Don’t look at many novels, the protagonist can see inside as soon as he comes up, but that’s all because the protagonist has all kinds of gold fingers and plug-ins, and even systems.

But Miyazaki wants to say that it is almost impossible to achieve such an internal vision without a system!

In fact, the so-called internal vision should be an imaginary virtual model established through the perception of the inside of the body, and this virtual model needs to be synchronized with the perception of the body and updated in real time.

If the perceived internal information of the body is too different from the virtual model that has been established and maintained in consciousness, the virtual model of internal vision will collapse.

And the inner vision of his control over himself is simply a divine skill!

By observing yourself in real time through mental power, you can know what kind of impact your every move will have on your physical body, whether it is changing in a good direction or in a bad direction.

And from the perspective of one’s own knowledge reserve, consciousness can affect the body.

In other words, consciousness and body influence each other.

Since he can now achieve the degree of inner vision by establishing a body model, that is to say, he can affect the body by adjusting the internal vision model, and achieve more subtle body control!

Although no one has studied what impact absolute control of the body and the secretion of various organs, organs and glands can have on the body, once it is really done, it is absolutely an amazing ability!

Maybe you can reach various inhuman states and become an existence beyond the human category!

Just like a child who got a new toy, Miyazaki is now also very interested in inner vision.

He soon found that in a static state, fully controlling his mind to the extent that he could see inwardly, which could be easily done for his current self

But once moved, this state of inner vision will be easily broken.

He tried to move slowly while focusing on the inside of his body.

He slowly stood up from the ground, but the ‘vision’ in his inner vision was also blurred for a while, because any movement would occupy a part of the brain’s ‘memory’.

It’s like a famous psychological experiment, and the content is a sentence, that is, not to think about an elephant, which is the requirement of the experiment.

The trial asked subjects to hear this sentence without the image of an elephant in their minds.

But this is almost impossible to do, much more difficult than drawing circles with the left hand and squares with the right hand!

Deliberately controlling yourself, trying not to make any associations with what you see, and achieving a state of emptiness, is also an extremely difficult ability.

Miyazaki tried to control himself as much as possible so as not to take up brain processing resources.

At the beginning, he closed his eyes tightly, but within a small range, he moved his feet back and forth, allowing himself to slowly adapt to this state of closing his eyes and looking inward while moving.

After a while, after slowly getting familiar with this state, he began to slowly open his eyes, but the moment he opened his eyes, his brain was instantly attracted and began to process things related to sight.

For example, after seeing the clock, you will unconsciously think of time, see tableware, you can’t help but think of eating, and when you see sandbags, you can’t help but think of running with weights.

As soon as this association appeared, Miyazaki Yu would immediately interrupt and stop thinking about it.

In this situation of minimal association, I don’t know how long it took, Miyazaki Ha maintained his inner vision while moving his eyes that were finally completely opened.


Slowly walking a few steps with his eyes open, this was originally an extremely simple action, but at this time, in Miyazaki Yu’s eyes, there was a torrent of countless information, which was impacting his brain.

Physical changes brought about by walking, such as muscle retraction, changes in foot pressure and relaxation of blood vessels, which muscles do not exert sufficient force during walking.

Which muscle not only does not work, but hinders the strength of other related muscles, and what changes occur in the body’s organs during movement.

What happens when blood flows through the organs, and what happens when activity increases.

These small details are clearly perceived, and once a small movement is broken down to the coordination of each bundle of muscles, joints and organs, the changes cannot be simple.

If this feeling is told to doctors, they must have experienced it deeply.

Before studying medicine, they were all full of ambition, with such an excellent IQ as I waited, learning medical skills is not yet hand-to-hand.

But after seeing the vast sea of textbooks, this enthusiasm will disappear by half, and after at least five years of study, you will become an intern, and after a month in the hospital, this enthusiasm will be reduced by 90% to 9!

Because the human body is too complex, each organ has its own role, and the correlation is very strong, and various problems affect each other.

The number of existing diseases exceeds 50,000!

That’s a desperate number!

And now Miyazaki Ha’s research is no less than what is in medicine, although his intelligence is not bad, it can even be said that his intelligence is excellent, surpassing the vast majority of people, but to quickly remember these changes and study things, that is wishful thinking.

But now he just lets his body adapt, and he can see inside anytime, anywhere, and that’s enough, like the beginning of learning anything.

You don’t need to know the truth, you just need to know how the master taught, how you practiced is enough, you don’t need to study anything new.

Studying new things is something that only great masters who have reached a high level will want to do.

Miyazaki began to walk around constantly, circling around the hall, slowly experiencing the change in his inner vision model.

As he kept walking, his posture slowly changed.

From the length of the step to the place where you hit the ground when you land, from the relaxation and contraction of the calf muscles to the adjustment of the upper body posture.

Every step is subtle, but this subtle change is gradually changing the way of power.

He has been walking not fast, but he is walking more and more effortlessly, and if Mao Lilan is still watching at this time, he will be surprised.

At this time, Miyazaki Yu, who is moving all over the body, seems to form a wonderful rhythmic rhythm, every step out, walking action is the whole body together as if the force is together, and after walking almost does not look like walking, but like a spring is easily bouncing.

“Good, good, this feeling is really amazing!”

The whole person is fluttering, and all the information impact of the outside world seems to be very distinct, but it is gradually adapting to itself, and the fit between body and mind is slowly increasing.

However, he has just woken up now, and his body is still in an extremely weak state.

The tiredness of the body made him know that what he should do now was to rest well.

But there is a faint fear of sleep in my heart.

But even so, he couldn’t resist the huge sleepiness, forced himself back to the bed, and as soon as he dipped the bed, he fell asleep directly.

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