“Here, let me see which one is a transfer student?” So excited in the morning? ”

Kentaro Nakano said in a strange manner, propped his hands on the podium and looked around the students in the room.

But instead of seeing new faces, he saw two tables in the last row by the window.

Kentaro Nakano narrowed his eyes.


“Newspaper … Report! ”

Sonoko Suzuki hurried to the door of the classroom with the bell for class and knocked twice.

Due to the violent running, her chest fell with her cramped breathing, and her cheeks were slightly flushed.


Zhu Fu Siyuan also appeared at the door of the classroom, flexed his knuckles, and knocked on the door twice.

He also came back running, but his breathing was as steady as ever, and even his hair was not disheveled.

“Oh my God…”

“Zhufu-san has changed into our school uniform…”

“It’s so temperamental…”

“Wearing the same school uniform, why is the gap so big…”

“Boom! Syllable! ”

Kentaro Nakano slapped the podium twice.

“All quiet!”

He looked at the two people at the door and said sharply: “Go back to your seat!” ”

Suzuki Sonoko pouted and quickly trotted back, Zhufu Siyuan bowed slightly to show respect, and also walked in the direction of the seat.

But just halfway there, there was a sound of “banging” behind him, followed by an angry question

“Hey? Did I let you go back? ”

The comers are not good.

Zhu Fu thought to himself.

He stopped and looked back at the male teacher on the podium.

“You stand there for me!”

Extending his index finger and pointing to the corner of the doorway, Kentaro Nakano kept spitting out personally aggressive words.

“This is a school, not a place to mess with you!”

“If you have an impact on the learning atmosphere of Didan High School, I think it’s better to go back to your original school!”

The class was silent.

All the students rejected Kentaro Nakano, but they were all students, and they didn’t have the courage to stand up and refute anything.

Dissatisfaction can only be expressed by turning the book a little louder, banging the legs of the table, and pretending to make some abnormal noises inadvertently.

“It’s just too much…”

Suzuki Sonoko, who returned to his seat, looked worriedly at Zhufu Siyuan in front of him, and hugged him with a very small volume.

“Hello Nakano-sensei.”

Compared with Kentaro Nakano’s crazy-like voice, Zhufu Siyuan’s voice was more calm and rational.

He stood there without moving, and spoke

“First, I was admitted to Class B with my scores, and the test paper was personally reviewed by Teacher Izumigami.”

“Second, when I first arrived here, I haven’t recognized all my classmates, nor have I shown favor to any woman, so there is no talk of flowers.”

Zhufu Siyuan’s voice was low and his attitude was calm, “Then dare to ask Nakano-sensei, student me, what’s wrong?” ”

I don’t know what the emotion was, maybe it was angered by such a calm voice, and Kentaro Nakano’s voice became even more crazy.

“You still dare to talk back!”

“If it weren’t for your little white face showing yourself everywhere, which schoolgirl would have come to see you?” That mind is all off track! ”

“It is because of students like you that the learning atmosphere of Didan High School has been affected!”

[Kentaro Nakano’s negative mood value is +100! ] 】

Kentaro Nakano slashed his head and cursed, and he spat on the stars as he spoke, like a malfunctioning water spray machine.

Zhufu Siyuan listened respectfully and did not refute until Kentaro Nakano finished scolding, tired and panting, he slightly hooked the corners of his lips.

“If you want to add sin, why is there no excuse?”


An understatement directly overturned all the insults just now, and Kentaro Nakano was speechless, and his face turned livid in an instant.

“Made… That’s so cool…”

“I feel that our Class B has hope, eh, we don’t have to be oppressed anymore…”

“Zhufu-san is so powerful…”

The classmates sitting next to Zhufu Siyuan began to whisper admiration, and they all gave him a thumbs up.

[Kentaro Nakano’s negative mood value is +100! ] 】


Kentaro Nakano was trembling with anger, and he pointed his index finger at Zhufu Siyuan, and only after a few seconds did he hold out a sentence.

“You give me a penalty station!”

Hearing this, some classmates in the class couldn’t stand it and complained softly.

“It’s too much…”

“How can it be so difficult…”

“Zhufu-san didn’t do anything wrong…”


“You want to go out and stand together!”

Kentaro Nakano shouted as he patted the podium, and suddenly there was no sound in the class.

“Penalty stands are OK.”

Zhufu Siyuan didn’t seem to be angry, and there was not the slightest wave under his eyes, and asked peacefully:

“But can you give me a reason?”

Upon hearing this, Kentaro Nakano was in a much more relaxed mood, isn’t it easy to find a reason?

This kid is just a seventeen-year-old little furry boy, fight with him? Don’t pee on yourself!

Wouldn’t he just find a random reason?

So, Kentaro Nakano said directly: “It’s okay to listen to my class, but this is also required, you have to Chinese at least better grades, right?” ”

He took two consecutive classes in Class A in the morning, and at this time, he did not know the full score of Zhu Fu Siyuan.

“This student, teacher, I didn’t deliberately make it difficult for you, I want you to memorize ten verses out of thin air today.”

Kentaro Nakano deliberately paused, then picked up the textbook and continued to add.

“Ten verses related to ‘snow’.”

As soon as these words came out, the students complained again in the class.

“There is a problem with the brain…”

“It’s not a difficult thing…”

“He may not be able to carry it himself…”

“That said…”

The students below once again felt uneven for Zhufu Siyuan, but the party’s expression was still calm, and he asked:

“Is there a range?”


Kentaro Nakano frowned.


In his heart, he thought that Zhufu Siyuan would definitely be deflated, and for a while he didn’t understand what the other party meant by this sentence.

The surrounding classmates also looked at Zhu Fu Siyuan’s calm face in amazement.

What is he going to do?

Can it really be recited out!

“I meant to ask…”

Zhufu Siyuan put his hands behind his back, raised his chin slightly, and looked directly at Kentaro Nakano with those deep phoenix eyes.

“Nakano-sensei, when you say ‘ten verses’, do you mean ancient Chinese-Chinese poems or Japanese waka?”


Not only Kentaro Nakano and the students in the classroom, but even Yukina Shirakawa, who was standing quietly outside the classroom, looked at Zhufu Siyuan through the glass window in surprise.

She came to take a look because she was not at ease and worried that Zhufu Siyuan would be troubled.

In fact, the call from the student’s parents this morning reflected to her that the Chinese teacher suppressed the enthusiasm of the students.

After teaching for several years, she knows Nakano very well, is always willing to pick bones in the egg, and despises students in other classes.

But the class he brought out did have the highest average grade in Chinese, so the school leaders turned a blind eye to his behavior.

Shirakawa Yukina’s soft and slender fingers were clenched together, and her eyes were full of worry.


Is it really okay….

She pursed her lips and took two steps towards the door of the classroom, thinking about whether to go in and say something nice to help Zhufu classmates.

But just when she hesitated, the podium in the classroom “clicked”, it seemed that the book was dropped on the podium, followed by Kentaro Nakano’s roar.

“This is very bad for you, come on, a Chinese poem, a harmony song, interspersed together, if you can’t recite it within three minutes, you will quickly fuck me off!”

How does this work….

That’s too much to ask….

Shirakawa Yukina was nervous and hurriedly walked to the door, but before she could reach the door, a calm voice floated out along the crack of the door.

“Well, if I can’t memorize it, I’ll leave Didan High School immediately; If I can recite it, can I get an apology from you? ”


Shirakawa Yukina’s beautiful eyes widened slightly.

Zhufu’s voice was not flustered, it seemed that everything was under control, was there really a full certainty that he could recite it?

She quietly trotted to the back door and looked into the classroom through the glass window.


Kentaro Nakano smiled angrily.

He picked up the book that had just fallen on the podium, rolled it in his hand, and asked word by word: “Why should I apologize to you?” ”

[Kentaro Nakano’s negative mood value is +100! ] 】

“No, not to me.”

Zhufu Siyuan raised his hand to look at his watch, and then stared at Kentaro Nakano’s somewhat distorted face.

“You should apologize to all the students in the second class B of high school, because it has been five minutes of class, and you are holding on to me and not telling any valuable knowledge.”

His tone sank, and he stood in the aisle of his desk, without the slightest hint of concession in his eyes.

“Master, so preach and teach karma and solve confusion.” Isn’t this behavior of yours detrimental to the teacher’s morality? Shouldn’t we apologize? ”

The classroom was dead silent again.

[Kentaro Nakano’s negative mood value is +200! ] 】

After three seconds of absolute silence, Kentaro Nakano flipped his hands and threw down the book, crossed his hands at his waist, and nodded meaninglessly.

“Okay, yes! Then you carry it now! Three minutes to go! Back!! ”


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