The other side of the concert.

The Teenage Detectives use their bodies, age, and the wisdom of Shinichi Kudo to successfully infiltrate Yoko Okino's concert.

Shinichi Kudo resigned himself to his fate!

After several attempts, he couldn't get his body back to normal.

In order to make his identity as a primary school student more reasonable, Kudo Shinichi can only use Conan's identity to go to Didan Elementary School to rebuild.

At the same time......

is also to use his identity as a primary school student to contact the outside world, hoping to arrest those men in black who make his body smaller.


"Why don't you look at Miss Yoko Okino?".

"Don't you like it?".

The other three members of the Junior Detective Corps expressed their incomprehension.

Because in their cognition, as long as it is a person, they will definitely like the big star Yoko Okino.


It's not that Shinichi Kudo doesn't like Yoko Okino, but there is someone he likes more in the front row of the concert.

"Niu Shuo. "

"You're damned. "

Shinichi Kudo suddenly discovers that this abominable detective is more hateful than any prisoner.


"You're looking at the big brother over there. "

"That big brother seems to be holding two girls. "

"Really...... It's so cool!".

Seeing this scene, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya drooled with envy.

Play two ......

This is simply his idol in life.


"Are you alright?".

Shinichi Kudo has now broken his defenses.

Break the big defense!

Why did he pretend to say that he had a way to watch Yoko Okino's concert for free.

Why did he come?


Niu Shuo, you guy.

is so blatantly touching the garden while holding Xiaolan.

I must tear off your disguise in front of Xiaolan.

I must... Certain...... Be sure to let Xiaolan see your hateful face clearly.

"Conan. "

"What's wrong with you?".

"He's gasping. "

"I look like I'm very angry. "

"Conan, this guy seems to be about to die of anger. "



The concert is over.

Niu Shuo took Xiaolan and the garden back to the villa as soon as possible, and then told the story of the garden.

It's not about who robs whom!

Succubus physique, whether it is Yuan Zi or Xiaolan, has an irresistible initiative towards him.



The relationship between the three of them also seems to have become extremely harmonious.

"Garden. "

"Or... Why don't you move in with you? "

There is Suzuki Sonoko in her reassurance.

Later, when her mother called her, the garden was by her side and could help her lie flawlessly.

"Hey, hey——!


In fact, she had already planned to do so.

Since Xiaolan said so, then she can move in openly tomorrow.

Her family conditions are different from Xiaolan!

Her parents take care of the affairs of the consortium all day long, and the family's life on weekdays is less gathering and more separation, and the time to care about her life is even less pitiful.

Even if she moves out, her parents won't have any opinions.


A good day starts with two girls.

Early morning.

Niu Shuo went to work and sent Yuan and Xiaolan to school ......

by the way

Sitting in the car, ......

After one more person, the two-seater Lamborghini bull is particularly stingy.

Well...... It's time to buy a car!

There are more than one car, one house, and one woman in the world.

Now, except for the fact that he is a woman and maybe on the passing line, everything else is actually very different.

But fortunately, he still made more than a billion yuan before, although this money is not much, it is enough for him to squander it for a while.

Niu Shuo had just driven a Lamborghini up from the underground garage when he was blocked by a group of hateful imps.

The one who took the lead was the most hated Kudo Shinichi.


"Big brother, this car of yours looks so good, what brand of car is this?".

Kudo Shini touched it as soon as he got started.

Good acting!


demeanor and demeanor all reveal the innocence and annoyance of a six- or seven-year-old child.

"Little brother?".

"It's you again. "

Xiaolan still has a little impression of Kudo Shinichi after becoming smaller.

When she was just about to live with Niu Shuo, this little ghost was hung on the wall.


Although the Maori Detective Office and Ushishuo's villa are both in Rice Flower Town, there is actually a long way to go.

Have children run so far while playing?

"Big sister. "

"It's you. "

"And this big brother, I know you too. "

"Last night you hugged another big sister at Yoko Okino's concert. "

"But it's weird......


"Isn't your big sister the big sister sitting in the co-pilot?".

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Kudo's mouth.

Niu Shuo!

You hateful scumbag.

Next, let's feel the power of this guy Xiaolan's karate.


"You're stirring up trouble here, aren't you?"

Sonoko Suzuki squeezed out of the small space in the car.

This big sister, that big sister's!

If it weren't for the fact that the three of them were very happy together yesterday, maybe their wonderful life would have been ruined by this little ghost.

"Go aside. "

"Nasty imps. "

Sonoko Suzuki is a kind person, but that doesn't mean she's as gentle as Ran.

Get out of the car, grab Conan by the collar and throw it out.

"Little brother, are you alright? "

"You don't understand the affairs of our eldest children now, so take the money and buy candy. "

Conan looked at the red car shadow that was gradually moving away, and the whole person had fallen into a stupor.

Garden... The eighth woman in the garden is actually there.

Three people ......?


Why did you become like this???

"That big sister with a pointed head just now is good. "


"She also gave us 500 yen to buy candy to eat. "

"We really shouldn't have stopped her car just now. "

"It's all Conan!".

"This guy is leading us to play a prank with a bad conscience, which is a serious violation of the principles of our junior detective group. "

Conan is crazy!

Both hands snatched the 500 yen that Xiaolan threw out of the car window and tore it to shreds.

It was not only the five hundred yen in his hand that was broken, but also his weather-beaten heart.

"Conan is crazy. "

"There's something wrong with this guy!".


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