“Boom ————”

A kitchen knife accurately divides a good watermelon in two, then buckles the two halves of the watermelon in two shallow white plates, and then cuts the knife from the skin of the melon.

Under the horizontal seven vertical eight knives, the watermelon is cut into chunks and long strips, so that it will not be like the crescent-shaped watermelon cut out of general, and the face that will be eaten is all over the face, and it will be cut like this when serving guests, which will save a lot of embarrassment.

And because it is inverted on the plate, so that the watermelon does not contact the air, it can be stored longer.

Of course, if it’s just like this, I’m sorry, he picked out this good watermelon with good quality and taste from hundreds of watermelons.

Since having Tomoko, my mother no longer worries about my studies, bah, there is no need to worry about my life, just the function of selecting the best quality is enough to kill other traversers’ systems in seconds.

After cutting, it is the exquisite plating link, according to the catering standards set by a tire manufacturer, although the taste of the food itself is important, it is not the most important, the most important thing is the plating!

Putting on a five-dollar thing for five hundred yuan is considered a skill, and if you can put on the appearance of fifty thousand yuan, you can be regarded as a master.

You can go to the big restaurants in big cities and join them to rob ~, no, it’s to earn money!

How can you say that what you want is robbery, it is clear that it is a fraud, and it is not a lie to the poor.

According to the shape that Tomoko had designed for him in the spirit space, Gentagawa carefully completed a plate with watermelon and several other fruits.

【Name: Fruit plating, 40% completion】

[Details: This is a plate of fruit made with the best quality fruit, and it is a work that the host is imitating step by step, but because of the inferior technique, the completion degree is only 40%]

[Evaluation: A fruit plate with good taste, but because of the host’s poor plating skills, the evaluation of the fruit plate is greatly reduced, and sure enough, rough and stupid hands cannot control high-grade food]

Speechless, really speechless, this is Gentagawa’s mood.

Originally after doing great things, temporarily solving the current crisis, attracting everyone’s attention, the joy of being able to live again, and changing the fate of many people, Tomoko absorbed a lot of space-time energy at once.

The degree of its own repair has successfully reached 5%!

But the higher the degree of repair, the more like a woman this guy is, and he actually learns to poison his tongue, which is simple.

Heaven, give me back the former Chiko!

Looking at Genda River’s swollen appearance, Tomoko was sitting on a round of string moons, two slender little legs, swaying in the air, and emitting bursts of silver bell-like laughter.

“You just laugh yourself, I’ll go out now and accept flowers and applause”

Saying that, he snorted, and walked out of the kitchen with the fruit plate, and sure enough, the few people who attracted the guests all exclaimed.

“Genda-san, the fruit plate you actually laid out is so beautiful, it’s a work of art, I’m afraid I can’t bear to eat it,” Kayuko said in amazement.

In fact, although this fruit plate is not shit in Tomoko’s evaluation, it depends on who this thing is compared to.

For girls who have not learned this craft and are very fond of delicate plating, it feels completely different.

Not to mention the great shock, but also the eyes brightened.

After all, Tomoko’s casual ideas are all boutique solutions among the best, and even if they are only a little similar, they are enough to be called exquisite.

“Genda Chuan, I really didn’t expect it, after you don’t become a big young master, you are a lot more powerful, and what you do now, it’s all like a look”

Of course, it is Sonoko who speaks, and only she and Genda River will talk so casually.

At this time, Kayuko Fujita, Haruko Rikawa, and Sonoko and Koran, four young and beautiful girls, gathered again at Gentagawa’s home, and all brought a lot of gifts.

The reason for this is not only because after this period of getting along, everyone is already quite good friends, but the more important reason is that they want to learn from Gentagawa.

Listening to the words of the garden, Genda Chuan couldn’t help but smile, of course, he is not the original body, but he is not the original body, but he is not the original body, and he can only wear clothes to reach for food and open his mouth.

“So, we came over and learned cooking from Genda-san and the decision to lose weight, and we must have done it right.”

Listening to the conversation between the two, Xiaolan smiled sweetly, and the two of Kayuko and Haruko also echoed with each other.

“Yes, that’s right, these are all girls, the skills they want to learn the most.”

The big eyes under the black-framed glasses of Jia Yuzi were simply full of caution at this time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is also something that can’t be helped, after noticing that Gentagawa is extremely efficient in losing weight, she began to observe, and as a result, she discovered a new world.

This classmate is also too powerful, the body shape is simply one a day, although she is separated by clothes, but she has this feeling.

Don’t doubt that a girl’s eyes are very accurate in such an aspect, this is a talent!

And last time, after eating the food made by Genda River, I couldn’t help but want to learn, after all, if you always come to someone’s house to eat, you will be embarrassed, but if you learn it, you can make it for yourself every day.

So he pulled up his good friend Qingzi and ran together, wanting to learn from the teacher, but he didn’t expect that halfway through, he met Yuan Zi and Xiaolan, who also brought his good sisters together, and this is the current scene.

Gentagawa smiled and said, “It’s my honor that several beautiful girls are willing to learn from me, but the learning process is not easy, if you can’t stick to quit, then you won’t complain about me”

The general skills that Tomoko deduced, even the breathing technique, can be taught.

But the problem is that general skills, such as weight loss methods and cooking methods, can be taught casually, and learners will learn the same as chefs, or they need to put in a lot of effort to achieve something.

And skills with extraordinary nature, similar to the breathing method, are not something that can be taught at will, not because they cherish themselves, but because ordinary people cannot learn it.

If you practice forcibly, you may first break your lungs.

Next, it’s time for a harmonious tasting.

Although just a few girls said that this plate was a work of art, when they started eating, they were all unambiguous and began to eat directly.

The taste of several fruits, instead of pouring each other, complements each other, and the aroma and sweetness of several fruits are perfectly stimulated.

At this moment, a text message suddenly appeared on the TV.

“According to the latest news from this station, a short message was inserted, at about 10 o’clock this morning, the Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters, together with the local army, cracked a particularly large smuggling import case, and the police and the military carried out a close cooperation to carry out a surprise attack on the secret base of the criminal group, and achieved extremely rich results.”

Yuanzi swallowed the fruit in his mouth and pouted: “There are really many recent cases, there are cases everywhere, the previous monster murder case, have not been solved, but now the smuggling case has been solved”

Only Gentagawa knows what this seemingly inconspicuous text message means.

I couldn’t help but secretly said in my heart: “It seems that the base of the black-clothed organization in the eastern capital has been completely destroyed, but it is not in vain to my expectations”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel relaxed, the tense hunting moment passed, and he could also live a comfortable life.

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