Downstairs of the apartment building where Shinyama lives.

At 8 o'clock, the scheduled time soon arrived. A man with long hair and wearing a camouflage jacket came to the door and looked around.

Seeing this, Yuya took Miyano Shiho and Conan out of the car and walked over.

"Hello, is this Mr. Shinyama?" Yuya greeted.

This person was Shinyama who had contacted on the phone.

Shinyama looked over and showed a surprised expression: "Are you Kamiya on the phone? I didn't expect you to be so young." He looked at Miyano Shiho and Conan again and asked tentatively, "This is... your wife and son?"

Conan: ? ? ?

Miyano Shiho stayed where he was, his ears turned red, and there was a faint steam coming out of his head.

Yuya almost laughed out loud, waving his hands repeatedly: "No, no, do you think I'm old enough to have a child?"

Xinshan scratched his head awkwardly: "It seems so, sorry for being presumptuous..." But looking at the girl, even if she's not a wife, she's definitely a girlfriend.

"It's okay," Yuya looked at Conan, whose face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and Miyano Shiho, who lowered her head shyly, and said with a forced smile, "But your guess is almost right, this is my girlfriend, Mio. As for this child... I picked him up on the side of the road, and his name is Conan."

"Hey, who picked him up on the side of the road?" Conan yelled dissatisfiedly.

"Ah... so that's it..." Xinshan nodded blankly, thinking that the relationship between the three people was really strange. Young people nowadays play so much? Picking up a child to play house?

Conan widened his eyes: "Hey, big brother, you don't really believe it, do you?" Is this guy's brain not working well?

Xinshan smiled awkwardly: "Just a joke, hahaha... Let's go, let's go to my house first."

Yuya chuckled and pulled Miyano Shiho to follow.

Conan glared at Yuya's back and waved his fist at him fiercely.

Yuya seemed to have noticed something and looked back.

Conan quickly stood up and trotted up.

Yuya looked Conan up and down suspiciously.

Conan suddenly showed his acting skills at this moment, his eyes looked at his nose, his nose looked at his mouth, and his mouth looked at his heart, and he was not moved at all.


Several people quickly arrived at Xinshan's apartment.

As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a strange smell, which was really unbearable under the influence of the heat.

The room was also messy, with slippers placed messily at the door, unwashed dishes soaking in the pool, and paper balls full of garbage cans that were not thrown in properly.

A standard single dog room.

Perhaps because a girl came, Xinshan smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, the room is a little messy."

Yuya said jokingly: "It's not a little bit, it's a little bit, right?"

Xinshan smiled bitterly, walked over and opened the window, and fresh air circulated in immediately.

When the smell in the room was almost gone, Xinshan closed the doors and windows, and then turned on the air conditioner.

"Hey, it turns out that in this kind of weather, you can't live without air conditioning!" Xinshan exhaled comfortably and sat on the chair all of a sudden.

Conan suddenly raised his hand: "Big brother, can I borrow the bathroom?"

Xinshan said: "Of course, the bathroom is over there."

Conan walked over quickly and noticed a pair of slippers placed neatly in front of the bathroom door, so he stretched his feet in and put them on, and then walked in.

Xinshan said: "You sit wherever you want, I'll find that photo album."

Yuya looked around, looked at Miyano Shiho, and smiled awkwardly but politely.

Xinshan was a little embarrassed and apologized repeatedly: "Sorry, I am a single man and I don't have such a good place to live..."

Perhaps feeling a little embarrassed, he said he was looking for the photo album, and stood up and walked to a bookshelf to look for it.

Yuya casually scanned the room and suddenly found several drops of water on the floor.

He subconsciously squatted down to observe and found that it was sweat. He turned around and came to the trash can and found that there were several crumpled paper towels thrown in it, which were already soaked.

Yuya secretly thought that the person who stole the photo album had indeed come. Obviously, the time they came was probably different from the original book, but the same incident still happened. Could this be the convergence of the world line?

But it was normal. After all, the events unrelated to the main line did not involve him, and it was likely that they would follow the original route.

If he remembered correctly...Yuya's eyes fell on the balcony covered by the curtains. There should be a washing machine there, and a person was hiding inside.

Yuya couldn't help but worry. This guy didn't make a serious mistake. It was so hot and the temperature didn't drop very low at night. Is it really okay for him to hide in there?

Suddenly, Xinshan's doubtful voice sounded: "Oh, I remember taking the photoI put the album here, why can't I find it?"

Yuya turned around and saw Shinyama standing in front of the bookshelf, scratching his head and flipping through the bookshelf.

Yuya kindly reminded: "Do you have the photos saved in the computer?"

Shinyama suddenly realized: "Oh! Indeed."

Yuya said: "In that case, let's look at the computer. Anyway, I just want to confirm the appearance of that person. It doesn't matter if there is no photo."

Shinyama nodded, walked over and turned on the computer.

He held the mouse and operated for a while, and soon shouted in surprise: "What the hell, why are all the photos I saved gone? I don't remember deleting them? ! Is there a virus?"

Miyano Shiho walked over: "Let me see. "

Xinshan was a little puzzled, but still gave up his position.

Miyano Shiho pulled the keyboard over and operated it quickly.

Xinshan stood behind and looked at the lines of code flashing on the screen, dumbfounded: No, can the computer be operated like this?

After a moment, Miyano Shiho looked at Yuya: "The data in the computer has traces of being deleted, and the time was not long ago."

"Can it be restored?" Yuya asked.

Miyano Shiho shook his head and gave a regretful expression: "Without professional equipment, it won't work with just this computer."

"This can also be checked?" Xinshan widened his eyes in surprise, and he immediately reacted, "No, I haven't been back since I went out in the morning, how could the data be deleted? It must be a virus, right?"

Yuya suddenly: "I think it is more likely that someone sneaked into this room, took the album away, and deleted the photos in the computer at the same time, right?"

"Huh?" Xinshan was shocked.

Yuya nodded slightly: "Besides, that person was here not long ago. ”

“What?” Shinyama was a little unconvinced, “You said someone sneaked in here? And he was here just now? That’s impossible, right?”

There’s nothing valuable in his room as a bachelor, so that person didn’t come in to steal the photo album or delete the photos, right?

“Brother Yuya is right!” A child’s voice suddenly sounded.

Shinyama subconsciously turned his head and found that the child named Conan was standing behind him.

“There are a lot of evidences, such as slippers. The slippers in the entrance hall are obviously thrown in a mess, but the slippers at the door of the bathroom are neatly placed. Doesn’t this mean that someone may have used the toilet when you were not there?

And that person’s habits are pretty good, he paid attention to putting the slippers in the right place.”

Shinyama subconsciously retorted: “I occasionally put my slippers in the right place, okay?” He said it as if he had a bad habit... Although it was indeed the case.

Conan smiled: “It’s just occasionally, not every time, right? "

Xinshan nodded awkwardly: "Well, maybe..."

"Then there is enough reason to doubt."

Conan put one hand in his pocket, took a few steps with confidence, and took a tissue: "Another place I noticed is the water stains on the floor. "

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