Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

At this time, Lei Hu shouted loudly: "We are looking for workers! Boil the corn and send it to the cold storage for storage. The work is not tiring. It only takes about three hours. I will give you 500 yuan!"

The asking price is really high!

It’s simply a ceiling for odd jobs.

Of course, it is incomparable with glass cleaning at high altitude, but glass cleaning comes with certain dangers.

And boiling corn is quite safe.

But at this moment.

Faced with such attractive wages, workers in the labor market are indifferent.

No one stood up and followed Lei Hu.

It seems that they all know that working with Lei Laohu is frustrating and useless.

Shen Bei looked at everyone in surprise, why didn't he take such a good job?

Too Buddhist, right?

If this was placed in the labor market of Changtu County, such a good job would be impossible to complete without even thinking about it.

next moment.

Shen Bei ignored the unfinished words of the workers around him.

He stood up directly and said with a smile: "Boss, I'll do it!"

Many migrant workers' eyes widened instantly, with incredible expressions on their faces.

He wanted to remind Shen Bei again not to be stubborn.

However, due to Lei Hu's cruelty and unreasonableness, they suppressed the conflict and kept silent.

"Okay, okay, it's just you, get in the car." Lei Hupi said with a smile.


Lei Laohu took Shen Bei away from the labor market and went straight to the corn processing factory.

And the workers burst into discussion:

"Fuck! Didn't you just tell this little brother what's going on?"

"I was just about to fucking speak, but this kid didn't give me a chance at all! He stood up before he even finished speaking."

"Oh, I really didn't listen to the old man's advice, and I'm going to suffer a lot."

"I guess... don't even think about the wages. Thunder Tiger will definitely not pay it. If this kid has a stubborn temper, he might get beaten, and he will have to pay for the soup and medicine himself."

"Thunder Tiger is a first-level warrior. He has been in this rank for a long time and I don't know how many stars are hanging on his back. I pray that my little brother will leave after finishing his work and don't talk back."

The workers sighed one after another, some worried about Shen Bei.

But I was also very angry in my heart. Although I didn't say everything, I clearly pointed out the stakes, but I still had to do odd jobs.

Do you really think there are good people in this world?

Especially for warriors in society, in the eyes of workers, the word "good guy" has become extinct, and they are rare.

For them, they would rather starve to death than deal with warriors.

You reason with him, and he plays rogue with you.

If you act like a gangster, people will really beat you up.

A moment's work.

Shen Bei has arrived at a corn processing factory in Lingnan City.

Lei Hu pushed open the big black iron door and arranged Shen Bei's work:

"Your task is to boil the corn until it is medium cooked, then take it out and cool it in cold water. Just push it into the cold storage."

Shen Bei nodded.

Lingnan City is known as “the end of the universe”

Rich in entertainment stars.

But it is also rich in grain and is known as "Beidacang"

Corn is one of them.

In the past, this stuff was not worth much. Later, as logistics and the Internet developed, corn cobs could be sold at high prices.

Shen Bei entered the workshop.

Hot steam hits my face.

There are many workers working inside.

The workers, shirtless and wearing shorts, stirred raw corn in steam cauldrons.

"You just work on this pot and see what others do. As long as you are not a fool, you can do it."

After saying that, Lei Huhu secretly cursed that it was so damn hot and ran out of the workshop with a look of disgust.

The other workers turned to look at Shen Bei, the new face, and grinned.

That smile is full of different meanings.

Shen Bei also smiled, took off his clothes, hung them outside, and started working.

The workflow is simple and brainless.

Easier than driving screws.

The only thing you need to endure is the high temperature steam.

After baskets of corn were cooked, Shen Bei followed the workers and began to put on cotton-padded jackets, dragging the cooked corn into the cold storage.

"It's really two extreme environments."

Shen Bei breathed out in the cold storage, his eyebrows covered with frost.

"Young man."

An old worker laughed and said, "It seems like your character is not very good."

Shen Bei turned his head and looked back and asked, "How do you say this?"

"Didn't anyone in the labor market remind you that the work here is not easy?"

"It's pretty easy to do."

The worker was stunned for a moment: "That's not what I meant. You know it's hard to ask for wages, but you still come?"

Shen Bei frowned


Not asking for wages?

At this time, Shen Bei suddenly remembered the strange expressions and behaviors of workers in the labor market.

Co-authored by…


Shen Bei slapped his mouth: "No one dares to owe me money."

"It's too early to say that." The old worker laughed.

Shen Bei shrugged.

About three hours later.

Shen Bei's work task is completed.

Taking off his cotton-padded jacket and changing his clothes, he and a group of workers squatted in the sun to bask in the sun.

The time at this time has reached noon.

The other workers went to the canteen to eat, while Shen Bei came to Lei Hu's office.

"Boss, the work is done."

Thunder Tiger hummed without raising his head or eyes.

Shen Bei rubbed his hands: "It's time to settle wages."

"I won't leave you to eat."

"I said, salary, 500 yuan."

"Why haven't you left yet?"

"How can I leave without paying?"

"I send you."

As he spoke, Lei Huhu's face was filled with a malicious smile.

The whole person's aura changed in vain, and there was a hint of ferocity at the corner of his mouth.

He reached out and grabbed Shen Bei's shoulders and jumped down from the office window on the third floor.

There was a boom.

Stirring up a cloud of dust.

In the blink of an eye.

Lei Huhu threw Shen Bei out of the factory gate.

"Go away! You still want to get wages from me?"

Thunder Tiger's face suddenly became violent: "How can there be a three-hour job worth 500 yuan in the world? You will gain wisdom after every experience. This is a cannibalistic society. This lesson will be good for you."

Shen Bei groaned and scratched his head: "I should give you money."

Lei Hu laughed loudly: "Are you smart? I jumped down from the third floor with you and you were safe. What does that mean?"

Shen Bei answered truthfully: "You are a warrior."

"That's right!" Lei Hu said proudly: "I am a first-class warrior! I have three stars! If you don't go and inquire about it, who dares to ask me for wages! Get out!"

After saying that, Lei Hu closed the black door with his backhand.

A gate.

It's like two worlds.

The thunder tiger inside the door shook his head, feeling happy in his heart.

If you can deceive anyone, then you are the only one.

Who makes himself a warrior?

That’s awesome!

Social status is high!

Beyond ordinary people!

Beat anyone who dares to scream, this is a warrior!

But Shen Bei outside the door looked leisurely: "Is this a warrior?"


next moment.

Everyone in the entire factory heard a loud noise like a plane crashing.

boom! ! ! !

Thunder Tiger's expression changed drastically and he turned around suddenly.

But see you.

The black door of the factory exploded in a cloud of dust, flying straight towards him with the sound of tearing steel.


Thunder Tiger was startled and reacted very quickly. His body did not make any movement, but his whole body flew directly to the left.

And the door passed by Thunder Tiger and smashed into the workshop, leaving it in a mess.

Thunder Tiger looked back, veins bursting out on his forehead, like an angry lion: "Who! Dare to smash my factory!"

At this time, the workers who were still eating in the canteen were also shocked.

They all ran out with their rice bowls in hand, looking at them with surprise and curiosity.

And at the gate.

Shen Bei's figure was lifted up by the billowing dust and smoke, and he walked like a monarch of countless evil beasts of gray mist.

Shen Bei smiled slightly, with endless gloom and mystery in his smile:

"Now, I want two things. One is your life, the other is wages."

Shen Bei slowly raised his head, his eyes dim, like candlelight in the nine heavens:

"Please choose one of the two."

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