For the rest of the game, there is almost no suspense.

Miyazaki led Didan High School, almost destroying and defeating several other teams.

Even that Onimaru Meng didn’t cause him much trouble.

This Onimaru’s strength is really good, even better than Okita Commander-in-Chief.

But when facing Miyazaki Yu, his strong strength barely played much, and he had already been hit to the point many times and directly judged to be negative.

Originally, Miyazaki Yu thought that this guy would be unconvinced.

After all, from the outside, that guy in Okita is much kinder, this Onimaru is tall and strong, and has an exceptionally strong oppressive force.

It’s not much different from the legendary ghosts used to scare children.

But it was this guy, after losing, who bowed deeply to Miyazaki and showed a considerable degree of respect.

This worship made the entire conference reach a climax in an instant.

With his irrefutable majesty, he not only defeated a strong enemy, but also truly convinced him!

Isn’t this kind of behavior of making a strong enemy submit and becoming his own lost brother a scene in the little talking book, where the domineering spirit is exposed, and then the little brother bows down?

This kind of scene, which only exists in the novel, appeared in everyone’s eyes at this time, making everyone crazy.

The entire assembly was shouting Miyazaki’s name.

Everyone in Didan High School was even more happy and excited.

The players of Didan High School, who did not participate in the field, even hugged and celebrated directly, if it were not for the mask being a little in the way, I was afraid that I couldn’t help but hold my head and cry.

They are now champions, this kind of honor, but Didan High School has never had it!

There was an endless cheer on the field, this moment belonged to Miyazaki Yu alone, and his light obscured everyone!

President Nakamurahara, the old man on the referee’s table, also nodded with a smile.

“At this moment, the glory and glory will belong to him!”

This cheer and celebration lasted for a long time before it stopped, and the organizers were also honored.

The more exciting moments there are, the more young people will be attracted to join the path of kendo.

“Miyazaki Ha, right? The young man is very good, much stronger than when I was younger, you must continue to work hard, but there will be good things to come to you.”

Listening to this old man’s words, Miyazaki Yu was slightly stunned, what is this old guy talking about?

Masahiro Ishida on the side smiled and said, “Don’t look at President Nakamura now that he is old, when he was young, he was also a super-first-class swordsman, by the way, we want to invite you to join the Kendo Association, what do you think?” ”

“Kendo Association?”

Miyazaki was a little surprised at this time, but he didn’t expect that just one victory would lead to many benefits, flower applause, the title of champion, and an invitation from the Kendo Association.

It’s just that I have a lot of things, but I’m not in the mood to stay with a group of old guys.

Just as he was about to decline the other party’s invitation, President Nakamura waved his hand.

“Don’t have a psychological burden, you are still only a high school student, you just need to hang a name, you seedlings of kendo, you need to be carefully cared for now, we old men will not disturb you young people.”

Now let’s hang your name, and then you will officially join when you graduate from college.”

Saying that, the old man leaned into his ear and smiled: “There are many benefits, not only have a formal status, but also have a free salary every month, and there are annual allowances and subsidies, as well as places to go abroad, do you want to think about it?” ”

“Have the money to take?”

Miyazaki Yu calculated in his heart, he actually knew something about the Kendo Association.

It’s actually something like a football association.

They recruit potential young people to join in order to increase authority, so they are well paid.

They are the neon national team, just imagine, for the national team, what is most important, of course, is authority.

They need the strength of their members to consolidate everyone’s perception of their authority.

When everyone thinks of kendo, they will think that the most powerful kendo masters are all members of the kendo association.

In fact, there is no difference from some high-end private clubs, strength is the threshold, and the threshold is also the guarantee of authority.

Only some thresholds that cannot be easily eliminated with money can maintain their own high quality and appear to be high-end enough.

This truth is common to the whole world!

And the old man is also right, joining the kendo association not only has many benefits, but also has an official identity.

The advantage of joining an official organization is that you can be treated differently at all times.

When you encounter things, other people’s attitudes will change very differently.

So Miyazaki Ha also answered in the affirmative, which made President Nakamura very happy.

The champion’s trophy was immediately awarded, and all members of the kendo club also had a medal.

And there is also a large amount of bonus, which will also be issued to everyone in the form of a check after the end, especially Miyazaki Yu, who received a large bonus, a full 1.8 million yen, which is almost 100,000 yuan if converted into RMB.

This made Miyazaki Yu very happy, rich men are not as difficult as rich men, but he understands too well.

Although he now has Belmode’s help, in fact, he is not short of money.

But the money is all secret, and most of the money has to be used to buy medicinal herbs, and cannot be used at will.

Therefore, the money obtained on the bright side is precious, so that the money and keys on the bright side are even less worried about spending.

Otherwise, you are a student, who does not have your own source of income, but suddenly begins to make a big deal, and you don’t need to look at it to know that there is a problem.

After receiving the bonus, Miyazaki waved his hand very generously and invited all his classmates to eat together.

Everyone was very happy at this meal, which can be described as a joy for the guests and hosts.

After eating, the students dispersed.

Miss Yuanzi naturally had a special car to pick up, and Miyazaki Yu took the opportunity to take the car back with Xiaolan.

Xiaolan was very happy, and she also forgot about a certain detective.

Along the way, they were chattering about today’s competition and hoping that Miyazaki would help her train, because after the kendo competition, the national karate competition will start in two months.

Unlike the kendo competitions held every year, the national karate competitions are held every two years, so for them who are now in high school, this opportunity, but the only opportunity in high school, naturally cannot have the slightest slack.

The opportunity to increase the relationship with the little beauty, of course, Miyazaki Yu will not refuse, and practice fighting, physical contact will naturally not be less, when physical contact becomes natural, then it is logical to win naturally.

I just don’t know what happened to those two detectives?

The truth is that these two people are not doing well now!

In the office of the Metropolitan Police Department, Shinichi Kudo and Heiji Hattori were both haggard.

In two days, the two read a lot of information and found a lot of things, but these things were not of much use.

“This guy is simply bad, just the bad things he has done in the past few months, there are dozens of them, such a villain is the best to die!” Hattori Heiji said angrily.

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