“Hahaha, Bruce, you did a great job!” At this time, Olip also rushed over with the rest of his men.

At this time, Miyazaki Yu’s body was not very good, and his whole body was full of all kinds of dust and debris.

Now he is also palpitating, he didn’t expect that the other party actually had this hand, but fortunately he moved quickly and hid on the other side at a critical time, or with the help of the statue’s pedestal, he successfully avoided the main power of the explosion.

But now his body is still very embarrassed, and his body has obvious scars.

Seeing this, Olip finally let go of his heart.

This Bruce suddenly appeared in the underground black market a few days ago, and in the iron cage battle, he defeated several black boxers in a row, which made him also interested.

Over the years, New York’s underground forces have been mixed, and various small gangs have emerged one after another.

The new group represents a new need to divide interests, and to divide interests that already have default unspoken rules, it takes enough blood to complete.

Against this backdrop, violent incidents of all kinds have emerged.

This is actually similar to the background of the First World War, the old capitalist countries, have completed the division of world colonies.

And the emerging power, namely Germany, demanded a redivision of territory under the sun, and this was the root cause of the conflict.

The cake is only so big, if you want to eat it in your mouth, you need to see whose fist is bigger and harder.

It is precisely because of this that various gangs are actively searching for manpower, and many gangsters and unemployed vagrants have joined various gangs, making the chaos worse.

As for why they are not afraid of the police, the reason is also very simple, the police in the United States are people who cherish their lives, gang fights are the norm, and you are likely to be killed.

And compared with the large number of gangsters, the number of police is pitiful, the number of people is likely to be ten to one, or even twenty to one, and everyone has enough guns and ammunition.

Another is that the gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is very serious, and the poor and the rich have their own ghettos.

Many places may be separated by walls, but the gap between rich and poor is a world of difference.

It’s possible that the neighborhood is full of rich people like Bill Gates, and on the other side is a dirty black community.

The way for the police to survive has become to look at the dishes in the place, and the two places next to each other call the police together.

It may take twenty or thirty minutes for the police to get to the black neighborhood, and three or five minutes for the rich neighborhood.

It can be imagined that such a difference will fuel the arrogance of criminals, and the difference is the difference between human lives, and it is the difference between dozens of lives or even hundreds of lives.

It is precisely because of this that Bulang and Olipp are so brazenly fighting.

“Boss, this time I saved your life, and I also helped you kill competitors, you have to add money!”

Olip completely relaxed his guard in his heart, this person likes money, then it’s good, such a powerful guy, not afraid of him talking about money, but afraid that he has ambition.

This kind of subordinate with super ability, once coveting power, cannot be restrained at all.

Just like in various underworld movies, the black boss is sinister and vicious, and often appears in the form of a family, swearing a large group of brothers.

The reason why it is so complicated is that they are outside the law and can only use these methods to restrain people.

The most effective way to encircle people is money, but this also has a premise, that is, the person who is co-opted likes money.

If people like power, you just give money, the role is not obvious, and you need to invest in people.

“No problem, you helped me keep the goods today, and killed the garbage of Bulang, of course, the reward is indispensable.”

Miyazaki Ha had a satisfied expression on his face.

“In that case, boss, then I’ll go first, I still have things to do,” he said, glancing into the distance.

“I didn’t expect you, this kid, to work so hard for women, in the words of your Dragon Kingdom, it’s called pity Xiang Xiyu, right? This chick is very moral, and she didn’t sneak away.”

Miyazaki Yu smiled: “So I worked hard today, I can take this chick down, but I saved her life, I always have to pay off, right?” ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, and everything was silent.

After he left, Olip’s face also became gloomy.

“After I go back, immediately check for me, someone must have leaked our actions, and this garbage of Bulang will come to ambush me.”

A white subordinate immediately nodded, they were also extremely angry now, and they almost confessed here today.

“Boss, is the investigation about Bruce going on?”

Bruce is naturally Miyazaki Yu’s pseudonym, and inexplicably a powerful guy appears, and he wants to use nature to investigate.

“Of course we have to investigate, it is not wrong to be cautious, but when something like this happens, we have to keep a low profile for a while.”

The flowers bloom in two, one on each table.

Xiao Lan, who was in the distance, was looking at the person in front of him with complicated eyes at this time.

“Didn’t I say to let you run? Why don’t you run? Are you worried about me? ”

Originally, Xiaolan was still immersed in the rain of bullets just now, but he didn’t expect this guy to say such things as soon as he came up, where could Xiaolan cope with such direct words, and couldn’t help but blush.

“No, I just want to see if you’re dead!”

Miyazaki Yu couldn’t help but smile, if he used Miyazaki Ha’s identity to talk to this girl, there would be no chance to be so unscrupulous, and now he changed his body to tease her, but it was very interesting.

“Is it? I just saw it, when I came over, you were very happy, you must like me, by the way, do you have a boyfriend? ”

The provocation of this topic was a little big, and the girl was taken aback.

“You’re rude, we shouldn’t know each other now, right?”

Said looking at him nervously.

Miyazaki Yu also smiled in his heart, although this girl is very kind, but she is also very vigilant, this is good.

He deliberately stepped forward and brought his body closer to the other party.

“I saved your life, how can I not know you, but if you don’t know the name, it is indeed very troublesome, my name is Bruce, how about you?”

For a violent person who was still killing people just now, Xiaolan would never tell the other party’s name, but seeing the other party’s eyes, he thought that the other party had indeed risked his life just now.

My heart couldn’t help but soften.

“Maori Lan, my name is Maori Lan”.

Miyazaki deliberately uses the posture of rubbing his chin when he thinks about detectives.

“Maoriland? It’s a really good name.”

It’s just that Xiaolan saw that there was a piece of skin on his face that was a little strange, and the color of the skin seemed to be different from the surrounding one.

This is actually when Miyazaki was affected by the explosion just now, and a fragment hit the cheek, tearing off a piece of the mask, which caused this color difference.

Before Xiaolan could react, Miyazaki Yu suddenly grabbed the girl’s slender waist, and then struck her elbow outward.

His elbow collided violently with something and made a loud bang!

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