In a courtyard in Neon Country and Tokyo.

The breeze blows the branches and leaves, the mottled light and shadow sway, and the breeze is gentle and leisurely.

The sun was shining, and a halo of light passed through the transparent glass window, along the gap in the thick curtain, and fell on the face of a handsome young man.

The boy’s side face was immersed in a milky white glow, making his already warm and jade-like face as if he had naturally brought a filter.

His facial features are naturally three-dimensional and angular, but not much aggressive.

He was not very old, he should only be fifteen or sixteen years old, and he slept quietly like this, as if he had experienced a long and peaceful dream!

But at this moment, the boy suddenly opened his eyes!

He didn’t wake up all at once, he had a long dream intermittently.

He dreamed that he started as a baby, went to kindergarten, and elementary school, and now went to junior high school and high school, which was an unusually lengthy dream, as if it was a super long movie spliced together from endless trivia!

It’s just that this super long movie, after encountering a major event, everything came to an abrupt end!

Then he is trapped in the boundless chaos, where everything is nothing, as if there is only himself in the world, he can move freely in his dreams, but he is bored.

I can only refine and review the knowledge learned in my past life and ‘lengthy dreams’ repeatedly, just so as not to let myself be completely lost!

This state is similar to reincarnation, he carries the memory, enters the body of a comatose teenager, his consciousness awakens, and then it is like the above said.

began to endlessly ‘play’ the memory of this body, and his own memory gradually merged with the memory of this body, and he could no longer distinguish each other.

But after the fusion is completed, what awaits him is not to wake up, but to continue to be trapped in an endless and silent absolute dark cage!

This state of being locked up in a small black room was too abrasive, and he tried everything he could to get rid of it.

Time is in absolute silence, and it will pass unusually slowly, which makes him feel unbearable pain, and countless people who are known as tough guys are difficult to survive a few days in a small dark room.

In the midst of infinitely amplified fear, he only had a trace of reason, and this trace of reason told him that in this environment, if there was no sustenance or distraction for himself, he would soon collapse!

So he started thinking about ways to calm himself down.

The method is actually very simple, that is, constantly recall all the knowledge learned, that is, memorize various books, theorems and formulas, and practice reviewing various skills.

What he knew and learned, and what he knew and learned of this body and soul, all converged, and when he fell into a deep sleep and fell into death in his previous life, his grade was not small, he was in his thirties, and he had all his knowledge and experience, far from the knowledge of this teenager could be compared.

Therefore, most of the things that strengthen his memory are his own, but there is only one thing that he does not have, that is, swordsmanship!

This neon boy named Miyazaki Ha, his only hobby in life is swordsmanship!

Secondary 2 teenagers in the Secondary 2 country!

This is his assessment of this young man, although they are now fused into one, he is Miyazaki Ha, Miyazaki Ha is him.

In modern society, since the government and the state have monopolized violence, ordinary people learning these martial arts has no real effect.

It’s like a martial arts star once said that after learning this, you dare not start with ordinary people, because you have learned these, if you fight with ordinary people, it is absolutely crushing, and it is easy to cause irreparable consequences.

Therefore, for warriors to strike, it is strictly forbidden and controlled!

When martial arts are no longer something to live on, when martial arts that have been practiced for decades cannot block a shot, the decline of martial arts has become an inevitable trend!

But now he, Miyazaki Ha, is trapped in the illusion of consciousness.

He is stuck here and desperately needs to find something interesting to do, and kendo is undoubtedly the best choice.

And he found that in this pale world constructed by consciousness, he had the ability to visualize thoughts, that is, he could have what he thought, but only something very familiar.

It’s the kind of thing that you can completely understand its structure, which is kind of similar to the Transfiguration in Harry Potter.

Turning a match into a needle has no effect if there is no corresponding imagination, and simply chanting a spell and waving a magic wand will have no effect.

And in Miyazaki Yu’s memory, the only thing that can really be delicate and enough to pass the time is to cultivate swordsmanship!

So in his own consciousness, he used his imagination to create a long sword, saying that it was a long sword, which was actually similar to the Tang Heng knife and the Japanese sword.

The whole body has a slight curve, only one side is a blade, the hilt is long, and it can be held tightly with two hands.

This kind of sword that can be held tightly with both hands is generally called a ten-grip sword, and the advantage of holding the sword with both hands is that the strength of the slash will be extremely powerful, and Miyazaki Yu cultivates the two-handed sword!

So he began to cultivate, in the world of consciousness, there is no time to pass, and there is no need to worry about injury and exhaustion.

And he seems to have a God’s perspective, and his every action can be remembered clearly in his memory.

He could even feel the movement of muscles and bones, so he corrected his movements over and over again in his consciousness.

Sometimes, he will even fantasize about another self, or some beast, to fight him!

Studies have shown that people’s memory ability is very strong, and they can record everything they have seen, heard and felt.

It’s just that the brain’s processing power is limited, and massive memories are only stored deep in the brain, but they are never remembered.

But Miyazaki Ha’s current state is that he can recall all the minutiae, and he can record various actions and then correct them little by little.

Reproduce all the actions in the previous memory, including film and television dramas, movies and games, and then study the rationality of it little by little, whether it can be used for actual combat or can only be regarded as an ornamental thing.

It also brought him great pleasure!

It’s really boring, and I can also take out all the books I have browsed in my previous memory, and then re-memorize and recite them.

His memories are like a library, which can be retrieved at will, and as the number of retrievals increases, the process of retrieval is gradually omitted, that is, these memories have completely become part of the real memory!

And those things that are thoroughly remembered will disappear from the ‘library’, so the whole library is constantly shrinking!

It’s just that he never touched the last memory of Miyazaki Yu he fused, that is, the memory of family affection.

He knows that most of life’s pain comes from feelings, although happiness also comes from feelings.

If this part of the memory is thoroughly integrated, there will be a problem, and the process of staying here will be more difficult, so he deliberately blocks these.

I don’t know how long such time has passed.

With continuous cultivation, his sword skills advanced by leaps and bounds, and although his cultivation techniques were very limited, his use of power was simply to the point of pure fire.

If it was in the outside world, even if ordinary people spent all their energy cultivating for a lifetime, it would be difficult to achieve this kind of power control!

This made him feel a little proud, if in his previous life, he reached this level, he could simply become a generation of grandmasters!

It’s just that this is only consciousness reached, the brain can already do this, but the real world body, to achieve this level, the need for tempering is still a long way off.

It’s just that with absolute control over power, with a far-sighted vision, and then repairing kendo, it is equivalent to watching the text in the palm of your hand.

I don’t know how long it took, and everything in the world of consciousness suddenly collapsed.

He suddenly plunged me into an unprecedented panic, ten times more panicked than falling into a coma.

Because this world he was already familiar with, it collapsed all at once, which raised a huge uneasiness and fear in his heart.

Consciousness began to struggle violently!

At this time, the body of the real world finally opened its eyes and saw everything strange!

New Book: Little Seedlings, Please Support, Please!!

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