After dinner, Lin Tan, Xiaolan Yuanzi and the three of them took a walk together.

While walking, Sonoko couldn't help but sigh:"Shinichi is still in high school, and he is so busy!"

"When he goes to college and has more free time, he will probably be even busier!"

In this regard, Detective Lin nodded in agreement!

Based on his understanding of Kudo Shinichi, this is indeed something that the other party would do.

What's more, Shinichi has developed the detective system that he shared.

You can get points by solving the case. Points can be exchanged for banknotes, which completely solves his material needs, which will allow him to focus more on his detective career!

Not to mention, points can be exchanged for various skills, so how can Shinichi do it? Stop?

Detective Lin said:"University? I don't think Shinichi will go to college. I think after he graduates from high school, he will directly enter the society and officially become a detective! With his ability and fame, he doesn’t even need a college degree."

"Well, Lin, you are right. Yuanzi couldn't help but nodded. When she wanted to say something else, she found that Xiaolan's mood was a little low.

Obviously, Xiaolan had begun to worry about the future.

Yuanzi immediately realized that this topic could not be continued, so she turned to Changing the subject, he said:"Tomorrow is the weekend, I have to go to etiquette class... What are your plans?"

"I? I don’t have any plans tomorrow, I’ll probably be wandering around a lot."Not long after Detective Lin came here, he only had three of his friends.

"As for me...I have made an appointment with Shinichi to go to Dorobiga Paradise tomorrow."Xiaolan said worriedly:"However, I am a little worried that Shinichi will suddenly run away like today when we are on a date."

"Don't worry~~ It won't happen for sure. Yuanzi quickly comforted his best friend and said with a smile:"Today is because there are so many people, and we have arranged a schedule that he doesn't like!" But tomorrow you two will be alone, and he will definitely not leave you alone...right, Lin!"

"Yeah yeah."Detective Lin nodded perfunctorily, but he really didn't agree in his heart: Do you want Shinichi not to solve the case? This would be more uncomfortable than killing him!


After returning home, after taking a shower, Detective Lin received the news that the case had been solved.

"It took a long time to solve the case this time. It seems to be a difficult case."He can analyze the difficulty of the case through Shinichi's time to solve the case.

If he had done it by himself, he would have been able to just stare and scratch his head!

"Professional matters still have to be left to professionals. After sighing with emotion, Detective Lin murmured to himself:"This murder case is more difficult, so the reward should be better!""

As he said that, he looked at the system messages

【Ding! Kudo Shinichi successfully solved the murder case, and you received a reward: a marrow cleansing pill.】

【Marrow Cleansing Pill: It can effectively optimize your own genes and improve your potential in all aspects. 】

Lin Tan couldn't figure out what the specific use was, but he was sure that eating it would do no harm to him!

He ate the marrow-cleansing pill without ceremony.

After a while, Detective Lin felt his stomach churn, and he hurriedly squatted on the toilet.

After emptying his stomach, he felt comfortable all over.

Standing in front of the mirror, Detective Lin found that he was whiter, more handsome, and his body felt a lot lighter!

The effect seemed to be modest, but he was not dissatisfied at all.

Anyway, he got it for nothing, so why should he be dissatisfied?

Detective Lin took a brief shower and then went back to bed and lay down.

He was wondering if he should go to Osaka tomorrow and let Heiji become his nemesis? Solve the murder case for yourself.

If this is the case, wouldn't my rewards skyrocket?

However, just as Tan Tan's thoughts came up, the system's voice sounded: [Ding! The host can currently only share the detective system once】

"Currently you can only share once? After he saw it, he immediately asked:"How can we increase the opportunities for sharing?""

【When the host's reputation is greater than 100, you will get a chance to share!】

"You still have to let me solve the case."Lin Tan sighed and rubbed his temples with a headache.

He knew very well that he had no talent in reasoning.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have let the Shinichi gang solve the case on their own!

"However, while I can’t solve crimes, I can make use of murders that happen in anime!"Detective Lin's thinking is very flexible. He knows that he can gain fame through plot murder cases!

After his reputation reaches 100 points, he can have another detective!

Let these tool people work hard for him, Help yourself get rewards.

When you have more skills and props, you can solve the case yourself, and the difficulty will drop from five stars to one!

Thinking of this, Detective Lin couldn't help but smile as he lay down. , when I was about to have a good sleep, suddenly the sound of the system sounded in my ears again.

【A homicide was detected in a tower apartment one kilometer away. ]

After seeing this, Detective Lin was inevitably a little hesitant and hesitant.

Is it really okay to just let Kudo Shinichi solve crimes from day to night?

As the saying goes, when something changes from a hobby to a job, it becomes very painful!

Shinichi solves cases so frequently, if he gets any pdst about the murder case, it will be over.

For the sake of sustainable development, I shouldn't add any more workload to Xinyi, I have to let him rest. butDetective Lin felt that he should respect his personal ideas and should not impose his own ideas on Shinichi.

The decision lies with Shinichi!

If he wants to go, he can go. If he doesn't go, forget it.

After thinking of this, Lin Tanbian handed over the task to Shinichi and lay down to sleep.

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