This is the real case in the real world.

Complex interpersonal relationships, huge social circles, these are already very complicated, if coupled with difficult to crack modus operandi, it is enough to make a case become confusing.

The motive for the crime, the object of suspicion, the modus operandi of the crime, and the evidence murder weapon, these can not be found, and it is only a matter of time before it becomes an unsolved case.

Such cases are miserable for the police.

Now for Kudo Shinichi, who is used to doing multiple-choice questions and likes to choose one of three and choose four, this is a nightmare.


He rubbed his head fiercely, and after a day, he still didn’t have a clue.

“Why is this guy’s relationship so complicated, there are enemies everywhere, I can’t wait for him to die, what a scum!”

At this time, this drum washing machine also fell into the sea of Wang Yang, which had a lot of information.

“It seems that this case is not simple, even you are stumped.”

An abrupt voice suddenly sounded, and Kudo Shinichi, who was buried in the pile of old papers, hurriedly raised his head, but saw a dark-skinned teenager looking at him with a grin, it was Hattori Heiji.

“It turned out to be yours, didn’t you go to the competition? It should be your turn, right? ”

Hattori Heiji pouted: “My game is over, that Miyazaki Yu is too perverted, my strength is among high school students, and I can be regarded as one of the best existences, but in the face of him, I lost without much effort to fight back.”

Anyway, it has already been lost, and it has lost miserably, even if you don’t say it yourself, it will definitely spread everywhere next, instead of that, it is better to say it directly.

There is no shame in the reaction, that guy is destined to shine this time.

It’s a shame to lose to a nobody, but if you lose to a champion, it’s a different story.

Kudo Shinichi was slightly stunned, although he had just met this guy, he could smell a familiar smell on this guy’s body.

He knows that this is also a guy with a strong desire to win or lose, and his self-esteem is no less than his own.

Now that he has admitted his defeat so calmly, it must not be a failure that is one or two moves behind, but a big defeat that has almost no ability to fight back!

Is that guy Miyazaki really already so strong?

At this time, Hattori Heiji was obviously not in the mood, went to discuss this, sat down directly, and began to check the information on the table.

This is the office building of the Metropolitan Police Department, and Kudo Shinichi can come here with the tacit approval of Officer Twilight, and Hattori Heiji can come here because of his father, the Osaka Prefectural Police Chief.

The police here in Kyoto naturally knew that the detective son of this big leader naturally had no embarrassment, so they let him in.

“Why so much information? Kudo, you don’t have any clues anyway now, so you might as well tell me about the case first, so that I can save time looking at the information.”

Kudo Shinichi pouted: “You guy is really familiar, you are also a detective, we are a competitive relationship, right?” You directly let me tell the facts of the case, didn’t I suffer a loss? ”

Hattori Heiji knows how powerful this guy is, he just lost the game, but he doesn’t want to lose the reasoning again, it would be too lost.

So now if you can know the information about the case from this guy’s mouth, you can greatly reduce your time, and you must know the Kyoto police.

Although it will not deliberately stumble, it will not provide any help, which is a tacit understanding within the police.

Even in Osaka, it was Hattori Heiji’s own territory, and only Officer Otaki would help him unconditionally.

Now that he has fallen behind a lot, now show weakness and set out intelligence, and two people can be on the same level.

Of course, Kudo Shinichi also saw the other party’s careful thinking, but he did not poke it, which is indeed unfair, so he directly said everything that was known now.

“There is such a bizarre case, the deceased left the house by himself, and finally found that the body actually returned to the house.”

After Hattori Heiji learned many details of the case, he also fell into deep thought, the whole case seems not to be complicated, but in fact it is extremely complicated.

“Is it possible that the deceased who left the house yesterday is actually not the deceased himself!”

Hattori Heiji said with a bright look in his eyes.

Kudo Shinichi also widened his eyes: “Yes, just like the Occam’s razor principle says, if you don’t need to add entities, simple and effective may be real!” If we erect this idea now, it is true.

That is to say, it was not the deceased himself who left the house last night, but someone else pretending to be, then everything makes sense, someone used another identity to enter the building, and then tricked open the door of the deceased’s room, and then entered the house to commit murder, but in this case, there are still many doubts.”

Hattori Heiji nodded: “This is the really scary place, there are no traces of fighting in the room, there is nothing unreasonable, and the cause of death of the deceased has become a key clue to solve the case!” ”

Kudo Shinichi showed a hint of a smile: “So I stayed here just waiting for the medical examiner’s autopsy report, I want to see the cause of death of the deceased, what exactly is!” ”

At this time, Hattori Heiji also felt heavy in his heart.

Just saw Kudo Shinichi being caught up in a small case, and he felt a little contempt in his heart.

But after knowing the full details of the case, his heart became heavy.

“This seems to be a rather terrifying perfect crime, and the horror of this murderer may be beyond our imagination, leaving no useful clues, and so he set up a suspicious array, deliberately setting up several blind spots in his thinking, so that the investigators fell into an unprecedented predicament.”

He couldn’t help but frown.

“I still have a question in my mind.”

Kudo Shinichi: “I know what you have to ask, since the murderer has done so secretively, why don’t you simply disguise himself as a suicide, and deliberately do this to leave disguised as the deceased?” ”

This is also an important question in this murder.

Since the other party has the ability to let the deceased die silently at home, he did not die until the next day after the murderer left.

So why not arrange it as suicide, a person dies in a home with the doors and windows closed, this is the most reasonable answer!

But this murderer, but on purpose, is this provoking the police, or is there another hidden plot?

“Brother Kudo, Hattori Heiji, you are also here, the autopsy report has come out, let’s take a look together!”

Officer Twilight came over just at this moment and handed a document to the two.

Shinichi hurriedly took it, then opened the file and read the summary text of each part.

“The deceased showed no signs of struggle and resistance, no foreign body in the mouth and nose, no abnormal facial complexion, no trauma and strangulation marks on the body surface, no needle eyes, no bone injuries, no internal injuries to the internal organs, and no accumulation of suspicious ingredients according to the blood test report”

“The cause of death is avascular necrosis caused by poor blood flow caused by excessive contraction of the heart, and the identification result is accidental death!”

“What? Accidental death? And what about the trauma? ”

Kudo Shinichi didn’t believe it at all, and hurriedly found the traces of injuries on the chest and abdomen of the other party in the report, but the conclusion was yes.

“Sustained bruising of soft tissues by violent external forces, unrelated to the cause of death”.

The two detectives couldn’t help but glance at each other at this time.

A trace of fear rose in my heart, this time I met an opponent!

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