Sunlight shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows into the exhibition hall of the art museum, adding a touch of warm color to this quiet space.

Various paintings hang on the walls, from classical to modern, each telling a different story.

In the center of the exhibition hall, several groups of sculptures stand quietly. They are either abstract or concrete, but they all exude a unique artistic atmosphere.

The air is filled with the faint scent of rosin and oil paintings, which makes people take a deep breath and feel the influence of art.

Occasionally, soft music floats in the ears, adding a bit of agility to this quiet space.

Visitors to the art museum either stopped to watch or chatted in low voices. Everyone was immersed in their own art world.

Lin Tan and Xiao Lan walked around and looked at one painting after another.

"Do you understand?"He turned to Xiaolan and asked

"I...I don't quite understand."Xiaolan felt embarrassed and felt that she had no artistic ability.

"Very good. Lin Tan clapped his hands and said with a smile,"I don't understand either."………How about we just go to the exhibition room and look at that medieval armor?"

"Uh-huh!"Xiaolan saw that Detective Lin didn't understand, and nodded with relief.

"The exhibition room is over there."After Lin Tan looked at the schematic diagram of the art museum, he took Xiaolan there.

However, there was a"No Visitors" sign on the only way.

"Ah, you're not allowed in? Xiaolan was greatly disappointed after seeing it:"I still want to see what's going on."………it's a pity"

"It's okay, let's go straight in."Lin Tan knew what was going on.

He took Xiaolan's hand and went to the exhibition room bypassing the forbidden area.

"Lin, this... isn't good, right?"Xiaolan is a good and law-abiding child. She thinks this is wrong.

"I just went to take a look, it wasn't like murder or arson, it was fine... the worst I could do was get scolded."After Lin Tan replied to Xiaolan, he pulled her to the door of the exhibition room.

As soon as the two came in, they happened to see the medieval armor. After pressing the boss of Manaka against the wall with one hand, he stabbed him with a sword. He hit his chest and nailed him to the wall!

"Woohoo!!"Boss Manaka's eyes widened, he let out a desperate cry, and then died.

"ah!!!"After Xiaolan witnessed the murder scene with her own eyes, everyone was frightened and couldn't help letting out a scream of terror.

If it was an ordinary murder scene, it wouldn't scare her so much.

But the problem is that the murderer is a A pair of medieval armors!

What Xiao Lan was most afraid of was a sudden attack on her weak point.

She was so frightened that her legs became weak.

She could n't stand.

Lin Tan, who was standing next to her, had quick eyes and hands and helped her.

Seeing that the majestic karate master was so frightened that his legs were weak, he couldn't help but laugh.

A tourist accidentally broke in, and it immediately pulled out its sword.

With a pop, a large amount of watermelon juice shot out from Boss Manaka's body, spraying on the medieval armor, adding a thick bloody color.

What the truth is, he doesn't have any feeling.

What's more, he has [Strength to Carrying Cauldron] and [Fighting Mastery] nearby, so how can he be afraid? But Xiaolan next to him didn't know.

This bloody scene shocked him hard.

Her eyeballs.

She was already so scared.

How could Xiao Lan catch it now ? She tilted her head and fainted.

"You scared Xiaolan into fainting."Detective Lin looked at the medieval armor with some displeasure.

He was still thinking of pretending to be cool in front of Xiaolan.

Now, everyone has been frightened by you and couldn't pretend anymore.

The medieval armor was now double He rushed over with his sword in hand.

Lin Tan was not afraid, because in his eyes, the medieval armor was not very fast.

He raised his sword and struck it with one hand, then kicked it sideways. He kicked the medieval armor away and hit the wall hard, without any movement.

"So weak... No, I am strong."Detective Lin took out his cell phone and started calling the police to come over and wash the floor.



The first time Xiaolan woke up, she saw Lin Tan's face.

She was a little confused and didn't understand why she was lying in the other person's arms, but soon, Xiaolan remembered.

He was frightened and fainted.

In an instant, her face became hot involuntarily.

I feel so embarrassed!!

"you're awake."Tan Lin found that Xiaolan woke up with a smile on her lips.

"Well...can you put me down?"Xiaolan said shyly

"certainly."Tan Lin let go of the other party.

"Thanks."After Xiaolan landed with her feet on the ground, she began to arrange her clothes to cover up her embarrassment.

Detective Lin took the opportunity to say:"Don't worry, that medieval armor is not a ghost, it's just someone wearing it to commit murder."

"Is this... like this?"When Xiaolan heard this, her face became even redder.

She didn't expect that she would be so frightened that she fainted.

It's so embarrassing!!

At this time, the police just arrived.

The leader was Mu Mu Shisan, and he saw He was a little surprised to see Lin Tan and Xiaolan together.

But he didn't say much. He never got involved in young people's emotional problems.

He walked up and asked:"Brother Lin! Where was the life lost? Detective

Lin pointed to the exhibition room, and after briefly describing the situation, he raised his finger to the surveillance camera and said,"You can use the surveillance camera to confirm what I said.""

Megure Thirteen looked at the surveillance camera and immediately took away Director Ochiai, who was wearing medieval armor.

He said happily:"That's great.~~~Even the reasoning step can be skipped! It’s really become easier and easier to solve crimes recently!"

"Brother Lin, you are simply my lucky star!"

This made Lin Tan feel a little funny. He knew that the other party would definitely say similar things to Shinichi.

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