Chapter 189: Akai talks about cooperation, Shiho is unhappy!

In the living room, there was silence.


No one expected that Akai Shuichi would come to visit. Speak of the devil and he will appear!

“What does this scumbag want to do?”

Myano Shiho asked in surprise.

Although Miyano Akemi was confused, she quickly said:”Shiho, don’t make trouble. Be well-mannered, okay?”

Miyano Shiho’s face was full of disdain.

However, she didn’t want her sister to be too embarrassed, so even if she was still unhappy, she finally chose to shut up.

Li Ze narrowed his eyes slightly.

His brain began to work rapidly, and he began to think about the purpose of Akai Shuichi’s visit.

Especially considering that Akai Shuichi had just met Miyano Akemi last night, and came to see him immediately after finding out that he hadn’t dealt with Miyano Akemi…

His face became uglier and uglier.

Good guy!

Is he sure he can take advantage of me?

Do you think you are a soft persimmon?


After a sneer in his heart, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth

“Akai Shuichi, huh?”

“It’s really interesting. I’m quite interested.”

“In that case, let him in!”

Li Ze spoke slowly.

As he spoke, Butler Ochiai bowed and left.


Akai Shuichi, with long hair draped over his shoulders, came in wearing a knitted hat and a windbreaker.

He was calm, with his hands in his pockets.

However, after seeing the Miyano sisters, his eyes froze for a moment, and then he regained his composure.

He looked at Li Ze, and after a moment of hesitation, he spoke slowly.

“Hello, Li Zejun!”

“I am Shuichi Akai, an agent from the FBI”

“I have something to talk to you about!”

Akai Shuichi said without any nonsense.

Since he had made up his mind, he naturally didn’t bother to waste time.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Ze quietly, indicating that he could let the Miyano sisters leave first.

But, it was a pity.

Li Ze shrugged when he heard this.

“Akai Shuichi!”

“Although I have never met you, I have heard of you for a long time.”

“That guy Gin misses you so much!”

“If he knew that I was coming back, I think he would be very happy.”

He said with a little disdain.

Obviously, he didn’t have any good feelings towards Shuichi Akai in front of him.

On the other hand, he was also reminding this guy that he knew your background very well.

So if you have something to say, just say it quickly.

However, in response to this,

Shuichi Akai’s face did not change.

As if he didn’t hear anything at all, he just said lightly after hearing it:”I just want to make a deal with you on behalf of the FBI, so can the Miyano sisters step aside?”

“Oh, is that so?”

Li Ze heard this and nodded slowly:”It’s interesting”

“Since you can bring up the FBI, I can give you this favor.”


“Even if you don’t tell me your purpose, I have a rough idea in my mind. It must be related to the dark organization.”

“The Miyano sisters are familiar with the organization, so there is no need for them to leave”

“So please take a seat.”

“”Butler Ochiai, serve tea!”

Li Ze became serious at this time.

This is normal.

He can ignore Akai Shuichi, but he doesn’t want to offend the FBI for this.


Although the FBI is not as powerful as the CIA, its power in the United States is not much worse than that of the CIA.

His Umbrella will set up a North American branch sooner or later, so naturally he doesn’t want to really offend the FBI, the powerful department of the United States, because of a little thing.

Akai Shuichi, although just an agent.

He is also the ace agent of the FBI. His superior James, although only an action department, Although he is a classified supervisor, he is responsible for such an important task as the Dark Organization, which is enough to show that their team is the trump card of the FBI.


He could not give face just now, but when the other party represents the FBI, the necessary respect must be given.

And, for this.

Akai Shuichi, his face was calm.

After solemnly sitting on the sofa, Butler Ochiai also brought black tea.

He, with a calm face.

After simply drinking a cup of black tea, he glanced at the Miyano sisters briefly, and finally did not continue to speak.

Since Li Ze did not want the two to leave, he naturally did not bother to say more.

After a little hesitation, he nodded slowly

“Li Zejun, to be honest”

“We, the FBI, have received insider information that a memorial service for Sakamaki Akira will be held at the Beihua Hotel the day after tomorrow. We are sure that the organization will have a major operation at that time.”

“But we don’t know the specific mission objectives.”

“Considering Umbrella’s local power in Chicken Foot Basin, the FBI hopes to get Li Zejun’s help”

“Of course, not for free!”

“When I came here, my superiors confirmed that this was a deal.”

“As long as your request is not too excessive, the FBI will definitely meet it.”

“Probably, that’s it.”

“Li Zejun, are you interested?”

On the other side, after hearing the purpose of Akai Shuichi’s visit, Li Ze’s face remained the same. After all, he had guessed it a long time ago, right?

It was obvious.

At the beginning, Akai Shuichi originally wanted to get something for free.

But, unfortunately,

Miyano Akemi’s non-cooperation forced him to come to him.

Of course, he was unhappy about this!

Akai Shuichi had no good intentions towards him!

Now that he is willing to come and negotiate a deal with him instead of trying to use him, it is likely that he asked the FBI headquarters to investigate his information.


this guy is likely not so honest.

This makes He once again felt the beauty of power.


when he heard that there would be a memorial meeting for Sakamaki Akira at the Beika Hotel three days later, he naturally reacted instantly.

This was the first collision between red and black in the original work.


The FBI was not involved in the original work.

Now it seems that it is because of the butterfly effect.

But, forget it.

It has nothing to do with me anyway.

On the contrary.

He is more curious.

Since the FBI wants to make a deal, how much are they willing to pay? While Li Ze was thinking, Miyano Shiho couldn’t help it and started to speak sarcastically.

“Oh, that’s amazing!”

“As expected of an FBI ace investigator, he abandoned his ex-girlfriend for the mission, and abandoned his current girlfriend when his lurking failed. He was willing to let his current girlfriend fall into danger for you.”

“Even after meeting again, he felt no apology or compensation, but started to take advantage of her again.”

“Seeing that you can’t use my sister, you come to me again to make a deal?”

“I admire you, I really admire you!”

“In this world, it is rare to be so shameless!”

Miyano Akemi was stunned for a moment.

Obviously, she never expected that her sister would say such a sarcastic thing at this critical moment.

“Shiho, shut up!”

Miyano Akemi quickly said:”Have you forgotten what I said?”

“It’s over between me and Akai Shuichi. Let the past be the past.”

“Don’t mention it again, be obedient!”


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