【Snake Talisman: After use, it will be invisible. It hides the physical form without a trace so that others cannot see it. It seems invisible but actually exists. It makes everything in the owner's body completely invisible and exists elusively in a certain place.】

"Um? What a good thing!"Tan Lin was shocked.

He didn't expect that he could get such a good reward by personally detecting the murder case, plus the novice bonus.

With the snake talisman, he will be invisible from now on!

As long as he is careful, he will not make mistakes. , The world is so big, can’t he go wherever he wants?

Thinking of this, many bold and illegal pictures suddenly appeared in Lin Tan’s mind, and he felt a little unbearable just by imagining it.

"It seems that you still have to solve the murder case yourself, and the rewards will be rich."Detective Lin sighed with emotion.

However, thinking about his reasoning ability, he shook his head.

It seems that the only way to start is from the cases that appeared in the anime. As for the rest... leave it to Shinichi!

Now Shinichi is still Having not experienced the baptism of the Moon Shadow Island incident, Shinichi is very competitive.

After being crushed by his absolute"strength", Shinichi must feel strong pressure. Coupled with the desire to win and lose, his thirst for points will be further strengthened.!

In the next period of time, he will definitely work hard to solve the case and gain points! In terms of reputation, it will be 50 points at a time. If there are a few more murders, he can easily break through 100 points. The detective is working for himself!


Detective Lin was thinking to himself while following the two men, Gin, Vodka and Gin.

At this time, the two people walked towards a less crowded place.

Detective Lin became alert. He stopped and did not follow immediately. He turned around and went to find a place where no one could see him to use the snake charm.

Invisible mana came from the snake charm and spread all over the body.

It was a very wonderful experience for Detective Lin to watch his body disappear.

He came out again and followed the Gin and Vodka duo again.

However, being invisible is not all good.

No one else could see Detective Lin, and there were too many people coming to the amusement park.

Several people bumped into Lin Tan and sat down on the ground.

Upon seeing this, Detective Lin had no choice but to walk to a less crowded place, try to avoid the crowds, and continue to follow.

During this period, Gin noticed something and turned back several times.

This made Detective Lin marvel at the other party's vigilance.

Without the snake charm, he wouldn't have dared to follow Gin!

While thinking wildly, he followed Gin and Vodka into a black Porsche 356A and left.

Detective Lin took out his cell phone, took a few photos, and finally gave Shinichi an explanation.

"Okay, this way Shinichi won't turn into Conan, and can be a bully for me with peace of mind!"

"Next, I have another place to go"


After coming out of Dorobiga Paradise, Lin Tan took a taxi and rushed to Erqiao Middle School.

The school is dark at night and there are not many people there.

Even the security guard responsible for patrolling was nowhere to be found.

However, out of caution, Detective Lin still used the snake charm and entered the invisible state.

After he entered the school, it didn't take much effort to find the abandoned warehouse and walk there.

As he approached the abandoned warehouse, Detective Lin heard someone's voice:"Say!! What's your home phone number? If you don't tell me, don't blame me for being rude!""

"Woo woo woo woo………"

"Why are you crying? Tell me your phone number before you cry!!"

"Woo woo woo……"

"Damn, are you still crying? Do you really think I dare not slap your mouth?"

When Lin Tan entered the abandoned warehouse, he happened to see the kidnapper slap the kidnapped little girl Gu Jingzi on the face.


The slap was crisp and loud.

The effect was also very obvious, and Gu Jingzi suddenly stopped crying.

The little girl was holding back her tears, not daring to cry out, and her whole body was curled up together.

Detective Lin frowned after seeing this scene.

He didn't think he was a good person, but when he saw children being abused, he became angry.

When Detective Lin walked over quickly, his cell phone rang!

He was startled and hurriedly threw the phone on the bottom

"who?!! The kidnapper looked back warily and saw a mobile phone clattering to the ground.

He clenched the knife in his hand and shouted:"Come out!"! Don't hide, I've seen you!"

Before he finished speaking, his head tilted without any struggle and made a clicking sound.

Detective Lin's figure appeared. He let go of the kidnapper's head, and the kidnapper fell to the ground with a thud, dead.

Tani Akiko next to her didn't see this scene. She huddled up in a ball, fearing that she would be beaten again.

It wasn't until she heard the voice of a strange man that she cautiously raised her head.

"Okay, you're safe."Detective Lin picked up Gu Jingzi and covered her eyes to prevent her from seeing the kidnapper's body.

When he went out, he picked up his mobile phone again.



"dad! dad!!"

"Akiko, where have you been? I can't find it. Dad is worried about you!"

"Some bad guys kidnapped me, but this big brother saved me!"

"This handsome guy, thank you so much! I have nothing to offer, so please accept this million yen!!"


After Lin Tan sent Gu Jingzi back to the other party's home, the father and daughter hugged each other and cried.

After learning the ins and outs of the matter, President Tani took out one million yen to express his gratitude.

Detective Lin accepted the money without any nonsense, then said goodbye and left.

Of course, this million yen is just a bonus, the most important thing is the system reward

【Ding! Congratulations on successfully solving a kidnapping case and rescuing the hostages.】

【Reputation +10】

【You get the reward: Qinggong Flying on Grass】

【Qinggong Flying on Grass: Introductory Qinggong, which greatly increases the sensitivity of the legs and feet. ]

Detective Lin was quite pleasantly surprised.

Although the snake charm can make people invisible, there were still footsteps when walking.

But with this light skill, you can greatly reduce the sound of your footsteps.

This greatly increases your stealth ability.

Maybe in the future, stealth movement can achieve a silent effect.

Just imagining it, the corners of Detective Lin's mouth could not help but rise slightly!

But when he saw the reputation, he frowned:"It only increased by ten points... Yes, this case is indeed not difficult."

Detective Lin took out his mobile phone, looked at Xinyi's incoming calls and text messages, and shook it. He shook his head and said:"I forgot to turn it to silent mode.………I'm really not fit to be a detective."

With emotion, he sent the photo to Shinichi and then made a call to the other party.

After the call was connected, Detective Lin said:"They were too cautious and I had no chance to get close. But I took a picture of the license plate number and the photo has been sent to you."

Xinyi's voice came from the other end of the phone, saying:"I received it, thank you for your hard work, Lin"

"You're welcome————"Just when Detective Lin was about to say something, he suddenly saw a familiar figure in the distance.

He felt that he had seen it wrong, so he couldn't help but wipe his eyes and look again!

That’s right!

It's Xiaolan!!

Lin Tan was surprised:"Xinyi, why did I see Xiaolan?"

"Oh, we separated after dinner. I still have a case to investigate...I spent the whole day with her today!"Xinyi on the other end of the phone felt that it was very interesting to play with Xiaolan for a long time!

"………Okay, you can go solve the case in peace."Detective Lin admires this man's acting style, he is a true Sigma man!

"Do you want to come over now? Shall we compare?"Xinyi said eagerly.

"next time."After Lin Tan refused, he hung up Xinyi's call.

He looked at Xiaolan walking over and originally wanted to say hello.

But when Xiaolan came closer, Lin Tan discovered that her eyes were red from crying.

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