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"Shen Bei! You are so disgusting! My dad was so angry that he passed away!"

On the bus to Lingnan City.

A hint of anger appeared on Jian Tong's holy face.

Shen Bei put away the apple-peeling knife and took a bite of the apple: "I have cleaned the villa. Does my father-in-law have mysophobia?"

Jian Tong's expression suddenly became stiff, his eyes were full of anger, and he gritted his teeth: "That's a matter of cleaning! Forget about eating and drinking, what kind of disaster have you caused to the backyard? Is the husky possessed?"

Shen Bei slapped his mouth: "It's a long story..."

"Then keep your story short."

"It was a dark and stormy night for a month, and all of a sudden, a thief sneaked in and tried to steal something from your house."

Shen Bei began to make up a story and continued: "Then I can tolerate his bad habits? He will chase him and beat him. You know, if I strike, the sky will fall and the earth will fall -"

Jian Tong listened to Shen Bei's nonsense and pressed his hands: "Do you have a purple gold hammer?"

Shen Bei:......

The two quarreled for a while, and then the matter was settled.

Jian Tong did not pursue Shen Bei. She also believed that the broken stones and trees in the backyard were in the way and were worthless.

The bus swayed all the way towards Lingnan City.

Passing by a service area.

The bus needs to be refueled, and passengers can get off and move around freely in the service area for a while.

Shen Bei and Jian Tong sat in the shade eating ice cream.

Shen Bei took a mouthful of milk balls.

And Jian Tong licked it in small mouths, like a cat licking water.

This action is indeed a bit foul.

"What did you learn from going to the provincial capital?"

Shen Bei asked curiously.

The smile on Jian Tong's face was sweet, proud, and full of showoff: "Of course it's about tempering the body, and strengthening the spirit."

Needless to say, body tempering is a necessary process that every student must go through.

And strengthening the spirit is similar to tempering the bones.

It's just that spiritual strengthening is to compress the spirit through meditation, so that it can transform from intangible to tangible, and the tangible can gather into Qi.

Then it forms: the air is like silk, becomes water droplets, becomes a thin stream, like river water, is as strong as a lake, is as big as the sea, and is as bright as a star.

To use a popular term, it means extending the blue bar.

"What direction are you going in?"

Shen Bei blinked and asked.

It's not like the direction of my own physical combat.

Spiritual warriors can evolve into many branches.

Just controlling the elements alone can split it in many directions.

There are also other mysterious and mysterious martial arts.

A coquettish smile bloomed on Jian Tong's beautiful face, her white chin raised, and she said mysteriously: "Thunder and lightning!"

Shen Bei gave a thumbs up and said in admiration: "Awesome! It's really awesome!"

"Really? I didn't expect that I could go in this direction."

"You have to practice hard. In the future, our household electricity will be directed to you, and you can save a lot of electricity bills."

Jian Tong:......

Jian Tong's teeth were clenching loudly, his fists were clenched and his whole body was shaking, and his chest was heaving: "Are you talking in human language? I'm a humanoid generator?"

Shen Bei touched his chin and clapped his hands: "I was negligent and the layout was too small. I think there is another use."

"Then please tell me carefully." Jian Tong said with hope.

Shen Bei cleared his throat and looked around. Except for a woman casually walking toward him, there was no one around.

You can have sex!

Shen Bei said: "When we are having sex, you can release some electricity to increase the fun."

Hearing this, Jian Tong looked at Shen Bei with a dull expression and probably turned to stone for a few seconds.

Jian Tong was like a chestnut that fell into a pile of coals, bursting into pieces from the inside out.

"you you--"

Jian Tong hasn't finished speaking yet.

Suddenly, a dark shadow pressed over the two of them.

In the blink of an eye.

A straight long leg kicked out with a scream that broke through the air, and kicked Shen Bei, who was unprepared and caught off guard, flying away.


Shen Bei felt like he was hit by a large truck at full speed.

He couldn't control his body shape at all, spinning in circles in the air, floating like straw, and his body was thrown up and hit the wall more than ten meters away.


Shen Bei smashed the wall and a piece of bricks fell to the ground.


Shen Bei felt a dull pain in his chest, and it felt as if his ribs were about to break. After taking a few deep breaths, he was able to get up.

Shen Bei looked at the attacker with doubts and anger.

It was the woman who seemed lazy and walked towards him unintentionally!

A serious first-grade warrior!

But you see, her appearance is also very delicate and beautiful, extremely

Very aggressive, especially the scar on her cheek is full of special attraction. Like thorny roses or enchanting poppies, hidden dangers lie beneath their beautiful appearance.

At this time, Jian Tong's face was extremely panicked. She really couldn't understand. The two of them were eating ice cream and chatting here, and a strange woman attacked her?


Jian Tong immediately took a few steps across, ran to Shen Bei, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Shen Bei pulled Jian Tong behind him: "Don't move, I'll handle it."

Shen Bei twisted his neck and walked forward steadily.

"Are you the one who slipped through the trap of the Apocalypse cult?"

Shen Bei asked with a solemn face and cold eyes.

From Shen Bei's point of view, he has never had any enmity with a woman.

If he was forced to say that he had an enemy, it would have to be Luo Chengyuan in the dense forest of Taiyangshan Reservoir.

It has to be said that Luo Chengyuan only found out that he was present at that time through a series of coincidental investigations.

The woman in front of him was extremely unfamiliar. Shen Bei was sure that this was the first time he had met her.

Then, there is no doubt that this woman is the fish that Gu Changfeng mentioned.

The woman's eyes opened and closed, like abysses and prisons, revealing endless malice and fury: "Apocalypse Cult... Just these four words of blasphemy, you will only end up dead without a complete body."

Shen Bei smiled, leaned forward, looked intensely at the woman in front of him with a very aggressive attitude, and said:

"I'm just a first-class warrior, but a rat in the sewer dares to blatantly take revenge on me in broad daylight?"

The woman laughed loudly, and the laughter was like a surging tsunami, and the entire void boiled violently: "A martial arts champion, not even a warrior, it happened that you captured a member of the Apocalypse God's Cult, but you feel that you have nothing to do Can’t do it anymore?”

"I, Bai Luo, will represent the Tianqi Divine Religion to judge you, a sinful powerful man! Return the truth to the world!"

"Any last words?"

The woman looked cold and arrogant, and the scars on her face were twisted like snakes. She continued: "If not, then prepare to die."

"Okay, okay."

Shen Bei had a chuckle on his face.

The next second.


In less than a blink of an eye, with the strong wind howling fiercely, Shen Bei was already in front of Bai Luo. At the same time, he spread his fingers and grabbed her shoulder!

It’s popular to start first!

Shen Bei was not used to her bad habits, so he went straight to her!

They are both first-grade warriors. How hairy are you, Bai Luo?

Shen Bei attacked first. As long as he grasped it firmly, with Shen Bei's current strength and the sharpness of his fingertips, he could immediately pierce the woman's shoulder blade and completely lose her resistance!

Bai Luo didn't expect that Shen Bei would not only dare to resist, but would also take action so quickly. ,

Facing Shen Bei's fierce grab, she originally looked in disbelief.

In this flash of lightning, an extremely shrill, ear-piercing scream suddenly burst out from his mouth!


This scream seemed to contain some inexplicable spiritual power.

Everyone who heard the sound, including Jian Tong, felt as if a steel needle had been pierced directly into the brain at this moment, and they were in unbearable pain!

Bearing the brunt of the attack, Shen Bei groaned, feeling a sharp pain in his head and feeling dizzy. His originally sure attack and capture suddenly lost its accuracy. Instead of catching Bai Luo, he let the woman dodge, leaving only five traces. Deep bloody mouth!

When Shen Bei barely stopped and turned around, two streams of heat suddenly flowed out of his nose.

That's blood!

Bai Luo glanced at the bloody wound on his shoulder, his face became serious, his eyes became very mysterious, and his face was filled with extreme shock and horror.

This all shows that his prediction was wrong. Shen Bei, the number one scholar, has already broken through to the first level warrior!


Although Bai Luo was shocked, he didn't panic at all. His eyes showed a bit of sarcasm, and he said calmly as if he was excited:

"Warrior, what a warrior!"

"However, you have been hit by my mental shock. Next, you will feel what it means to have slow thinking and stiff movements."

"Stand still and don't struggle. The sooner you die, the less painful it will be."

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