“You actually arranged me here, so that I and Xiaolan would become neighbors?”

To know that the address of Maori Kogoro’s Maori detective office is located in 5-chome 39 Banchi in Yonekacho, which is next to it.

The environment is still good, with Maori Kogoro’s detective office on the right, an unknown three-story building on the right, and a sushi restaurant.

Across the road directly opposite the building is a row of office buildings, there is a large supermarket on the first floor of the office building, it is easy to buy goods, and there is also a clothing store nearby.

And although the location is good, it is not noisy, and compared with those bustling places, the environment is quiet.

The best thing is that all three floors of the small building were bought by Fei Yingli, according to Fei Yingli.

The location here is remote, the house is cheap, the house has been vacant for a long time, the owner of the house is eager to sell, so the price is very low.

It’s just that Miyazaki of course knows that these are just that the woman deliberately made up to comfort herself in order to make her face passable.

Just look at Maori Kogoro’s home, the house they live in is also a three-story building, but only the upper two floors are theirs.

The first floor belongs to another person, and the entire first floor is used as a café.

Therefore, if a person has a three-story small building, the living conditions are very spacious and comfortable.

But still that sentence, after all, this is a three-story small building, no matter how the price is reduced, it will not be cheap, let alone there is still money left.

Therefore, Concubine Yingli must have contributed a lot of effort to it, and even used her own money to paste a lot into it, which made Miyazaki Yu’s heart very grateful.

Miyazaki did not pretend to shirk, saying that he could not accept such a favor.

He really needs money now, after all, he now belongs to the family where both parents have lost their family and no permanent property.

Without this money, then living is a huge problem.

And with this money is different, with a house and money, in a short period of time, you don’t have to worry about money, and after combing yourself for a period of time, you can find a way to earn money, and you can get on the right track.

With gratitude, it is good to remember it in your heart, and it is much better to repay it when it matters than to just say not to do.

He is a person who has mastered extraordinary strength, and when his strength really grows, money becomes a trivial matter for himself.

You must know that there is a criminal law, but there are many ways to make a fortune.

He laughed in his heart: “I’m just a student now, how can I always think about violating crimes, and the regular way to earn money is also handy.”

After getting acquainted with the environment, he began his plan to move.

The hall looks empty, but in fact, if you count it carefully, there are actually a lot of things.

He directly found a moving company and cleaned up everything he could take away from the dojo.

Fortunately, the place of the new home is large, otherwise these things really can’t find a place to put them.

For example, some sword racks containing bamboo knives, and some training equipment, these things were placed by him on the first floor.

She had already thought about turning the first floor into a place for training kendo, which was his root, and naturally he could not have the slightest slack.

The first floor is arranged, a few sword frames are placed in the corners, and then there are a few wooden figures for training, which are heavier and take up a lot of space.

The rest of the things were much easier, and they were put away little by little by the workers of the moving company, and then he took the opportunity to clean up and down again, and finally finished everything in the evening.

The next day, Xiaolan also learned about his new residence, which was actually next door to his house, and couldn’t help but be very happy, and ran over to help, seeing that the vegetables in his refrigerator were empty.

So he ran to buy a lot of vegetables, as well as milk and meat, and filled his refrigerator.

Then he cooked a lot of meals himself, and very carefully, sealed the finished meals with some lunch boxes, and then stored them in the refrigerator.

This is actually a common practice for neon, and they often do it to save time.

In this way, for several days, you only need to cook a meal, and you only need to take out the lunch box in the future, heat it up and eat it directly, which is very time-saving and labor-saving.

However, Miyazaki Ha did not just stand on the sidelines and wait to eat, he personally made a meal and invited Maori Kogoro and Xiaoran to eat.

But it made both of them shocked.

He didn’t just cook a few home-cooked dishes, and for the rest of his life, cooking was his hobby.

As a serious person, since it is a hobby, he can’t wait to ignore it, but he spent several years learning cooking with a master.

After he finished his studies, that master personally commented.

“Your current cooking skills are no longer under me, do you really not plan to be a chef? When I retire, my place will be yours, and if you continue to work hard, even if you become a state dinner chef, it will not be difficult! ”

It’s just that he still hasn’t given up his serious job and become a cook.

Although there is a different world now, the craft thing has not disappeared with it, and what is more powerful is that his current body control is very amazing, and he is extremely fine when he moves the knife.

The cut dishes are also more fine, and the taste made is not inferior to the peak state of the previous life.

And the neon dishes are very monotonous, compared to the flower planters are not a little worse, the meals he did his best to make naturally completely conquered the father and daughter.

I remember that Maori Kogoro that day, holding up a big belly that could no longer eat, left very satisfied, and before leaving, he happily kept saying that it was great to have such a neighbor.

I will definitely visit more in the future to deepen their friendship.

In fact, it was just that he wanted to rub more rice, and Miyazaki didn’t care, and agreed with a smile.

Mao Lilan admired him a little more, so gentle with a strong and very good cooking boy, the most faintly aroused the adore of girls.

She was also very excited to say that she wanted to consult Miyazaki Yu on how to cook, and Miyazaki naturally agreed.

Of course, he understands the truth of long-term love.

The fish dangling in front of the cat, the chance of being taken down naturally increased greatly.

For the next month, Miyazaki was adjusting his state in addition to eating and sleeping.

The time before was too rushed.

The model of consciousness and the coordination of the body alone require constant experimentation, and the body needs to constantly adapt.

The previous situation of overstimulation actually exists, but he lowered his sensitivity, so that although the impact can be reduced, for himself, the body’s reaction and speed will also be reduced.

So after practicing some sword moves, I held a bamboo knife and walked around the hall on the first floor.

Take advantage of the physical changes brought about by walking, such as the retraction of muscles, changes in the pressure on the feet, and the relaxation of blood vessels.

No matter how detailed it is, which muscle is not sufficiently powerful in walking, that muscle not only does not work, but hinders the strength of other related muscles.

Through these small detail changes, and then through keen perception, reflected on the endovision model, you can adjust the accuracy of the model little by little.

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