After arriving in this world of science and learning, Miyazaki has actually been trying to adjust his mentality.

Whatever you do, have a mindset that matches it.

This world is an extremely dangerous world, full of evil and death, the black-clad organization seems to be powerful, but no matter how powerful they are, they are only a part of the underground world.

In this world, there must still be forces far beyond the black-clothed organization, and they are already different from their previous lives, and if they want to live, they must adjust their mentality.

So since he woke up, he has not relaxed for a moment.

Do your best to practice swords, cooperate with Belmode, and obtain cultivation resources.

Training firearms and forcing yourself to dissect corpses are all challenges to yourself!

People are like this sometimes, if you don’t push yourself, you don’t know your limits!

And when you really take a brave step, you will find that the so-called limit is just the shackles of the soul!

People have no limits!

Now that he came to fight the black fist, it was actually a tempering of himself, and he wanted to use some garbage blood to temper his sword.

“Boy, you’re crazy, let me loosen your bones today!”

Saying that, he stood on tiptoe, and a jab swung towards Miyazaki Ha.

I have to say that this person can be famous here, the strength is indeed extraordinary, this person should have stayed in the army, this punch is fierce and fierce, and with the smell of military body fists, a shot is a fierce killing move.

And Miyazaki Yu can feel a faint smell of blood from this person.

This is not to say that the other party really smells of blood, but a feeling, like those butchers who kill dogs and cattle, even if they don’t do it later, there is still a cold murderous aura on their bodies.

For example, Haihara has a neurotic acumen for members of the black-clad organization, and even if she has never known members of the organization, as long as she gets close to her side, she will feel instinctive fear.

In the final analysis, she is not actually sensitive to the members of the black-clad organization, but to those who have killed people.

Shifting qi and nourishing the body, a person’s state of mind and living environment can change a person’s aura, and this guy is like that.

“The murderous atmosphere is getting stronger”

Miyazaki Ha is dodging the opponent’s attack on the one hand, and on the other hand, he is feeling the changes in the opponent’s body.

The successive attacks were dodged one by one, and the other party was visibly agitated.

“What’s going on, my attacks are all in vain? How is this possible! ”

He has been on the battlefield, he has fought with the enemy in blood, and the people who have killed people and those who have not killed are completely different, and the vision of people is also completely different.

Normal people are difficult to kill the same kind because of the shackles of empathy, and the first time to kill will cause a person severe discomfort.

It stands to reason that it doesn’t take much effort to deal with a young man, and it only takes one or two moves to beat the other party to his feet.

Such a situation can only show one thing, that is, the strength of the other party is stronger than their own!

He is well aware of the cruelty of this kind of competition, and he used to abuse his opponent, which is naturally very comfortable.

But if someone else comes to torture themselves, it must not be fun!

“You haven’t fought back yet, is it because you’re observing my path? Boy, I want you to know that this is not a regular boxing match, but a life and death fight, and I want you to know what a fight without limits is! ”

He suddenly retreated sharply, ran towards the corner of the ring, picked up a wrist-thick iron chain from one side of the ground, and he threw it violently, and this iron chain, which weighed tens of kilograms, slammed on the iron cage.

“Boy, I see how you hide!”

He swung his full force towards Miyazaki Ha, “Whew-” With a gust of wind, the iron chain swept towards Miyazaki Ha’s shoulder.

This blow is a powerful sink, tens of kilograms of weight plus this guy’s brute force, this blow even a bison is enough to knock down!

The entire arena screamed!

Many of them had just seen the doorway, and this guy who looked very thin didn’t seem to be easy to deal with.

But after seeing the viper take up the weapon, they couldn’t help but shake their heads.

“That kid’s strength should be stronger than the viper, but he is too conceited and does not have much experience, entering the iron cage, surviving is the only rule, he actually let the other party get the weapon, now he is dead.”

“Kill him!”

“Viper! Viper! ”

Everyone present was shouting loudly, it seemed that there was no suspense, and the next moment, this guy who didn’t know whether he was dead or alive would be knocked to the ground by the chain, and soon he would be covered in scales and even become a broken corpse!

Many people stood up, wanting to enjoy the scene of flesh and blood!

Some of the timid ones have covered their eyes, after all, the scenes in the ring are too contrasting.

A big man with a muscle height of nearly one meter nine was facing a young man who was less than one meter eight meters tall and thin and seemed to be less than half the width of this big man’s body, and this big man was still wielding a brutal chain weapon!

In the next instant, this young man will die!

It’s just that the development of things is often inconsistent with the facts.

Seeing the whistling iron chain, Miyazaki Ha’s body leaned back, his whole body bent ninety degrees, the iron chain passed above his body, and the violent wind pierced Miyazaki Yu’s face.

His expression suddenly changed, and after turning his body over, his left hand grabbed it, and he had already grasped the end of the iron chain in his hand.


The chain fluttered like a whip, stirring a crisp but heavy echo in the air.

The iron chains shook in the air, and a large amount of rust and debris fell from above.

“What? He actually grabbed the chain with his hand? ”

Everyone in the audience was taken aback.

Most of the so-called audiences who have been wandering here all year round are actually gangsters or gangsters, and they understand a little.

Once this iron chain weighing tens of kilograms is brandished, it is not only extremely fast, but also extremely heavy.

The strength of the nunchuku falling on one point back then can reach eight hundred catties.

The power of this iron chain when it is waved is definitely thousands of catties, even if you use skills, if you want to grasp the chain, you have to have hundreds of pounds of strength to do it!

But now, when it was swung, it was directly pulled, and the strength above the iron filings that were stirred off could be seen.

“You like to play with this thing, then I will fulfill you!”

Miyazaki feather shook the iron chain violently, and the violent shaking transmitted a strong force, and the iron chain that the viper held tightly in both hands actually broke away at once!

There was a sharp pain in the hand, and the rough iron chain grazed the palm and fingers, grazing the palm.

His whole person was like a rag, and he also fell heavily to the ground!


Miyazaki flicked again, directly fell on the iron cage, and the violent force suddenly bent the iron bars and wires of the iron cage on one side, and the entire cage fell down with debris.

Everyone present tightened their hearts, this blow was like hitting their own body, and no one shouted and shouted anymore.

The viper yelled like a nervous, he thought that he had just fallen on him, he had been killed, and the whole person touched his body everywhere like crazy to see if it had been broken.

Miyazaki slowly walked up to him, this guy was obviously a trash, and he had just killed him.

If that’s the case, it’s good to bring it to fruition!

After all, he is not a virgin, and the next moment, he will make this guy turn into a twist!

At this moment, a voice sounded outside the cage.

“Stop boy, stop it!”

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