While Dr. A Li and Haihara Ai were busy coming up with names, a very unusual scene happened in the bedroom on the other side.

In the bedroom, Lin Yu held a flashlight in his right hand and a piece of mahjong-sized"tofu" in the palm of his left hand, sitting motionless on the bed.

There were many complex expressions such as horror, ecstasy, disbelief, etc. remaining on the young face.

After taking a few deep breaths for a long time, Lin Yu, who finally suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, carefully raised the flashlight in one hand and the"tofu" in the other, and began to examine it carefully.

After a long time, he finally confirmed that the scene before him was really not a dream.

"So, this is my golden finger."

Muttering, Lin Yu had a thought in his mind.

The next moment, the flashlight held in his right hand suddenly disappeared.

The fingers still maintained the grip, but there was nothing in the palm of his hand.


The next moment, the flashlight that disappeared before reappeared in Lin Yu's palm.

He stayed there quietly, as if the scene that disappeared before was a human illusion and had never happened.

The bedroom returned to deathly silence..until



At this time, Lin Yu's mouth could no longer be suppressed, and he laughed out loud.

His golden finger has indeed arrived.

Moreover, the author is still too good to open it to the protagonist, even if it is opened It was also the kind of desperate suppression.

Going back to a few minutes ago,

Lin Yu woke up from his sleep. As soon as he opened his eyes, he suddenly found himself in an empty

, lonely space. He almost thought that traveling through the world of Conan was fake, and picking up Xiao Ai was just a dream full of spring. He was still in that vegetative state, still trapped in that void space, and never escaped.

Then, he didn't have time to vent. Feeling depressed, Lin Yu suddenly saw an emerald green flashlight drifting past his eyes.

His eyes moved with the flashlight, and then Lin Yu saw a pink wooden door not far away.


With this thought popping up in his mind, Lin Yu tentatively pinched his thigh hard.


Then, there was a sudden and severe pain in his thigh, which made him jump a hundred feet.

This time, he was so frightened that he almost flew out of the sky.

No, it should be said that he really flew into the sky.

He flew into the sky and never stopped. Not like that.

Looking at the various"toys" passing by, Lin Yu suddenly realized that he seemed to be in a position similar to that of space, with no resistance. , there was no gravity, and he couldn't stop at all. It wasn't until he hurriedly hugged an old-fashioned red phone booth floating in the sky that he successfully made an emergency landing and sat on the phone booth, steadying his body. Looking at the toys flying around, Lin Yu wondered what kind of situation he was in.

A bamboo dragonfly with a suction cup on its bottom slowly floated in front of him.

Worrying about the craftsman's craftsmanship.

Such a shoddy product shouldn't be easy to sell. Or is he still in a vegetative state and not awake at all? The pink wooden door with door frames flew forward close to Lin Yu's head.

"If you stand on it, it should be Tao Baibai's flying Miki."

Looking away from the distant door, Lin Yu continued to cross his legs and think about his situation.

Traveling again, most likely not. Lin Yu had confirmed before that his current body was still the same as when he was a child, naked and without anything.

Thinking Suddenly, Nezha's Universe Circle fell from the sky, impartially, and just happened to be placed on Lin Yu's neck.


A black thread took off the diamond ring like a snare, threw it out casually, and put it on an emerald green bamboo pole.

All difficulties were eliminated, but a series of accidents made Lin Yu so upset that he couldn't even think about it. Think about it carefully.

Lin Yu simply gave up exploring this problem and began to carefully observe the things around him to find a way out.

After a closer look, Lin Yu shook his head. It looked like it was a poor quality plastic cloak, or it looked more like it had been cut from the north. Most of the door curtains contain expired bread, konjac chips, chewing gum, meatballs, candies...

There are also carpets, towels, flashlights, storage boxes, old-fashioned TVs, game consoles...

At a glance, everything is messy. , it felt like he was in a recycling station.

As he looked at it, Lin Yu suddenly found that these inferior toys looked more and more familiar to him.

But for a while I couldn't remember where I saw it

"These things feel so low-quality and fake."

Commenting, a picture suddenly flashed in Lin Yu's mind. It was a cartoon he watched in his childhood.


With a flash of inspiration, Lin Yu thought about where he had seen these things.

His eyes suddenly burst into dazzling light. Lin Yu quickly stood up and began to identify the items one by one according to his memory.

"Bamboo dragonfly, random door, penetration ring, TV pick-up stick……"

"Yes, indeed, these are Doraemon's props."

The more he watched, the more excited Lin Yu became.

The more he watched, the more surprised he was.

In the end, he even began to go crazy.

If not for other reasons, Xiao Duola's props were so unbelievable and buggy that he couldn't help it. Not excited

"Calm down, I'm not sure yet whether these things are props or really props."

Lin Yu probably already knew what his golden finger was.

However, because he guessed it, he couldn't calm down.

Pressing his heart that was about to jump out of his chest, Lin Yu quickly cooled down his brain that was about to smoke.

"No, you can't be excited, keep a normal mind, be normal. If you get too excited and cause a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, it will be the end of you."

However, no matter how Lin Yu hypnotized himself or comforted himself, his restless heart never calmed down, but became even more restless.

"Damn, I can’t help it anymore."

Using a foul language after a long time, Lin Yu stretched out his hand to grab the bamboo dragonfly floating next to him, and pressed it on his head.

The next second,


The bamboo dragonfly seemed to be equipped with a motor and began to rotate.

With a hopeful heart, Lin Yu thought.

Randomly, Lin Yu only felt a lightness in his body, and his body slowly rose into the air.

At this moment, the last thing in his heart was A trace of worry completely dissipated

"Sure enough, these props are real."

Doing two things at once, Lin Yu controlled the bamboo dragonfly to fly smoothly while observing this empty space.

"If I guessed correctly, this should be the legendary Sea of Consciousness."

This space is extremely familiar to him.

When he was still in a vegetative state, he was trapped here, shouting that the sky was not responding and the earth and the earth were not working.

But at that time, this place was full of nothingness and unreality, and even space and time were false. There is no such concept at all.

But now, Lin Yu can feel that this space is real, and there is no sense of falsehood.

To put it bluntly, it is like Nobita entering Doraemon 4. Dimensional pocket is the same as before

"Well, a fourth-dimensional pocket."

Lin Yu, who was flying around, suddenly stopped and hovered motionless in the air.

A pair of bright eyes looked at the surrounding void in surprise.

After a long time, he said uncertainly:

"By the way, this is not really in a fourth-dimensional pocket, right?"

That's what I said, but Lin Yu, who has been here for countless years and is very familiar with this place, can be very sure that this is the original consciousness sea space.

I just don't know what happened to make it become like this, and also have After pressing these props

, a bold idea appeared in Lin Yu's mind.

"In other words, they must have been fused together for some special reason."

Once the bold guess came out, he couldn't stop at all. The more Lin Yu thought about it, the more he felt that it was very possible.

"In this way, the rescue can perfectly explain why the originally empty sea of consciousness turned into reality, and it can also explain why there are Xiaoduola's props in my sea of consciousness."

Looking up at the sky, the sky was completely empty, not even light.

However, this lack could not block Lin Yu's fiery heart.

"Now, you just need to confirm that you can take the props out and use them normally, then everything will be fine"

"This world can no longer pose any threat to me."

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