All this came too quickly, and people who grew up in a peaceful environment lacked a sense of danger, or rather a sense of urgency.

People living in peaceful zones cannot imagine the dangers of war-torn zones.

It’s a real hell there, you might be sleeping, and then a howitzer will fall, destroying your home.

It is also possible that you are walking unbridled on the street when a bullet is fired and the heavenly spirit cover is lifted.

Therefore, people living in war-torn areas are very numb to death, but they are very alert to danger, and they are tense at any time, ready to flee or attack at any time.

The people present were all stunned in place, and the intense fear that came in an instant made everyone’s brains go blank and lose the ability to control their bodies.

Even Concubine Yingli, who has always been calm and wise, suddenly constricted her pupils at this time, and her brain lost the ability to think.

In her mind, she suddenly remembered the past.

She was taken hostage by her prisoners, but her husband, who is a criminal police officer, shot her in the leg, which was the first time she tasted being shot.

Only people who have been shot will not want to try again.

Between this electric flint, a figure turned sharply, held her in his arms, and rolled to one side on the spot.

A handful of bright blood flowers bloomed, which was the blood that exploded when the bullet fell on the human body!

Between the splashes of flesh and blood, with her shocked expression, it instantly froze.

It all happened in an instant, in the eyes of the three bandits who had just rushed in.

As soon as they pulled out their guns and shot, a young man jumped out and knocked down a woman next to him, then rolled on the spot and got behind the pillar.

At this time, everyone present finally reacted.



All of them reacted in an instant, and some of the women began to ramble like headless flies.

The gray-haired man with the mask reacted quickly, also jerked out his gun and fired two shots into the ceiling.

“Everyone is not allowed to move, if you dare to move, I will kill you!”

Then the advantage shot fell on the front desk, and the front desk teller who was about to secretly press the alarm couldn’t help but stop suddenly.

Everyone who was panicking also stopped and did not dare to move again.

“I said, if I dare to move, I will kill people, now everything here is under my command, everyone raises their hands, and then walks to the middle, anyone who dares to make strange moves, I will shoot without hesitation!”

This robber is much older than the stunned young man who can only shoot just now.

For the robbery of the bank, the technical and professional is actually very strong, not to say that rushing into the bank with two guns and shouting that I want to rob the bank will be successful.

You may be able to get money if you fight recklessly, but you definitely can’t get out, at least you need to step on it in advance.

The bank to be robbed is clearly understood inside and out, knowing how many cameras there are, where the back door is, where the alarm is, how to cut off the power, and control the scene in the first time, these must be done, otherwise once the police arrive, it will be difficult to leave.

Therefore, the bandits in many film and television dramas will give an action, preset a time, and try to solve all the problems within this time.

That is, everything from taking cash from the bank, opening a safe or vault, and then retreating away.

The bandit at the head, apparently a veteran, took control of the bank’s personnel as soon as he came up to prevent the other party from pressing the alarm.

“The brat hiding behind the pillar, I count dozens, you take that woman out from behind the pillar, otherwise I will immediately kill a hostage!”

The bandit in the helmet said: “Big brother, don’t bother so much, the two of us copied from the two loaves and let them know that hiding behind the pillar is a very stupid decision.”

The bandit at the head snorted coldly.

“Stupid! As you can see just now, that kid moves very quickly and has a strong reaction.

Even those good hands among the policemen, rarely have such a reaction speed, see him carrying a sword bag, obviously a practitioner, I said, I don’t want to see any accidents! ”

After reprimanding these subordinates, he looked behind the pillar again.

“Okay, that’s the end of the game, we just want money, you guys come out quickly, otherwise I don’t mind spending a little time to clean up all the unstable factors.”

At this time, Miyazaki Yu was gasping behind the pillar, and his shoulders were covered in blood.

The bullet just hit him in the shoulder.

The concubine Yingli on the side was still in shock at this time

This young man’s speed and explosiveness were actually so fast that he could actually save himself at that time!

At that moment, she was even ready to meet death, but the other party was able to save her life under such circumstances.

Everything that happened was seen by her, even at the moment of being shot, the young man’s eyes did not change in the slightest.

Calm as a hard stone, but she knows that the severe pain after being shot can make people lose strength quickly, and that feeling is really unforgettable.

But this young man, without saying a word, resisted, tenaciously like a stone, and blood flowed down his neat clothes, dyed a dark red.


“Ten, nine、、、、”

The bandits have already begun to count.

The women and children in the hall were crying in horror at this time.

No one will be willing to die, especially for the sake of irrelevant people.

The count at this time is more like a countdown to death, and the timid have closed their eyes in fear at this time and waited for death.

There was also a man who spoke directly.

“Come out quickly, otherwise it will drag everyone down.”

Apparently overly frightened, for the sake of their own safety, they began to pin their hopes on the sacrifices of others, which is undoubtedly very despicable.

The people around them all despised this person very much, but they were silently praying in their hearts, hoping that the young man could really come out so that they would not have to die.

The meanness of human nature is vividly demonstrated in this moment!

“You must not go out now, if you go out, you may die.”

Miyazaki Ha’s heart was very calm, he had already taken out the bamboo knife at this time, and began to gradually sink his heart and mobilize the strength of his whole body.

As long as the bandits dare to rush over, he will be greeted with a sword slash!

From previous experience, his all-out blow was enough to split the iron frame, even if he used a bamboo knife in his hand, he could make the bandits lose their combat power.

“Xiao Yu, don’t go out, I’ll deal with these bandits, try to delay time, you stay here and don’t move!”

Just when Miyazaki Yu made up his mind, Concubine Yingli stood up.

Her eyes are very firm, as a lawyer, she cannot see death without saving it.

Morality has always required herself, and if she uses her own standards to demand others, it is a kind of compulsion, and she can’t do this kind of thing.

So she’s going to stand up!

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