“It hurts—”

Kudo Shinichi couldn’t help but gasp, although his body had been coated with ointment, the severe pain still made him restless.

He now looks like a tightly wrapped mummy, looking very miserable.

This kind of big rice dumpling should appear in some tomb robbery novels, not in the Ke Xue Theater.

If Miyazaki Yu sees Kudo Shinichi like this, he will definitely say, kid, you went to the wrong set, this is not for you, you better go to Mars.

He completely forgot that this was his masterpiece, and if it weren’t for him, Kudo Shinichi wouldn’t be like this.

“Shinichi, how did you become like this!”

Xiaolan, who had just rushed back, saw Kudo Shinichi’s appearance, and tears flowed directly.

Kudo Shinichi was relieved to see Ran returning, and his whole body was very neat, but then he became nervous again.

“Xiaolan, you’re back, that bastard didn’t treat you well, did he?”

His voice was a little hoarse, as if he had something in his mouth, but there was no way around it.

In just one day, Kudo Shinichi realized what it means to be worried.

First he was beaten severely by an inexplicable person, and because he lost Xiaolan, his worry and fear broke out together, but he could only stay on the hospital bed and wait.

This is really a beating, what kind of detective he is, did not bring the slightest mercy to his subordinates.

The other party seems to be very good at hitting people, and did not cause serious damage, but only caused flesh and skin injuries, and it seems that he controlled the strength of the shot.

But the other party hit the person so much that the muscles all over the body were shaking, as if rolling a nail board.

That’s shaking from fingernails to strands of hair!

This is like a female nurse stabbing her ex-boyfriend, dozens of stabs are only minor injuries, but this minor injury does not hurt much physically, but for mental damage, it is too great!

It was simply a mental crit, and Kudo Shinichi is still in his heart.

That guy is simply not human, while hitting back, he said, let himself not kick things indiscriminately in the future, otherwise see him hit once and again, let him remember for a long time!

Miyazaki Yu is indeed a ruthless person, and Kudo Shinichi is also a beautiful man, his fists are not only hitting the body, but also greeting the face.

Beat a little handsome guy into a pig’s head three, so Kudo Shinichi is now speaking a little slurred.

“I’m okay, the guy dropped me off in a hotel and left, didn’t do anything to me”.

In fact, if there was only Kudo Shinichi here, Xiaoran would not answer this sentence, because it was too humiliating, but at this time Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko were there.

They are also very concerned about Xiaolan’s safety, and Xiaolan can only tell the truth, for fear that the other party is worried.

“Xiaolan, it’s good that you’re okay, if something happens to you, I won’t have the face to see Concubine Eiri and Kogoro.”

Yukiko stepped forward and took the girl’s hand, her face full of worry.

Because of the friendship between the two families, people will entrust their daughters to them, and let them take their daughters to travel to a foreign country, and they are responsible.

Fortunately, Xiaolan is okay now, otherwise they will feel guilty for the rest of their lives.

Kudo Yusaku on the side saw this, took out his mobile phone and made a few calls, last night after they found their son, they found these things, so they immediately called the police, and some rich friends of Tonyu launched to find Xiaoran’s whereabouts.

Now that the people have returned, this matter has come to an end.

“Xiaolan, Shinichi is like this now, some words are not clear, can you explain yesterday’s events in detail?”

Xiaolan nodded, and described what happened yesterday in detail, and after hearing that the other party fought hard to save Xiaolan, but was misunderstood by Shinichi and was hit by a garbage can, Kudo and his wife frowned.

“Shinichi is really not mature enough, when you encounter an urgent matter, you will lose your judgment as a detective, and it is reasonable that you take the lead in attacking without figuring out the truth of the matter, and the other party fights back.”

These words fell in Kudo Shinichi’s ears, and it was almost infuriating!

“Hey, what, what’s reasonable, that guy is definitely a dangerous element, he definitely just killed someone at that time!”

Kudo Yusaku said angrily: “Because of this, you should judge calmly!” If the other party is really a vicious person, if you rashly launch an attack without effective countermeasures, the consequence is that you will not only not be able to save people, but also affect Xiaolan! ”

Kudo Shinichi’s mouth moved, but he could only swallow what he was about to say.

He knew his father’s words were right.

If it weren’t for being too impulsive, things shouldn’t be like this, because the psychological effect of people is that after doing a good deed, what they want is usually a positive feedback, that is, to get some praise.

At that time, the probability of the other party turning his face and doing evil was not high!

And his fierce reaction instantly angered the other party.

If the other party is really vicious, the worst outcome now will be that he is killed, and Xiaolan will encounter accidents.

Kudo Shinichi’s lips trembled: “That’s right, I was too impulsive, I didn’t protect Xiaolan well, so that she was in danger.”

Yukiko and Xiaolan have never seen this kind of expression on the new face of the confident and sunny face, and they all show an unbearable look.

They all wanted to open their mouths to persuade, but they were stopped by Kudo Yusaku’s eyes.

“Let’s go out first, let him think about it, some truths are not clear to others, only the truths that he has figured out are truly his own.”

After leaving the ward, Yukiko couldn’t help it.

“What’s wrong with you, don’t you feel distressed when your son makes people beat like that?”

As a mother, Yukiko really can’t calm down.

Yesterday, when she saw her son like that, her soul almost fell off.

The whole body is bruised, and there is not much good meat, especially a face that is swollen like a pig’s head.

If the doctor hadn’t told them that Kudo Shinichi looked serious, but in fact it was not a big deal, she would have almost fainted.

Now seeing her son so uncomfortable, she also can’t accept it.

Kudo Yusaku sighed: “Of course I am very uncomfortable for Shinichi to be beaten like this, but things have happened, and the best thing to do is that he can grow in this matter, only in this way, can he prevent him from repeating the same mistakes”

He said calmly: “You should be more thankful, that person is from the Dragon Kingdom, although he participated in the underworld, but he still has his own bottom line, if he is really a fierce and evil person, just Shinichi dares to attack him, and then blocked by him, it is very likely to be a killer, after all, he just killed a lot of people at that time!” ”


Yukiko and Xiaoran were trembling in their hearts at this time, and they couldn’t help but gasp, and even their pupils turned gray.

Especially Kudo Yukiko, just cared about being angry, and didn’t think about the scene at that time!

People just opened the killing ring, it was when they killed red eyes, and they could desperately save Xiaolan, which should have been grateful.

The other party obviously liked Xiaolan very much, but he was disturbed by the second stunned son of Shinichi, and was attacked by the garbage can, if it was someone else, he was afraid that he would be killed directly.

And now the result is that Xiaolan is safe and sound, and he has not been insulted, and Shinichi has only been beaten and not seriously injured, which shows that people have left mercy.

All like this, what is not satisfied?

“Also, that person is indeed an extremely dangerous person, if you encounter him again next time, Xiaolan, you must hide as far as you can!”

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