Concubine Yingli also noticed his hot gaze, and couldn’t help but be shy, but then she felt a pang of pride in her heart.

“It seems that I am not old yet, but I am still very attractive.”

But then his face turned red: “I’m a man with a husband, and he’s still my daughter’s classmate, what am I thinking!” ”

Hurriedly corrected, just about to cough to remind the other party.

“Snap – Mom, are you okay, I’ll 、、、”

The door was opened at once, and a young girl rushed in in a panic, her face anxious, and a few strands of long hair on her forehead were glued together.

On the smooth forehead, there is a fine layer of sweat.

Obviously very anxious to hurry all the way, this is full of sweat, it is Maori Lan.

Early in the morning, I received a text message from my mother, saying that I was in the hospital.

This made the girl’s heart tense all of a sudden, so she hurriedly came.

“Be careful, this is a hospital.”

Seeing her daughter’s panicked look, Concubine Yingli hurriedly spoke.

Xiaolan also saw Miyazaki Yu lying there at this time, and couldn’t help but blush shyly.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s all to blame mom you, the message sent is endless, I don’t know, I thought you were injured, I rushed over immediately, who knows 、、、.”

“How could it be you Miyazaki who was injured?”

Miyazaki forced a smile: “I don’t know, anyway, I went to the bank and got hurt.”

Concubine Yingli said positively: “It’s not like this, don’t you know, Miyazaki is very heroic, this time thanks to him, otherwise I wouldn’t have come back.”

“What’s not coming back?” A middle-aged man with a mustache and a suit pushed the door and walked in, it was Maori Kogoro, Maori Lan’s father.

This person with the most tenacious vitality in the original work, after seeing the note left by his daughter, was also worried about his wife and hurried over.

At this time, his forehead was full of sweat, and the small handful of hair hanging down the front of his forehead was all beads of sweat at this time.

“Yingli, it seems that you are okay.”

Maori Kogoro stepped forward and looked carefully, only to be sure that there was nothing wrong with his wife, and he was relieved.

Don’t look at the light wind when he enters the door, in fact, he is very worried on the road.

Especially since he just heard that there was a robbery at the bank in Yonehanamachi yesterday.

There were actually gangsters trying to rob the bank, which was related to the possibility that Concubine Yingli was injured, most likely, he was injured in yesterday’s robbery.

Those gangsters are vicious, but it doesn’t matter if you’re a barrister or a common man.

After coming, I heard Concubine Yingli say that sentence, so I directly opened the door and came in, and when I saw that my wife was fine, I relaxed.

“Why is there a man here?” What’s going on? ”

Looking at Maori Kogoro’s unkind face, Miyazaki could only smile in return.

Concubine Yingli snorted coldly directly.

“Xiao Yu is my lifesaver, he not only blocked a bullet for me, but also subdued three gangsters who robbed the bank, if it weren’t for him, I’m afraid I would already be a corpse now!”

“What?” X2

Mao Lilan and Xiao Goro were both taken aback, and Xiao Lan directly grabbed her mother’s arm, looking left and right to prevent it.

Concubine Eiri then told what happened, saying that when Miyazaki Yu stood up, Maori Kogoro and Maori Lan both lit up.

Mao Lilan bowed directly to him deeply.

“Thank you so much, if it weren’t for you, my mother might have 、、、


Seeing that tears were already shining in the corners of the girl’s eyes, Miyazaki hurriedly waved his hand.

“Maori classmate, you don’t need this, Aunt Concubine has kindness to me, and in that situation, anyone will make a move.”

This is a mature attitude, at this time, the less proud you are, the more favor you can win.

Sure enough, when the girl heard his words, she was even more moved.

“Miyazaki-san, you are so great, and we are friends from childhood to adulthood, you don’t need to see each other like this, just like my parents, just call me Xiaolan!”

Changing the name is an important signal!

When a woman has a strong affection for you, she will pay special attention to words that can repeatedly determine distance, or relative relationship.

Life is like this, when a woman has a good impression of you, she will pay special attention to this, because women’s personality is like a cat, they will repeatedly tempt, constantly determine your relationship with her.

Many girls who are very cold in life, when they are with close people, are actually very sandy.

The cold appearance is just a means for them to protect themselves.

These are the highlights, to be tested!

Miyazaki smiled and said, “In that case, then I am not respectful, if Xiaolan really wants to thank me, he will make some meals for me to eat.”

This is not something that is said casually, everyone has something called loss aversion.

Simply put, after people give, they will be more reluctant.

Many girls are deceived by scumbags, not because they are not intelligent enough, or that scumbags are too powerful, and the fundamental psychology is loss aversion.

Scumbags are actually very good at inducing girls to pay, they will hint that girls pay for him for some inconspicuous little things, but they need girls to do things themselves.

These things may seem inconspicuous, but in fact, girls will continue to invest in feelings in the process of giving, and then accumulate to a certain extent, they will be more disgusted with loss.

Therefore, many girls will collapse and cry after leaving the scumbag, and even aggrieved themselves to beg the scumbag to come back.

Of course, scumbags do the same!

These things are common habits of human beings, which is also the point, and also needs to be examined!

Concubine Yingli smiled and said: “Yes, you have been in a coma for a day, and you have only woken up now, you must be very hungry, speaking of which, I haven’t cooked for a long time, so let me cook for you to eat, you can also taste your aunt’s craftsmanship, see if there is any rustiness.”


Xiaoran and Kogoro both turned pale instantly, turned their necks stiffly, and looked at Miyazaki Yu as if they were looking at a dead man.

Miyazaki Yu saw the eyes of the two, and was also startled, what kind of eyes are these!

Although he knew that Concubine Yingli was difficult to cook, he didn’t need to be so nervous, right?

Could it be that the meals she cooked were ‘poisonous’? At most, it’s just a little raw rice, can I still be afraid?

Xiaolan hurriedly wanted to stop it, but she couldn’t bear to hurt her mother’s self-esteem, and she always used other reasons to stop it without saying anything.

But Concubine Yingli was in high spirits at this time, and did not hear her voice at all, but went back to prepare excitedly.

So in the afternoon of the same day, a large meal with strange colors appeared in front of Miyazaki Yu.

I have to say that the guys who have been people in the two lifetimes are all people with strong psychological quality.

He actually stretched out his chopsticks without changing his face and put a black-green tempura into his mouth, and then his face changed instantly.

What is that like? A rusty burnt smell exploded in the mouth, which is made of sea bream meat as the main material, but does not have the delicate taste of sea bream, but is like a piece of coarse salt fast, directly slashing the throat!

At this time, a sentence directly rose in his mind.

“This black bulin plum is so sweet!”

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