It's Friday.

After school, Lin Tan took Xiaolan Yuanzi and the two to buy some consolation gifts and went to Kudo's mansion to visit Shinichi.

However, on the way, the two girls learned from Tan Lin that a young female doctor had temporarily stayed in the new family, and they were both shocked!

"Huh? is this real?"

"Did Shinichi really let a girl live in his house?"

Xiaolan and Sonoko looked at each other, both looking very unbelievable.

No one knows Shinichi better than them!

In each other's heart, reasoning always comes first!

As for letting girls live in his house, It's something that I simply can't even think about.

According to the other party's words,"My mother finally moved out of the house, and I don't want other women to move in and disturb my purity!""

"is this real?"Xiaolan repeatedly expressed doubts about this. She felt that this kind of thing was not something that Shinichi could do.

"It's true, I don't need to lie to you. Detective Lin looked at the shocked expressions of the two people and said,"You don't have to think too much. I think Shinichi must have agreed to let the other person stay for a while out of sympathy.""

"That Dr. Asai was the person who commissioned the Moon Shadow Island incident."

After listening to Tan Tan's explanation, Xiaolan Yuanzi also nodded in understanding.

They knew that Shinichi was a reasoning maniac, but they also knew that the other party was a kind person.

Otherwise, the three of them would not have been able to It was fun. Taking a poor person into his home and sponsoring him for a while was indeed something Shinichi could do.

During the chat, the three of them quickly arrived at Kudo's mansion.


After pressing the doorbell, the door opened not long after

"Shinichi, let’s visit…………Huh?"Before Xiaolan finished speaking, she found that the person who opened the door was a beautiful woman with delicate features, which surprised the two of them.

"Mr. Lin, long time no see. There are two freshmen, hello... come in!"After Asai Narumi said hello, she invited the three of them to come into the living room and sit down.

After she brought tea and water, she said:"Shinichi is in the study. I'll ask him to come out and wait a moment."

After Asai Narumi left, Xiaolan and Sonoko immediately started whispering to each other.

"Huh!!! I didn’t expect Dr. Asai to be a beautiful woman!"

"Now I wonder if Shinichi agreed to let her live in temporarily because of her poor life experience."

"Or is it that Shinichi likes this type of girl?"

"Do you like older people?"

"A little. But don’t you think Dr. Asai looks a bit like Aunt Yukiko?"

"You mean... Shinichi has Oedipus?"


Xiaolanyuanzi and Xiaolanyuanzi are now so excited that their gossip souls are ignited!

With every word you said to me, I expressed all my guesses.

In response, Lin Tan shook his head.

In order to preserve Shinichi's reputation and not be slandered by these two people, he had no choice but to clarify:"No, no, your guesses are wrong!"

"It's not that she's older than Shin, Dr. Asai doesn't look like Yukiko. He doesn't have Oedipus."

"The most important thing is career! Doctor, do you understand?"

Listening to Lin Tan's clarification, Xiaolan Yuanzi suddenly realized


"Uniform temptation?"

"Huh! I didn’t expect him to like this kind of thing!"

"Right? I usually look like a pretty serious person, but I didn’t expect that I’m still so sullen inside."

"We have known him for more than ten years but don’t know much about him. But Lin was different. They had only known each other for a few days, but they already knew each other very well.………Sure enough, men understand men"

"That’s it!"


Xiaolan Yuanzi said this, then looked at Detective Lin with a teasing look.

"…………"This made Detective Lin feel a pain in his balls. Why did the topic come to him again?

He quickly changed the subject again and said:"No, no! Your focus is wrong. Doctor! Doctor! Don't you think of anything about this profession?"

"doctor? What else can you think of besides uniforms?"Both Xiaolan and Yuanzi were confused at the same time.

For this, Lin Tan expressed deep self-blame. He felt that he had led Xiaolan Yuanzi to bad things in the past few days.

Now there are some unhealthy things in his mind.

He had to be patient. He said:"Watson... Watson is also a doctor."

This sentence instantly made both Xiaolan and Yuanzi react.

"Ahhhhh~~~~Now I understand!"After Xiaolan figured it out, she couldn't help but blush a little, feeling that what she had just been thinking about was all!

She glanced at Detective Lin coquettishly, feeling that he had led her into trouble!

If it hadn't been for the past two days that she had always She tricked herself into changing into a maid uniform at his house. Could she think of the temptation of the uniform?

"Tsk, that makes sense now. Sonoko nodded in understanding and said,"So, Shinichi is still the Shinichi we are familiar with!""

While everyone was chatting, Shinichi and Asai Narumi came out of the study.

After Xiaolan and Sonoko saw Shinichi, they couldn't help but start whispering.

"You see, Shinichi is different now than before! So energetic!"

"is not that right? My spirits are much better! I used to look like I was awake and listless."

"I think...he must be interested in Dr. Asai"

"Be direct! I think the two of them must have an affair! He looks like he has been nourished by love"


Shinichi came out of the study and saw his friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He was in a very good mood!

He was just about to say hello to these friends, but he found Xiaolan and Yuanzi whispering to each other.

Shinichi said angrily:"You two are talking bad about me again!!"

"No way, don't think about it, it doesn't happen. Yuanzi denied it.

Xiaolan also nodded and said,"I didn't say anything bad about you."~~~I heard from Detective Lin that you were beaten up and it seemed like nothing happened. Shinichi sat down on the sofa and said,"I just vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, it's not that serious." Lin was exaggerating. After resting for so many days, I feel better.

In this regard, Narumi Asai, who was next to him, also nodded and said:"Shinichi's body is indeed recovering very quickly, almost at a speed visible to the naked eye. It really surprises me!""

As soon as they heard this, Xiaolan and Yuanzi exchanged looks again.

Although they didn't say anything, they both understood what the other wanted to express.————————Dr. Asai knows a lot.

That's it, doctor! You definitely have to take off your clothes for inspection.

Shinichi noticed the little actions of the two and knew that they were secretly talking bad about him again.

But he could only pretend to be deaf and dumb, pretend to know nothing, and start chatting with Detective Lin.

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