the next day.

Didan High School, lunch break

"Huh? Where did Shinichi go? Why didn't you come to school?"

Yuanzi was a little curious about Xinyi's movements and couldn't help but look at Xiaolan.

"I have no idea!! Xiaolan snorted and said angrily:"After he asked me to go home by myself last night, I ignored him!"!"

"………"Yuanzi can completely understand why Xiaolan is so angry.

She turned to look at Detective Lin and asked,"Lin, do you know?"

"Yeah. I know."After Lin Tan swallowed the food in his mouth, he said:"He is lying in the hospital now."

"Huh?!!"This news immediately shocked Xiaolan Yuanzi and Yuanzi.

Yuanzi quickly asked:"What's going on? Why did he end up in the hospital?"

"While chasing a bank robber yesterday, he was shot in the shoulder."When Detective Lin said this, he couldn't help but feel deep admiration for Shinichi.

He behaved like a Sigma man as always.

He clearly promised to send Xiaolan home, but when he saw another bank robbery, he directly sent her home. Xiaolan is not sloppy at all.

If you don't inherit the mantle of Sherlock Holmes, who is qualified to inherit it?

"This guy.. He really did not care about solving the case. Yuanzi was quite speechless. She looked at Xiaolan and said,"Let's go visit him after school!""

"………Um."Xiaolan nodded in agreement. Although she was angry with Xinyi, she was also very concerned about his life and safety.


After school in the afternoon, the three of them went to Mihua Comprehensive Treatment Hospital and bought some visiting gifts.

"Um?"However, while taking the elevator, Detective Lin suddenly received a message from the system.

【Ding! Kudo Shinichi successfully solved the murder case, and you received the reward: the Recovery Amulet.】

【Healing Amulet: After wearing it, wounds on the body heal faster. 】

After seeing the news, others were shocked.

It’s not that I was shocked by the reward, but I was shocked by the news! noShinichi and others are still lying in the ward, why did they solve the case again?

Is being hospitalized not enough to stop you from solving the case?

It’s really awesome!

How about you say you are the protagonist of an anime?

While sighing, the elevator stopped.

Detective Lin and his party came to the ward where Shinichi was.

After knocking on the door and entering, he saw Shinichi lying on the bed wearing a hospital gown.

He greeted happily:"You are here!!"

Detective Lin found the mobile phone in Xinyi's hand and immediately understood what was going on.

He said with great relief:"Xinyi, you are really dedicated. Even when you were sick and hospitalized, you still used your mobile phone to solve crimes."

"hey-hey~~~"Shinichi smiled proudly:"There's nothing I can do. Officer Megure couldn't figure it out, so he had to call me and ask me! Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I just helped him!""

"I admire you!!"Detective Lin expressed deep admiration for this.

He was also worried that the other party's hospitalization would affect his work efficiency.

But he didn't expect that even lying in the hospital bed would not affect the other party's ability to solve the case!

With a case-solving genius like Shinichi... a madman, then he still worries about not having a system. Reward?

And the divine help last night, he sent me a bottle of life potion when I needed it most!

He helped me successfully kill Okino Yoko and put her into submission.

Thank you very much. For a moment, I felt really sorry.

Thinking of this, Detective Lin decisively took out the recovery amulet he had just picked up, presented it to him and said,"It is said that Sherlock Holmes traveled across the ocean to get it here."

"When he fell into a waterfall with Moriarty, he relied on it to survive!"

"I was lucky enough to meet it at a stall and bought it for 5,000 yen. Now I’m giving it to you."

"Thanks!"Xinyi was amused when he listened to Lin Tan's nonsense.

However, he naturally accepted the gift from his friend happily:"Thank you."

Xinyi took the amulet and put it in his pocket.

He suddenly felt that his gunshot wound was slightly itchy.

Xiaolan and Sonoko who were next to him also gave them visiting gifts.

"I was worried that you would be bored in the ward, so I bought you some newly published mystery novels to pass the time."Xiaolan is very considerate.

"This is the fruit basket that the three of us bought for you to supplement your health and promote wound healing! Yuanzi put the fruit basket aside. After receiving Xinyi's thanks, she said politely:"Xinyi, you are really getting bolder!" That robber had the guts to reach up even though he had a gun!"

"yes! You are too careless! Xiaolan also became worried:"What if it hits somewhere else?""

"It's okay, you don't have to worry!"Xinyi explained again and again:"I only did this when I was sure."

"If you are so determined to die, something will definitely happen in the future! Yuanzi said angrily.

"Forget about the usual murder cases, this time it's a bank robbery. How dare you go up to the gangster with a gun in his hand! If something happened to you, Aunt Yukiko and Uncle Yusaku would be so sad."Xiaolan also said a few words


Faced with the reprimands of the two younger ones, Shinichi also felt overwhelmed.

He originally thought that his parents had gone abroad and no one would teach him anything in the future.

But he didn't expect that it would be the turn of these two childhood playmates to lecture him.

What makes Shinichi even more depressed is that………They all said this out of concern, and they were all right.

This left him speechless and could only look at Detective Lin for help.

In this regard, Detective Lin did not want Xiaolan Yuanzi to damage Xinyi's self-confidence too much, so he said:"Actually, this matter cannot be blamed on Xinyi.""

"If you want to blame, you can only blame the police for their incompetence."

"If they could arrive in time and stop the bank robbers, where would it be Shinichi, a high school student, to intervene?"

Seeing the stairs coming down, Shinichi quickly nodded and said,"Yes, yes!" If the police hadn't been more forceful, I wouldn't have rushed forward."

Xiaolan Yuanzi and Xiaolan Yuanzi are both very innocent, and the topic was easily diverted:

"Those police officers really didn’t know what they were doing. They were paid and didn’t work, and they asked Shinichi to do the job."

"Alas, it’s not that I look down on the police, they really don’t have that ability. At most, it's useful when catching a thief."

"As long as they are useful, Shinichi will not be called the savior of the Metropolitan Police Department by the media."


As they complained one by one, the topic gradually got lost.

This made Shinichi let out a long sigh of relief and cast a grateful look at Detective Lin.

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