Kakudo Town.

An abandoned factory.

Niu Shuo and Miwako Sato are now doing the final reconnaissance work before launching a general attack.


"We're a couple now, don't be so stiff. "

Miwako Sato asked suspiciously, "Am I so stiff now?"


As an old agent whose reconnaissance skills have been full, I can evaluate it very responsibly.

This will arouse the suspicion of the gangsters inside the factory.

"Relax. "

"It's like when we were in the toilet. "

Miwako Sato's expression was even more wrong when she heard this.

The state in the restroom ......

Aren't they going to do it at the gate of the factory?

"Relax. "

"Go ...... at my pace".

Niu Shuo took Miwako Sato in his arms, and then began to kiss actively.

Niu Shuo didn't even think that was enough!

It's an old factory, what would a real couple do if they came here?

I'm sorry for the environment here if I don't work for two hours!


"Niu Shuo, this guy actually took away Miwako Sato's first kiss. "

"Damn fellow, let go of my Officer Sato. "

Angry colleagues have even started to turn on their microphones to communicate with him.

Niu Shuo smiled!

First kiss?

I don't know how many times the cow has been, and he still lives in the fairy tale world of the first kiss?

Niu Shuo ignores this group of mouthfuls!

He used the disguise of his identity as a couple and his full-level reconnaissance skills to quickly find out the situation in the factory.

"There are eight gangsters!".

"Each gangster was armed with weapons, six pistols and two ...... spears."

Let's be honest!

Such personnel and weaponry are already a big test for their three violent crime departments.

After all, they don't have spears!

"Well done Brother Niu!".

"Now everyone is under my command ......".

Niu Shuo looked at Miwako Sato, who was short of breath next to him: "This woman can't be soft on horseback." "

It's okay!

Miwako Sato signaled with her eyes that she was a little suffocated just now.

Late... Eight o'clock sharp!


criminal police of the three violent crime departments launched a general attack on the inside of the factory.

Niu Shuo is descending from the gods!

With his full-level shooting skills, he instantly eliminated two thugs armed with AKs.

Knocked out the main firepower of the Lightning Wolf criminal gang.

"Try to keep alive. "

...... in battle

Commander Twilight XIII once again gave the order of gravity.

He knew that the bandits had guns in their hands, but it would be good to leave a living mouth even at this time.

...... at this point

Niu Shuo used his judgment of the terrain and his vigorous skills to appear on the path of the bandits.

Seizing the opportunity to reveal half of his body, a lightning raise of his hand is to knock out the gun in the hands of the bandit with one shot.

Immediately, a tiger pounced and threw the bandit to the ground.

"You criminal has the ability to keep running. "

In the eyes of others, this middle-aged man with a beard is just a criminal, but in his eyes it is still a notice of promotion to inspector general.

"Boom... Brother Shuo?".

"You're alive... Are you really alive?".

Niu Shuo's spirit suddenly fell into a trance, and he thought that he had unlocked some terrible identity.

Think about it for a second time......

Not true!

He used to be lurking in the lightning wolf criminal gang, and the few who were yin by him at that time had already been subdued, and it was normal for this group of people not to know his true identity.

"Less of this!".

"My real identity is a criminal police officer, and now I officially inform you that you have been arrested. "

Arresting the gun-wielding bandit again, Niu Shuo felt that he had a chance to be promoted to inspector general.

"Big brother!".

"Don't make a fuss, okay?"

"You're the boss of our lightning wolf, what are you going to do undercover?"


He is the head of the Lightning Wolf criminal gang?

What happened to the bank robbery before that?

Niu Shuo and ... It's numb again!

He looked at the clear eyes of the bearded man who had been subdued, and finally chose to trust him.

This kind of dangerous situation is that the actor can't pretend to be in such a state of mind.

"Give me an address!".

"I'll look for you when I'm done with this side of things. "

He is now very glad that the identity of the system is not allowed to be doubted.

Otherwise, this group of members of Lightning Wolf Mountain would probably have to stab him, the head of the family.

"Big brother. "

"Let's go together. "

Niu Shuo smiled and shook his head, indicating that he didn't need such a risky behavior.

Seeing his little brother successfully escape from the layers of the Metropolitan Police Department, Niu Shuo issued his N+1st life doubt.

It's too much!

How did he, an undercover policeman, become a big brother in a criminal gang?


The clean-up campaign ended successfully!

Except for the younger brother who was deliberately let go by him, the rest were shot in the resistance.

There was nothing left alive as Twilight Thirteen had hoped.


He was worried that someone would kneel on the ground and call him big brother after being arrested.

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