The rescue work was completed in the morning, and the mine was in a state of emergency.

Tiaobinshan Coal Mine.

After the roof collapsed at the working face where Shen Bei was located, the safety officer of the coal mine immediately discovered the abnormality and reported it to the coal mine central control room.

The coal mine emergency plan was launched efficiently.

All workers working underground were lifted up.

This is not to say that the workers were not allowed to participate in the rescue, but that they had been working for a long time.

If the physical strength cannot keep up, it is easy to cause secondary injuries.

The rescue work was started by the coal mine rescue team going down the mine.

However, at this time.

Liao Jianguo and President Zhang came with the Wuhan University team to support.

Their appearance made the mine leaders stunned for a moment.

"Director Liao? Why are you here?"

Liao Jianguo frowned and said, "Tell your rescue team to stop the operation, and leave the rest to us."


The mine leader was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that the vibration that just happened under the coal mine was...


Otherwise, this kind of production safety accident would not alarm the people in the Earthquake Detection Bureau.

"Earth... cave?"

"Yes, we detected the earthquake in Diaobingshan Coal Mine. What's the situation below?"

"There is a tunnel roof collapse, and the life and death of the people inside is unknown."

Liao Jianguo touched his chin: "Are you sure that the cave will appear in this tunnel?"

You know, don't look at the coal mine. There is only a dark slope entrance of about five meters on the ground.

Once you go down, there are all kinds of tunnels and passages below, which are crisscrossed. The main tunnel can be as long as more than ten kilometers and occupy a very large area.

And the exit of the first-level cave is only about three meters.

It takes manpower to find it.

Especially in a dark environment, finding the exit of the cave is dangerous.

At this time, the mine leader shook his head: "This cannot be confirmed. We just thought that the earthquake was caused by blasting. If it weren't for the roof collapse, it would still be in normal production."

Liao Jianguo frowned and turned to Principal Zhang and said: "Three people in a group, all go down the mine and find the entrance to the cave. Once found, everyone presses on it. Don't let the beasts and aliens escape from the wellhead."

Principal Zhang nodded and went to the locker room to change work clothes under the leadership of the mine staff.

At the same time, Liao Jianguo issued an order to the coal mine: "Now I declare in a wartime state that all workers in the coal mine will be evacuated."

The mine leader nodded and immediately ordered the coal miners to evacuate immediately.

Even some workers were still washing their bodies in the bathhouse. When they heard about the appearance of the cave, they didn't have time to put on their clothes and started to run away naked.

At this time, a problem arose.

Everyone evacuated, what should we do with the tunnel with roof collapse?

The rescue team is also ordinary people. Facing the sudden attack of aliens and beasts, there is only one end, death!

After all the trouble, no one cared about Li Quanyou and others whose life and death were unknown!

Of course, the mine leaders wanted to take care of it, but they didn't have the manpower.

They wanted to borrow some students from Liao Jianguo to dig tunnels, but Liao Jianguo's attitude seemed to care more about the cave than the lives of several workers.

The mine leader sighed.

In front of the cave, everything has to give way.

In front of the warrior, ordinary people have to give way.

Although Li Quanyou is a warrior, he is just a social warrior, which is far less important than finding the exit of the cave.

After all, if the cave is found earlier, the battle can be started earlier and the crisis can be nipped in the bud.

Therefore, the people on the scene selectively ignored the tunnel with roof collapse.


Hundreds of second-grade warrior students from Wuda University began to go down the mine.

Yu Hao took the lead, staring at the map in his hand, and constantly assigned teams to enter the corresponding tunnels to search.

When passing by the tunnel with roof collapse, Yu Hao paused.

I think digging in is a waste of time and manpower.

What if there is no cave inside? It's a waste of work.

Then I left...


At this time, Li Quanyou calmed the workers and said, "Turn off all your mining lamps and leave only one lamp for lighting."

This is also to save electricity and keep the lighting time as long as possible.

In this environment, people will go crazy if they lack light.

Then, Li Quanyou picked up a piece of coal gangue and came to the coal wall. He was about to knock on the compressed air pipeline to send a signal to the outside.

But he found that the pipeline had broken and was buried deep in the rocks and coal slag.


Li Quanyou looked worried, returned to the crowd, sat on the floor, and didn't speak.

Time passed slowly.

Shen Bei felt that one second was like an hour.

So long.

Shen Bei couldn't sit still anymore, stood up, picked up the shovel, and started digging.

Li Quanyou shouted: "Don't bother! With our strength, we can't dig it out at all."

"You can't stay here, can you?"

Shen Bei's answer was simple.


Shen Bei just finished speaking.

In the alleyway that originally had only one beam of light, suddenly, white light bloomed!

The brief white light was like the falling sun, dispelling all the darkness in the alleyway, making it as bright as day.

But this vision only lasted for a second and then disappeared.

Li Quanyou, Shen Bei and others turned around suddenly.

Anyone could tell that the white light came from deeper in the alleyway!

"What the hell!"

"Nearly blinded me."

"What happened in there?"

"Why is it so bright?"

"Boss Li, Boss Li, what's going on? Isn't it a dead end?"

Several workers looked horrified and shouted in panic.

It’s not normal, it’s absolutely fucking abnormal!

Even if you continue to pretend to be the top, everyone can accept it.

However, an extremely strong light appeared from deep in the alleyway for no reason!

And there is a dead end inside, and no one exists!

Li Quanyou was also confused. Although he was a warrior, he was only a social warrior and had not received any systematic education.

Moreover, when he became a warrior, he only improved his status, rather than joining the army to serve the country.

"I...I don't know either."

Li Quanyou only felt that the space in front of him seemed to darken, his original confident face disappeared, and an unprecedented feeling of terror filled his heart.

Shen Bei put down the shovel and looked suddenly, his eyes trembling, his face frozen into ice, and an uneasy feeling came over him. guessed it right...

Is it a cave?

In other words, the earthquake just now was not a cannon fire, but an earthquake!

Moreover, according to the knowledge taught by Zhao Xinrou, before the cave appears, there will be light.

The light is very brief, almost disappearing in the blink of an eye.

It's usually not easy to spot during the day.

But in such a dark alley, it was so dazzling.

Shen Bei took a deep breath, looked back at the blocked alley, and then looked at the alley hidden in the darkness.

The corner of his mouth twitched, it was such a bad time that even a mouthful of cold water would make his teeth choke.

Right now.

Under the gaze of everyone, an extremely abnormal scarlet color suddenly flashed in the darkness, and the red light became more and more intense.

It looks like the pupils of some unknown animal!



In the darkness, footsteps sounded.

The workers were completely frightened when this scene happened.

Although the thing in the darkness has not yet appeared, anyone can guess that except for the creatures in the cave that can suddenly crawl out, there cannot be other creatures under the coal mine!

Even if there are mice, they won’t glow red!

"Holy shit! The vibration on the floor just now wasn't a cannon, it was an earthquake!"

"Boss Li, you fucking cheated people!"

"What to do, what to do! People will die, people will die!"

"It's over! The exit is blocked, and the damn cave still appears in this alley. We will all die!"

The workers' eyes were filled with tears, their faces were ashen, their whole bodies were shaking like chaff, and they were roaring intermittently madly.

At this time, Li Quanyou swallowed, his face twisted into a ball, changing violently, and he said intermittently:

"Don't, don't panic! I, I am also a warrior!"

"They are all hiding behind me. If they die, I will be the first to die!"

"If I can survive, I promise to take you out!"

"Now. I'm in the front!" As he said that, Li Quanyou burst out with a determined aura of destruction, and then said: "Shen Bei, you lead people to dig a survival passage, quick!"

Shen Bei:......

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