On the streets of New York, a pair of young men and women appeared on the street.

The girl looked excitedly at the exotic scenery around her.

“It’s so much fun to be full of blonde foreigners here!”

These two are Koran and Kudo Shinichi, who have just come to the United States.

It is difficult to get the summer vacation, naturally want to have fun, and what is even rarer is that there is actually the opportunity to play abroad, which is even more enjoyable.

At this time, Xiaolan, like a free little butterfly, wandered the bustling streets of New York.

“After walking here, I have to see Times Square and Fifth Avenue, as well as the Metropolitan Museum, Central Park, the Statue of Liberty and the Ivy League schools, these are all I want to go to!”

Seeing the girl so happy, Kudo Shinichi was also very happy in his heart.

Since the last time he secretly searched Miyazaki Yu’s house because of his own initiative, and let Xiaoran find traces, the two had a very unpleasant fight.

He later reflected on his actions and knew that he was indeed wrong.

What detectives rely on most is logical reasoning, but reasoning is reasoning, and evidence is the key to everything.

Because of groundless speculation, he suspected his classmates, and without the slightest evidence, or even the slightest corroboration, he took advantage of people’s trust in him to secretly search people’s homes, which is really rude.

No wonder Xiaolan was angry, if she changed herself, she would definitely be very angry.

However, the two are childhood sweethearts after all, and after a period of time has passed this matter, he went to find Xiaolan and her sincere confession, and Xiaolan forgave him.

In fact, during this period, Xiaolan also regretted it in her heart.

Kudo Shinichi has always been obsessed with reasoning and wants to become a detective, and this has been the case since he was a child.

As a detective, there is no way to be vigilant at all times, it is natural to do so.

And she also believes that he has no bad intentions, the starting point is always good, anyway, Xiao Yu does not blame him.

So after preaching with a straight face, the two got back together.

I have to say that Kudo Shinichi’s emotional intelligence is really not high, and girls are willing to travel thousands of miles with you to a foreign country.

Even his parents walked away very knowledgeably, creating space for the two to get along, which was simply a divine assist.

But the divine assist can’t save the pig teammate, this can’t take the girl down, it’s just a violent thing.

In the mouth of the new mother Yukiko, such behavior is simply unbearable, and at a young age is the grade of hormones, and he actually did not succeed in holding hands?

This is not worthy of being her son!

But this time, Kudo Shinichi’s emotional intelligence has improved, and he takes very good care of Xiaoran along the way.

This is also a matter of no way, in the original time and space, he does not have any opponents, and without opponents he will be more crazy.

In his heart, he actually regarded Xiaolan as his girlfriend, not to mention it for the sake of face, but it was already acquiescence.

Only now it is not possible, there is a strong competitor, and now he also wants to pursue Xiaolan, which gambles on his honor as a detective, he is absolutely not mistaken, it must be so!

Therefore, he also had a little more emotions in his heart, and he also paid more attention to Xiaolan.

“There’s ice cream over there, you wait for me here, I’ll go buy some.”

Xiaolan smiled and nodded, sitting on a bench on the side of the road and waiting.

At this time, the sky is blue and the gentle sun shines on the body, making the whole body warm and very comfortable.

“In the past few days, this guy Shinichi has changed a lot, he has become considerate of people, this time he came out, only me and him, even Yuanzi and Xiao Yu, are not around.”

Thinking of this, he quickly panicked his head and threw the figures of the two out.

“Since I came out to play with Shinichi, I have to concentrate, how can I suddenly think of Xiao Yu?”

Xiaolan was a little panicked in her heart, these days and Xinyi came out, the two people got along together, and the other party was very considerate, it stands to reason that the relationship between the two sides should heat up quickly.

But now in his heart, there is always a little barrier, and Miyazaki Yu’s shadow will always appear inexplicably in his heart.

Thinking of her helping him train, thinking of him cooking for himself, his craftsmanship is really good, and his personality is also very gentle, especially for himself, as long as it is his own request, he is very gentle to agree.

Plus the mercy shown to him before. Gratitude later.

This made her feelings for Miyazaki Yu very complicated all of a sudden.

“Oh, I’m thinking about something, now that I’m in New York, I have to have fun and have fun, and it’s never too late to talk about anything when I go back!”

Thinking of this, he relaxed his mood and was about to search for Kudo Shinichi in the crowd.


A violent burst of gunfire rang out, and there was a terrified scream from the crowd.

If you grow up in a peaceful environment, you think it’s firecrackers, but people who grow up here know very well that this is a shootout!

At this time, Xiaolan also instantly panicked.

She didn’t expect that the United States, which is known as the lighthouse country, is actually dangerous to this extent!

As soon as I set foot on this land, I heard about the serial killer, and I just collected my mood and wanted to visit, but I encountered a shootout.

She hurriedly walked in the direction where Kudo Shinichi was, but she could only see the crowd of people, and the figure of the individual was very small in the torrent, and after a while she was washed by the flow of people and did not know where it was.

“Shinichi, Shinichi, where are you!”

It’s just that at such a noisy moment, although she tried to shout, she was still drowned out by the noise, and she couldn’t find Kudo Shinichi at all.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that her bag was pulled by someone, and hurriedly looked down, but saw that the palm that had been black had reached into the bag.

The owner of the black hand, after seeing Xiaolan find out, simply pulled it directly, directly snatched the bag, and then turned around and fled.

But Xiaolan reacted quickly, and after Miyazaki Yu’s training, her strength was better than before, and her reaction was extremely fast at this time, and a hand fell on the black man’s shoulder in an instant.

“Give me back the bag!”

The black guy still wanted to continue running, but his shoulders tightened sharply, and the girl’s strength was beyond his imagination, and his strong body was suddenly pulled and unable to move.

He kicked out a kick behind him with all his strength to get out, but as soon as this kick came out, his body was punched heavily, and the whole person fluttered gently in an instant, and then was pressed heavily on the ground by two hands.

Suddenly, this black man directly seemed to be hit by a car, and his whole body suddenly couldn’t stand up in pain.

Xiaolan took her bag back, and she was relieved, but after such a delay, the gunfire was getting closer and closer.

And at this moment, Xiaolan saw that someone not far away raised his hand in this direction, and the muzzle of the black hole hole was facing here, and Xiaolan subconsciously dodged.

A gunshot rang out, but there was a scream from Xiaolan’s side, and the black guy had fallen in a pool of blood at this time!

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