
“It’s wonderful!”

There was a burst of cheers from the ring, and Miyazaki stood on top of the arena, his opponent simply vulnerable under his clean slash.

Just two moves, the other party has already failed.

This is already the third round of the competition, the sixteen-in-eight competition, and the kendo club that can enter the third round, the strength is quite strong.

In most matches, the players on both sides do their best, and even take a considerable amount of a long battle to divide the winner and loser.

But since Miyazaki Ha came out of battle, any opponent in his hands has been easily defeated.

No matter who can see that there is a huge gap between them, the combat power of both sides is almost not in the same dimension, and their defeat is obvious in the face of Miyazaki Ha’s attack.


The opponent who has just lost is gasping, just now Miyazaki Yu is still the same as before, after the battle begins, he will collect the opponent’s attack path, analyze and include it, and wait until the opponent is worthless, and then strike to defeat the opponent!

So after the opponent made a wild attack, he was defeated, and now his physical strength is extremely high.

“Miyazaki Ha, why don’t you beat me right away!”

The contestant with Fujiyama written on this protective gear said angrily.

Before the battle, he actually knew that he had almost no possibility of winning, and the gap in strength between the two sides was too big.

The opponent’s strength is super first-class, and only those few monsters can match this guy.

So he has long been ready for failure.

But Miyazaki Ha did not defeat him at the first time, but kept deliberately dodging, waiting until he was exhausted before he shot to defeat himself.

Although he knew that the strength gap between the two sides was large, and the other party would fail as soon as he made a move, this kind of failure after being teased still brought a huge sense of humiliation and made this Fujiyama player very uncomfortable.

Miyazaki Yu smiled slightly: “Fujiyama-san, I don’t mean to look down on you, but this way of fighting is my habit, the opponent is actually the most precious, I can learn from the opponent, make up for my shortcomings, and improve my strength, isn’t this a good thing?” ”

Fujiyama’s face was stunned, and then he showed admiration.

“I didn’t expect it to be like this, just now I was too rude, please Miyazaki-san must forgive me for being rude, please!”

Saying that, he bowed deeply to Miyazaki Ha.

Miyazaki Ha dodged and did not receive this salute.

“Okay, our game is over, let’s go down quickly, don’t affect others to play.”

This game raised the popularity of the entire event to a greater level again.

“It’s really wonderful, the bamboo knife in Miyazaki’s hands is just like a phantom, and no one can block it with a random move!” Yuanzi said excitedly.

Xiao Lan on the side laughed softly: “Yuanzi, you like Xiao Yu so much, why don’t you ask him to confess, he has a very good impression of you.”

Yuanzi pouted: “Xiaolan, you think I don’t want to, but I’m not stupid, Miyazaki is very polite to me, but I always feel that there is less intimacy, and I have never dated me alone, I really have some confidence in my heart.”

Xiao Lan thought for a while: “Xiao Yu is the kind of person who is very restrained in feelings, he is very slow about feelings, although he is a little better than the guy in Shinichi, but he is also a very dull person, but if you are kind to him, he will be very grateful.”

“Xiaolan, you really think about me, you deserve to be my good sister! But my concern is that he already has someone he likes.”

Xiaolan was a little surprised.

“We’ve been together all day, didn’t you see that Xiao Yu likes others?”

Sonoko raised his eyebrows: “You still say others, you are also very dull, hey, I’m worried that Miyazaki doesn’t like someone else, I’m afraid he likes you!”

If he likes you, then I can’t help it, you are my good sister, if that’s the case, I can only give it to you.”

Hearing this, Xiaolan was taken aback.

Unconsciously looked around, only then relieved, just ten minutes ago, Shinichi this guy received the news.

As if something had happened, he left in a hurry.

Now the seat next to her is still empty.

“Yuanzi, don’t say such things, you will be misunderstood!”

Yuanzi shook his head: “Don’t contradict me, although my Yuanzi-sama is not as smart as a detective, he is also a smart person, Miyazaki’s tone of voice to you, and the look in your eyes, have always been very soft, and the eyes will not deceive!”

But what you have always liked is Kudo Shinichi, but from my point of view, if I were you, I would choose Miyazaki’s, Shinichi is also very good, but if it is a lover, Miyazaki is the best choice, at least not like Shinichi, play and disappear at every turn.”

Yuanzi’s words made Xiaolan’s expression darken.

Why don’t she understand this, her feelings for Shinichi have been buried in her heart for many years.

The new guy is a big fool who doesn’t understand himself all the time.

When I saw the case, I would ignore it and even leave me behind.

If there is no resentment in the heart, it is absolutely impossible, but the tenderness in the heart can always overcome the resentment again and again.

But everything will have an end, and no relationship can withstand the parting again and again.

Without Miyazaki Yu’s variable, everything may not change, and Xiaolan will still continue to pay without regret.

But now with Miyazaki, can everything still be the same?

At this time, Kudo Shinichi, who was in another place, was in a great predicament.

I was watching the game in the morning, but suddenly received a call from Officer Twilight, and a murder occurred in the upper floors of a residential building.

But after surveying the entire site, everyone felt a lot of pressure.

“The deceased, Kawashima Mu, died at about 8 o’clock in the morning, and the cause of death is currently unknown, because the deceased has no trauma all over his body, and there are no injection marks similar to needle holes, and the specific cause of death may need to be dissected to find the cause.”

“Officer Twilight, this is the data that the medical examiner has now, right?”

Officer Twilight looked at Kudo Shinichi and nodded heavily.

“That’s right, that’s it, there are no scars on this person’s body, no traces of invasion in the whole home, no traces of poisoning in the diet, and no one has been in or out of here in the hours before and after his death.”

The whole house has become a secret room, and our police have not found any clues so far.”

After Kudo Shinichi watched the whole scene, he already had some guesses in his heart.

“Officer Twilight, if there are no injuries at all and no signs of intrusion, then how did the police conclude that this person was killed and not a natural death?”

This is obviously the key at this time, and Officer Twilight did not hide it and said it directly.

“The reason is also very simple, the police determined that this person was killed, not the cause of normal death, because someone left the deceased’s house last night.”

Kudo Shinichi reacted immediately: “Officer Twilight, the interval between the time of death and the person who left is very long, and it seems that a causal relationship cannot be formed.”

Officer Twilight shook his head and said, “This is true normally, but what if the person who left is the deceased?” ”

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