Seeing the two women looking at him with bright eyes, Takeshi Ishikawa could only open his mouth and start making up.

"Just a little skill!"

"My grandpa in the orphanage taught me that I can steal things from other people when I pass by them!"

Kisaki Eri looked distressed when she heard this.

Xiao Wu must have suffered too much in the orphanage before!

How to learn this skill?

Could it be that the orphanage was an underground orphanage that specialized in collecting children and training them to become thieves?

No wonder I can't find information about the orphanage.

She couldn't help but hug the young lady a little tighter!

Takeshi Ishikawa's head is buried in it, it's so nice!

But Yukiko on the side lit up her beautiful eyes:

"You can also steal things, show it, show it!"

The two women have completely different personalities.

Curious, Yukiko asked Takeshi Ishikawa to show off his skills.

She couldn't help but leaned over and pulled the two of them:

"You two, stop hugging each other and let Xiao Wu perform a show!"

Listening to Yukiko's purring voice, the disturbed Takeshi Ishikawa was speechless.

Without hesitation, he used a 040 stealing skill on Yukiko!

Iv3 skills take effect instantly!

An extra piece of cloth appeared on Takeshi Ishikawa's little hand.

Immediately, Xiao Zhengtai's little hands started to dangle.

Yukiko looked at Takeshi Ishikawa's dangling things and suddenly felt very familiar.

The next moment she reacted, she couldn't help but scream!

He covered his body with his hands, his eyes filled with disbelief.

She couldn't help but murmured:

"No wonder I didn't feel it before. It turns out to be like this."

Kisaki Eri on the side was also stunned. She didn't hear Yukiko's voice at all.

"Xiao Wu, how did you do this? It's incredible!"

Takeshi Ishikawa said seriously:

"I don't make it either. It just comes with practice. Practice makes perfect!"

As the saying goes, rain and dew all get wet!

Xiaoshota also used a stealing skill on Kisaki Eri.

Another piece of fabric came out of his little hand!

Kisaki Eri's body suddenly tensed up, and her face suddenly turned red.

She immediately said with a serious face:

"Xiao Wu, you can't steal things like this outside. This is very rude. Do you understand?"

Takeshi Ishikawa nodded and replied casually:

"I know, I'll give it back to you!"

Saying this, he returned the stolen things.

But Yukiko still had an incredulous expression on his face.

She was so curious that she felt like she was scratching her liver with a hundred claws.

"Xiao Wu, please perform again, your technique just now was too fast, I didn't even see it clearly."

"How about you perform some more!"

Saying this, Xian Xizi couldn't help but act coquettishly again.

Takeshi Ishikawa also has a hard time resisting this movie queen’s offensive.

Then he said with a serious face:

"Okay, three-two-one, look out the window!"

The two women subconsciously looked out the window, seeing nothing in the dark.

But when he turned around, he saw the fuss and started shouting!

With nothing to wear, she jumped up from the sofa and rushed toward the guest room tremblingly.

Takeshi Ishikawa, who succeeded in his prank, burst into laughter.

Kisaki Eri was stunned!

Yukiko got into the guest room with only his little head exposed.

But she blushed like a steam girl!

"Xiao Wu, you little scoundrel, sister, I won't let you go."

This look of holding a pink fist and swearing revenge is really not a deterrent at all!

Takeshi Ishikawa laughed even louder!

But soon, he was punished by Kisaki Eri's justice.

Yisu pinched the little shot's ear with his hand and twisted it gently.

"Xiao Wu, you are too naughty, I told you not to do this!"

The first night the three of them lived together was like this.

This night seemed extremely long!


At the same time, Kudou Yūsaku, who stayed at Dr. Agasa's house, also felt that tonight was very long. 【013704009 Feilu141202450】

Drinking coffee, looking at my own villa just around the corner, but I can't go back.

His brows furrowed even more as he received messages from friends from across the ocean.

I just feel that the organization Conan has encountered this time is particularly difficult!

The information given by friends on the mobile phone is unclear!

After all, he is a senior official of the FBI, and confidentiality has become his daily routine.

It seems that you have to fly over and talk to him face to face to get more information.

As soon as he thought of this, Kudou Yūsaku began to book a flight to the United States tomorrow.

Before booking the flight, he sent a message to Yukiko asking if he wanted to go together.

But if the message is sent, it will be thrown into the sea!

Yukiko didn't reply at all.

At this moment, Yukiko is using Kisaki Eri's authority to bully and suppress Takeshi Ishikawa.

Two beautiful women teamed up to deal with a child.

You really don’t care about martial ethics!

Naturally, I didn’t see the message on the phone in the guest room.

When Kudou Yūsaku didn't reply, he thought Yukiko was asleep.

He just booked his own flight for tomorrow.

It would be nice to have Yukiko guard Shinichi here!

But Kudou Yūsaku didn't know why, he felt inexplicably irritable.

It was like this all day long, and he couldn't sleep at all!

The next morning, a ray of morning light came through the gap between the curtains.

Like the Tyndall effect, the light fell evenly on the figures on the bed.

The figures above are two big and one small!

Young Shota slept with Kisaki Eri and Yukiko.

Sleeping with two women is trouble!

Thanks to the strong attraction of the little succubus.

In their sleep, the two women were unconsciously competing for the young lady.

It's like treating him like a pillow.

Either he was brought here, or he was brought there.

Otherwise, it would just be two women hugging each other.

Little Shota was squeezed so crazily, so naturally she was awakened from time to time.

However, thanks to his constitution, as long as he absorbs enough yin energy, his physical strength and mental energy can be fully restored.

Totally more efficient than sleeping!

It has to be said that this little succubus's body is specially designed for time management.

Being hugged again, the sun was spinning and the earth was spinning!

Little Shota drew a semicircle in the air and landed on the other side of the bed.

Takeshi Ishikawa woke up again.

The young lady was a little annoyed.

When he looked up, the one holding him across the arc was Yukiko!

Thinking about the way this woman pretended to be powerful in front of him last night.

Very angry!

There is no time to take revenge, sooner or later!

He glanced at Eri, who was still sleeping soundly next to him. He probably wouldn't wake up for a while.

A smile flashed across Takeshi Ishikawa's face.

The show is about to begin!

Young Shota's skills were displayed one by one on Yukiko.

Especially those combo skills!.

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