Chapter 164: Li Ze’s reminder, and Sonoko’s disdain!

In the restaurant, most people looked unhappy. Facing the many delicacies in front of them, they basically had no appetite to eat.

Li Ze, however, was a surprise.

He knew very well the power of Conan, the son of the god of death, and he also knew the murderer of today’s case, but he was just too lazy to care about these trivial matters.

After all, he was not a detective, and he would not get any benefits.

On the other hand,

Ayako and others who were at the same table with him looked at Li Ze who had such a good appetite, and they didn’t know what to say for a while.

“Hey, Li Ze!”

Yuanzi was unhappy, and the corners of his mouth twitched:”Be careful of the impact!”

“People are dying now, but you still have such a good appetite”

“Are you a starving ghost reincarnated?”

Xiao Lan saw this scene and hurried to pull Yuanzi.

Obviously, she knew that her good friend was very unhappy with Li Ze because of the matter between Li Ze and Miyano Shiho.

But the problem is that the environment is not right!

Everyone is fine at home, but now they are outside!

After all, she is your sister.���, you have to give them some face!

“”Yuanzi, stop talking!”

Xiaolan held her back and whispered,”Li Ze is your brother-in-law!”

“But he……”

Yuanzi was still unhappy.

But before she could finish, Xiaolan whispered:”Whatever it is, tell your husband first!”


She sighed.

She knew that Xiaolan was right, so she had to keep silent for a while.

Finally, she rolled her eyes at Li Ze, and then shut up.

Ayako and Miyano Shiho looked at each other, but in the end, both women remained silent.

Since it was such a small matter and had little impact, they naturally didn’t bother to get involved.

As for Li Ze, the person involved, he was still eating with big mouthfuls, turning a blind eye to Yuanzi’s dissatisfaction.

Ten minutes later.

After he completely finished the food in front of him, he glanced at the people in front of him indifferently.

Then, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After a moment of hesitation, he slowly spoke.


“Especially you, Sonoko!”

“I know you don’t like me, but as your brother-in-law, I still need to remind everyone”

“Whether you have an appetite or not, eat more as soon as possible.”

“There will be no peace tonight!”

“If you don’t want to be hungry all night, then it’s best to listen to my advice.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

Li Ze said calmly.

He picked up the napkin on the table, wiped the residue from the corner of his mouth, and persuaded everyone.

Everyone present was stunned for a moment.

They didn’t quite understand why Li Ze said that.

But, the next moment.

Miyano Shiho and Ayako, although they still couldn’t figure it out, they still started eating with big mouthfuls.

Obviously, as people around Li Ze, they knew Li Ze’s temper better.

He disdains to lie!

Since he said that now, he must have his reasons.

“Sister, Shiho, you two……”

Yuanzi was stunned.

Seeing her elder sister starting to eat because of Li Ze’s words, her mind went blank in an instant.

She didn’t understand.

Why did her elder sister and Miyano Shiho trust Li Ze so much?

“Garden, come eat.”

“Li Zejun would not lie to us. If he said so, he must have his reasons.”

“I advise you to listen to others’ advice!”

Ayako spoke softly while eating.


After hearing this, everyone fell silent again.


It seems that there is no harm in eating more as soon as possible.

Xiaolan frowned for a moment, but still started eating.

Fu Jiang, although very sad.

But seeing that everyone was eating, he naturally ate a little.

On the contrary, Yuanzi!

She didn’t believe that Li Ze would be so powerful. She was originally a little hungry, but now she crossed her arms and was even more reluctant to continue eating.

“Tsk, I don’t believe it.”

“Mysterious, don’t try to fool me”

“I just won’t eat!”

Yuanzi muttered to herself.

She looked at Li Ze with displeasure, and then rolled her eyes.

And, in response to this.

Li Ze shrugged his shoulders and was too lazy to explain.

Anyway, he had reminded her, but Yuanzi didn’t want to listen.

If she was hungry later, she couldn’t blame herself.

On the contrary, Conan!

After hearing what Li Ze said, he fell into deep thought.

He had a good relationship with Li Ze and knew that although this guy was not a detective, his thinking ability was not inferior to his own.

Could it be that… did this guy see something?

What exactly was it?

The situation at the crime scene just now kept appearing in his mind.

After a little hesitation, his eyes lit up.

Takehiko Zaishiro, not the murderer hand?

If he is not the murderer, and he is now imprisoned, then facing the current situation, what will the real murderer do?

I can’t figure it out!

But what he is sure of in his heart is that tonight will definitely not be peaceful.

What Li Ze said is not wrong!

Thinking of this, Conan immediately began to prepare for dinner.

After all.

If other accidents happen later, there will be no time to continue eating.

Take advantage of this time to fill your stomach quickly!

But, it’s too late.

Just as Conan was preparing to eat, a scream suddenly came from outside.

Almost, in an instant.

Conan, who heard the scream, immediately rushed out.

Immediately afterwards.

Xiaolan, who was worried about Conan, ran out, and Sonoko, who was worried about Xiaolan, followed closely.

“Li Zejun……”

Ayako couldn’t help but speak.

Li Ze shrugged and said,”It seems that my guess is correct. The bloodbath tonight is far from over.”

“Don’t go out to join the fun, you two should take this opportunity to fill your stomachs quickly.”


Miyano Shiho:”……”

Looking at Li Ze with a calm face, the two girls nodded after hesitating for a while.

Although the two girls’ brains were blank at first and they couldn’t figure out what was happening in front of them, they knew that Li Ze would not lie to them.

So, then.

The two girls began to eat quickly!

In the empty restaurant, there were only three of them at this time.

As for the other people in the Hatamoto family, they were not in the restaurant from the beginning, but chose to eat in their respective rooms.

Ten minutes later.

Everyone came back one after another, and everyone’s face was heavy.

And, at this time.

Ayako and Miyano Shiho, naturally finished their meal.

After seeing everyone come in, Ayako took the lead to ask:”What happened outside?”

“Hatamoto Ryuo was killed!”

Sonoko’s face turned pale, and she spoke tremblingly:”The imprisoned Zaishiro Takehiko is also missing.”

“The murderer is hiding in the dark and may strike at any time.”

“Too scary!”

Ayako and Miyano Shiho were stunned when they heard this.

The second person was dead!

The murderer who was originally imprisoned has now suddenly disappeared.


There is no need to think about it at all. Everyone is in trouble tonight.

If the Metropolitan Police Department can arrive as soon as possible, it will be fine. If not, everyone present will be in danger of life.

“Li Zejun, is the situation serious?”

Ayako couldn’t help but ask:”Do you want to call home?”

And, in response to this.

Li Ze put down the teacup and directly took out the pistol and night vision goggles

“Ayako, don’t worry.”

“I carry a pistol with me every day, and I am sure it can ensure our safety!”

“The night vision device can ensure that you are not afraid of sudden power outages of others.”

“So everyone, don’t run around, just stay within my sight, and no one will be able to attack us!”

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