Me too" and "I'm the same".

But he didn't care. In his eyes, the reasoning ability of these two people seemed to be just so-so. Not to mention comparing with himself, even Kamiya Yuya couldn't compare with them.

Well, that's it. Hakuba Tan nodded secretly in his heart. He would never admit that he was worse than Yuya.

Sure enough, the one he cared about the most was Kamiya Yuya.

Baiba Tan looked at Yuya and said slowly: "Then let's compete to see who can find the truth behind it first."

Yuya raised his eyebrows: "Oh? How can we compete? The only clue we have is a case file, and there is no other clue about this detective. As for the screw, there are only a few photos. How are you going to find it?"

Baiba Tan smiled slightly: "It seems that Kamiya seems to have a plan. Have you found anything?"

Yuya replied ambiguously: "Who knows? Don't forget that we are opponents now."

"Opponent?" Baiba Tan tasted He paused for a moment and nodded in agreement, "Yes, you are the second opponent I recognize."

Yuya was a little curious: "Oh? Then who is your first opponent?"

Hakuba's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he did not answer the question directly: "It's just a thief, don't worry too much..."

"Thief?" Yuya raised his eyebrows, "It's probably not an ordinary thief that makes Hakuba-san think about him? Let me think, could it be... Kaito Kidd?"

Hakuba was a little surprised: "You also know Kidd?"

Yuya smiled and nodded.

Conan on the side had a strange expression: It's not just knowing, it can be said that he is very familiar with Kidd. Yuya is a guy who likes to watch the fun and has helped Sonoko to trick Kidd several times!

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