
Fei Yingli is very numb now!

Because she didn't know what the hell Niu Shuo was planning to do.

Just do it!

even blindfolded her with a black blindfold and covered her ~ ears with a headset.

She lost her sight and hearing.

I don't know how to do it!

Fei Yingli didn't understand what Niu Shuo was going to do.

The only thing she can respond to now is Ya Butterfly and Daddy!


Her blindfold and headset were suddenly removed.


Because at this moment, there are not only two people on the big bed in the hotel, but also Xiaolan who is motionless next to her.

That's her daughter!

"Xiaolan. "

"That's all I can help you with. "


All of this was planned by the ghost Suzuki Sonoko.

Because in her opinion, this is the easiest way for Xiaolan's mother and daughter to compete in the same bed.

From the experience of an old-timer!

She and her mother used this trick to get out of the darkness.

Sonoko Suzuki pushed Ran onto the bed......

That's it!


Early the next morning.

As soon as Xiaolan walked into the second year B class of Didan High School, she was surrounded by Suzuki Garden.

"Isn't it cool?"

Suzuki Sonoko can imagine the shocking picture of Xiaolan and her mother just competing in the same bed together.


Xiaolan smiled coldly.

When it was night yesterday, she felt that something was wrong with Sonoko Suzuki.

If you don't sleep in a luxury villa, you have to take her to a hotel!

kept saying that he wanted to give her an unexpected wake-up.

The result......

Nine rollers broke down one – eight rollers!


"You don't have such a bad conscience. "

"Without my help, you and your mom don't know how long it will take for you and your mother to release their suspicions. "

"Tell me!"

"What happened yesterday night?"


Under Suzuki Sonoko's constant questioning, Xiaolan finally confessed to the scene of the three of them competing in the same bed yesterday night.

The first half of the night was restrained, and in the second half of the night she yelled at her mother!

Garden...... Thank you!

In the future, it is inevitable that she will compete with her mother in the same bed.


Sonoko Suzuki knew she was a qualified planner.

The person in charge of planning the upcoming Teitan High School anniversary celebration, Suzuki Sonoko, has made a decision.


Law firms.

At this moment, Fei Yingli is still reminiscing about the beauty of yesterday's night.

Her evaluation is: Ghost talent!

It's hard to imagine what kind of brain could come up with such an unforgettable plan.

She looked at the photo with her daughter on the table, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

I don't know if it's good or bad!

But there is one thing......

Her heart that has been hanging in the air for a while has finally fallen to the ground.


The kitten that suddenly jumped on the table interrupted Fei Yingli's thoughts.

She held the kitten in her arms, and then said with a smile, "Would you like to change your name?"

"I'll call you Maverick from now on!"


The kitten in her arms suddenly stuck out her tongue and licked Fei Yingli's fingers.

Very good!

Her kitten loves the name now.

"Knock knock—"

A soft knock on the door suddenly sounded at this time.

"Please come in!"

It was Fei Yingli's secretary at the law firm Midori Kuriyama who walked in.

"Lawyer Fei. "

"These are some of the things you're going to deal with today, and I've put the most important case on top for you. "

Midori Kuriyama kept all the papers on Fei Yingli's desk as usual.

But she didn't leave in a hurry today......

"Lawyer Fei. "

"I see you're in a good mood today, so you must have been in a good mood lately. "

Fei Yingli asked, "Is there one?"

Midori Kuriyama could only respond with a smile at the moment.

Still...... Have it?

In her opinion, the corners of lawyer Fei Yingli's mouth can no longer be suppressed now.

At least she had never seen Concubine Yingli so happy as she was now since she took office.

"Ding Lingling—"

Kuriyama Midori saw Concubine Yingli's private phone ringing, and at this time he chose to leave the office with interest.


"If you have something, just say it!"

Concubine Yingli's attitude changed 180 degrees in an instant at this time.

Just because the caller is the last person he wants to see right now.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Are you dating another man?"

Fei Yingli frowned!

She knew that there was absolutely nothing good about Mori Kogoro calling her at this time.

"What guy?" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is that how you usually talk to people?"

Yaga ——!

It must have been after the class reunion that a bastard with a loose mouth told Mori Kogoro about her and Ushishuo.

"Don't distract from me!"

"I ask you!"

"Are you dating another man right now?"

Seeing that this matter could not be avoided, Fei Yingli simply chose a direct showdown.


"But it seems like my own freedom. "

"Please don't forget...... The two of us are already separated now, and I have the right to pursue my own happiness. "

Fei Yingli's attitude is now also starting to become tougher.

"You have to figure it out. "

"The two of us are just separated and not divorced now, and you woman is now cheating in marriage. "

Fei Yingli smiled coldly!

"Thank you for the reminder. "[]

"I think we should really go through the divorce procedures now, so that we won't be held by you stinky man. "

Divorce is familiar to Fei Yingli.

As long as a gold medal lawyer like her wants to divorce, it is only a matter of minutes.

"You're a woman, aren't you?"


"That's good...... We're going to get a divorce now. "


Maori Kogoro's temper was also instantly stimulated,

Leave and leave!

Whoever is left in this world can't live anymore, right?

After Maori Kogoro hung up the phone, his spirit suddenly became in a trance, and his whole energy seemed to be drained.

He's getting a divorce?

He had never thought about it.


He picked up the half bottle of wine left on the table and poured it into his mouth.

Half a bottle is not enough for one bottle, and if one bottle is not enough, there are two bottles......

Mori Kogoro has drunk himself before he knows it.

picked up the mobile phone and dialed Xiaolan's phone in a daze.


"It's Xiaolan!"

"What are you doing on the phone with me at this time?"

"Didn't you already know that I was going to divorce your mother?"


Dad and Mom are suddenly getting divorced?

Xiaolan on the other end of the phone suddenly walked away, feeling very bad.

Her parents have not been separated for a day or two, and they have always been in a very stable state.

At this time, there can only be one reason for divorce, and that is because of Niu Shuo.

"You probably don't know yet, do you?"

"Your mom is cheating now?"

"This hateful woman has a man on the outside. "

Xiaolan felt a thunderbolt from the sky.

Not good!

She thought that her mother had initiated this matter without her father knowing anything.

But now it seems that it is clearly not!

Her dad now knows what happened.


"Dad. "

"Do you know who this man is?"

Xiaolan can only pray in her heart now.

Because during this time, my father has gradually learned about her boyfriend outside.

If you let your dad know at this time that she and her mom are dating the same man......

She couldn't imagine this picture!

"I don't bother to care who it is?"

"I'm going to divorce this woman right now!"

Xiaolan heard.

The heart stuck in the throat has finally returned to its place.

As for the divorce of the parents......

She really didn't know how to deal with this matter.

Persuade Mom?

Persuade Dad?

She can't seem to do it!

... Force....

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