Detective and police are currently the professions that can obtain space-time energy, after all, there is no shortage of cases in the world of Ke Xue, and every time a case is solved, it can change the fate of some people and obtain space-time energy.

So, if it was Kudo Shinichi who came to collect space-time energy, it should be very efficient, right? He thought darkly.

If it were in any other world, Genda River would definitely have chosen the path of the police.

Just as the so-called back against the big tree to take advantage of the cool, after joining the government organization has many benefits, in addition to the benefits on the surface, the benefits in the secret are really big.

It’s just that this world is the world of science and learning, and the detectives are the mainstream, and the police have become nitpicking existences behind the detectives.

Throughout more than a thousand episodes of Conan, it can be said that there are very few police officers who can be called excellent, most of them are counted, and a considerable number of them have mediocre qualifications and can only do things step by step.

Only a few can be called elite, but this part is too little.

Compared to the huge police population, it is simply insignificant.

He touched his chin, and he couldn’t help but show a slightly strange smile on his face.

After coming to this world, I originally thought that being able to live a rich and peaceful life and enjoy it is the true meaning of life.

But the cruel reality, so that he obviously has the capital to enjoy, but can only roll up, but also to embark on the road of detective, this is really a little……….

I don’t want to, I don’t want to, now the toxins have been cleaned up, tomorrow I will be discharged from the hospital for a day off, and the day after tomorrow I will go to school, and if I don’t go again, I will be expelled, and I will not go to school for half a year, and I will not be wronged at all.

After waking up early in the morning, he once again completed a sturdy five-kilometer ride and some radio gymnastics-like movements according to Tomokoko’s plan.

These movements seem simple, but in fact, whether it is the amplitude of action or the speed of action, it is very particular and resonates with the fat of this body.

The first five kilometers of jogging is like clockwork on a clockwork, and at this time, these broadcast gymnastics are all released from the kinetic energy accumulated in front.

In the past few days in the hospital, although there was no running, these movement exercises did not fall behind at all.

After taking a bath, the pores of the whole body once again precipitated a lot of oil, and the whole person was refreshed after the bath.

After changing clothes, I couldn’t wait to run to the scale and look at my weight.

“95.3 kg, compared to before, it is already 5 kg lighter, a great victory!”

Everyone who is committed to losing weight will be more confident after seeing that their weight loss has an effect.

When Tomoko saw this scene, she complained in her heart.

“I measured his weight to the milligram, but I couldn’t bear to look at it, I had to look at the numbers on the scale, cut!”

In the past three days, Tomoko has been on the Internet several times, and he has a better understanding of the information of this world, so the language is more secular.

In the garage, the car that was already full of dust, wordlessly accused, he abandoned himself for half a year.

If car lovers see it, they must not beat him up, this black Lamborghini classic, his father gave him a 16th birthday gift, and it is the only car that has remained in its original body after that accident.

But now there is not much time, so I can only find a cloth, wipe the outside a little, even if it is finished, and then drive this very windy sports car towards Didan High School.

After arriving at the school, park the sports car, lock it with the car key, and walk out of the parking lot.

At this time, it was almost time for class, and all the way were high school students wearing school uniforms, especially female high school students in small skirts, which was simply a beautiful scenery.

Completely different from the neon world in the previous life, most of the girls in the Ke Xue world are tall and beautiful, especially young girls, there are few ugly ones.

And Didan High School is even more a concentration of beautiful girls, looking at the long legs under the hem of this pair of skirts, it is pleasant, it is really a good place to forget troubles.

At this time, above the corridor of the teaching building, two young girls were leaning on the railing of the corridor, looking at the bustling crowd downstairs, each holding a cup of coffee, and was talking and laughing leisurely.

“Xiaolan, it’s really funny, your father is too cute, right?” , One of them, a girl with shoulder-length brown hair and a headband in her hair, smiled at another gentle and beautiful girl with a ‘sharp horn’ in her hair.

“Okay Yuanzi, I’m just whining with you, don’t be so loud, you will be heard”, the gentle girl helplessly stopped her friend from continuing.

These two girls, naturally, are Maori Lan and Suzuki Sonoko, a heroine and a female second, can be described as beautiful girls with their own merits, a character soft on the outside and rigid on the inside, a lively and cute, both are beautiful girls with a strong sense of justice.

Xiaolan is also helpless, her father Maori Kogoro, since he and his mother have been separated, he has begun to let himself go.

Not only has he lost his job as a police officer, but his smoking and drinking problems have become more and more serious, and what is more infuriating is that he often likes to hang out with some other girls, and recently became obsessed with a female star named Yoko Okino.

Even the work of the detective is not done carefully, watching each other’s programs in front of the TV all day, learning to chase stars, and don’t think about it, he is already almost forty years old, so if it goes on, the possibility of reconciling with his mother is getting slimmer and slimger.

So she couldn’t help but talk to her good girlfriend Yuanzi, but it caused Yuanzi to laugh, which made her very embarrassed.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry Xiaolan, I didn’t mean it, I just think it’s funny, your father actually chases stars, this is too interesting, after all, in my impression, these middle-aged uncles like things, should not be this kind of thing, after all, there are many other ways of entertainment”

Xiaolan couldn’t help but blush, and hurriedly blocked her girlfriend’s mouth with her hand.

This garden is really, let her continue, maybe she will say something, it is really getting more and more dirty.

“Huh? That person is very strange, it seems that he has not seen it at school, as if he is not a student of our school.”

Following Xiaolan’s gaze, Yuan Zi was slightly surprised: “It’s actually him, he actually came to school, and it seems that he came out”

The tone of speech gradually lowered, as if he was talking to himself, and his face became a little heavier.

“Garden? What happened to you? ”

Yuanzi shook his head: “It’s okay, it’s just remembering some past events.”

“Hehe, Yuanzi, this guy won’t be your old boyfriend, right? Otherwise, why is your expression so abnormal? But don’t you just like handsome guys? When will I be attracted to a boy with such a figure”

A mean voice sounded, and following the already angry gaze of the garden, a handsome young man with bangs in front of his hair and raised sides walked over.

It’s just that the handsome face, with a smiling expression, coupled with a mean voice, makes people can’t help but get angry when they hear it.

“Kudo Shinichi, don’t talk nonsense, this guy is not my boyfriend, it’s just that our family has some relationship with their family, but that’s also in the past, if there are rumors coming out, it’s your harm!”

Saying that he turned around and left directly, Xiaoran also glared at him and hurriedly went to chase the garden, leaving only Kudo Shinichi’s face inexplicable.

“What’s going on, I’m just angry, is my joke too much? Or is the menstrual holiday coming? Women are so troublesome”

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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