While Gentagawa is sweating at home and starting the life he yearns for, the police on the other side are immersed in the joy of victory.

In the conference room, Kensaku Ashida, who was wearing a black suit, squinted his narrow eyes with a smile in his eyes.

After the meeting that day was used to attract attention, he immediately led a team of special police to the base of the black-clothed organization.

The timing of his arrival was wonderful, when the Molotov cocktail ignited the gas gas, and the black-clad organization could only begin to retreat with all its might.

Leading three armed helicopters, using the airborne method, he delivered a fatal blow to the black-clad organization, like the last full moon scimitar, and inflicted amazing damage.

In this way, even if it is impossible to take away, the data that must be destroyed absolutely must be destroyed, as well as some researchers, as well as a large number of peripheral members, and a small number of core members, that is, members with wine name codes, have been captured! “Two One Zero”

Even, Kensaku Ashida and Gin Sake had a head-to-head confrontation, and as a result of the confrontation, Gin Jiu was hit by two bullets, and one arm was almost scrapped, while Ashida Kensaku only suffered a slight injury and a few more abrasions on his body.

If it weren’t for Gin Jiu’s timely detonation of the bomb in the Yong Dao, making him hesitant and not daring to continue the pursuit, Gin Jiu would almost become a prisoner!

However, although it did not achieve the greatest victory, in fact, this is already the biggest blow that the organization has suffered since its establishment!

Moreover, such a fierce method made those high-ranking officials and parliamentarians who received the news and wanted to stop the actions of the Metropolitan Police Department for various reasons completely shut their mouths.

From the wreckage of the base, the police found a large number of weapons, including various firearms, many heavy machine guns, as well as heavy sniper rifles, and a large number of explosive devices.

If these explosives and weapons appeared together on the streets of the Eastern Capital, Tokyo would be a hell on earth!

A large, complete, underground fortress built according to military standards, a large number of weapons, explosives, and many various contraband.

Including some neon domestic military facilities, a large number of classified documents, and some important state secrets, they have been cleaned up one by one.

Although a lot has been destroyed, the rest of these are also shocking.

It is precisely because of these things that those who oppose this operation are really suppressed.

After all, in the absence of a state mandate, the army was actually mobilized!

Although the number of people mobilized is within the upper limit of urban anti-terrorism, but the mobilization of the army is the mobilization of the army, as the most important violent machine of the country, in any era, the mobilization of the army, can touch countless people, the most sensitive nerves.

“Hmph, you guy, you were active when picking peaches, and now you need to work, but it’s a good thing, it’s just suffering us people”

A playful voice came, and then I saw Sergeant Oda Kiri, walking into the conference room from outside, looking at the guy who was holding Erlang’s legs at this time, his face was full of relaxed and comfortable, and he couldn’t help but sour.

After all, this thunder operation against the black-clad organization was formed by him taking huge risks and withstanding great pressure.

It can be imagined that if there is a slight error in his judgment, a little indecisiveness, or a little problem in the timing of the time, the whole process will definitely not go smoothly.

For this time, he gambled his career, even his life!

I took a big risk and was taken away from part of the credit, and now I am still dealing with all kinds of heads and tails, and my feet are still busy, but the other party is very good, enjoying the pastries and tea in the small conference room.

Even though the other party is an old friend, and it is also because of his all-out efforts that there will be such a smooth result, but a sour word, I can’t help but say.

Ashida Kensaku laughed: “Toshiro, as an old friend, I have to remind you that I am idle now, but for your own good, if I am busy now, some people will not worry”

Oda Che’s chief police officer cut out of his mouth, but there was a smile on his face.

He knew in his heart that if Ashida Kensaku took advantage of this opportunity, he would definitely have the opportunity to regain control of a real power department in the Metropolitan Police Department and re-establish his power map in the Metropolitan Police Department.

And the reason why he did not do this, but deliberately hid here, is also to maintain the stability of the Metropolitan Police Department, and in fact, his so-called merit-grabbing behavior is also because of this.

Without his participation, this time the matter would definitely not end like this.

So in fact, the other party is under great pressure just like himself.

“By the way, that kid under you, but he withdrew with Gin Jiu and the others, presumably, after experiencing life and death, it should be of great help to his undercover career, right?”

Oda Kirito nodded: “I received his call yesterday, he has now basically gained the trust of the organization and has a code name, and Bourbon is his name in the organization”

“Hey, good”

Saying that, he stood up and moved his body.

“Toshiro, the rest will be left to you, I will watch everything secretly, but don’t be lazy, I will keep an eye on you”

Saying that, he walked out quickly, leaving only Toshiro Oda, his eyes watching the other party leave 0…..


At this time, on a low hill, a keen gaze crossed the distance and fell on a large area of ruins, which had been destroyed and were still being cleaned up, the ruins of the organization base.

“It’s hard to imagine that in today’s society, there is such a powerful criminal organization, it’s really unbelievable, but this is also the meaning of detectives, isn’t it?”

Saying that he smiled confidently, he began to search the neighborhood, and at this time the sunlight fell on his face, revealing his true face, and it was Kudo Shinichi.

As an excellent detective, such a big event, of course, will not be let go, so he specially ran to investigate.

I have to say that his insight and search ability are excellent, and he has really found a lot of clues.

With these traces, coupled with his reasoning ability, he has already pieced together many details in his mind.

“Such a large base must have been operating for many years, and there should be a lot of secret passages, but the one found so far is too obvious”

After Gin Jiu led everyone to escape, the police wanted to reopen the collapsed tunnel crossing and then track down the clues.

At that time, time was urgent, in addition to hurrying to clean up, the police also sent people and horses to look for the exit of the secret passage in the periphery, and then the police easily found the secret passage exit in front of them, an exit disguised as the ranger’s hut 1.6.

When I found it, I found that the door of the hut was open, covered with blood and messy footprints, as if many people had walked around.

However, although it is not difficult to find, the people who are pursuing have disappeared without a trace, and the police immediately began to search the mountain, but found nothing, and finally could only seal the place, and then slowly investigate.

“Many of these terrorists have been injured, and logically speaking, they should not run so fast, especially under the pursuit of the police level, what methods did the other party use to disappear from under the noses of the police?”

Countless details turned in front of Kudo Shinichi’s eyes, as if there was a door, opening and closing in his brain, and in an instant, he had an idea.

The best way now is to go directly into the passage and see for yourself to know if there is a problem in this.

Reaching out, he was about to tear off the seal that the police had attached to the door of the hut, but at this moment, a palm grabbed him.

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