Rice Flower Hotel.

When Yukiko Kudo returned, she soaked herself in the bathtub.

A full hour ......

"Baga ——!".

She looked in the mirror, and the pork immunity chapter that showed no signs of fading fell into despair.

She asked a friend about this pork immunity chapter.

There is no good way!

It can only be said that the skin metabolism slowly fades this stamp.

Wash...... It definitely can't be washed off!

If so, she felt that she might not be able to completely clean up the traces in a month.

What to do?

You can't let the Metropolitan Police Department shut down Yusaku Kudo for another month, right?

Even if she wanted to, the Metropolitan Police Department would never agree.

What to do?

What to do?

Yukiko Kudo sat on the couch in the hotel and fell into despair.

"Niu Shuo, this bastard ......".

She couldn't understand why a criminal policeman still had a pork immunity badge on his body.

This guy... Pervert it!

It was at this time that Shinichi Kudo called again......

"Mom. "

"Didn't you say that you had already taken advantage of your relationship?".

"Why did I hear that my dad was going to be locked up for a month?".

Kudo Shinichi's side was not idle either.

He used his connections to solve countless cases for the Metropolitan Police Department to get some news from Officer Twilight.

Niu Shuo's nasty guy directly locked up his dad for a month.

Document stamping!

The matter has been decided.

"You ask me?".

"I don't know what I'm going to do now?".

"Let's let your dad cool down in for a month for a while. "

Kudo Shinichi was already confused when he heard the blind voice on the phone.

Mom has been very irritable lately!

It can't be because you're older and go into menopause, right?

Probably not!

It must have been my mother's exhaustion yesterday because of my father's business.


Metropolitan Police Department.

Niu Shuo had just gone to work when Twilight Thirteen called him out alone.

"Dude. "

"What kind of plane are you doing?".

"I asked you to deal with Yusaku Kudo's affairs, but I didn't let you directly lock him up for a month. "

"This guy has helped our Metropolitan Police Department a lot before, and it would be nice to criticize and educate and fine. "

Twilight Thirteen has a headache right now.

Blame him for this!

It was he who underestimated the justice and bloody style of a young police officer.


"You didn't tell me either,"

he said

"Anyway, now that he is in charge, he may be able to write a book of "Prison Storm" in it. "

The source of this matter is not with him at all.

Even if he wanted to release Yusaku Kudo earlier, the woman Yukiko would definitely not agree to it now.


"That's the end of it. "

Yusaku Kudo's detention documents have all been submitted, and now it is not so easy for him to solve it even if he wants to.


At this time, the Metropolitan Police Department's Violent Crime Department received a big order.

A huge explosion occurred at a video game company in Kakuto Town!

Casualties unknown!

Losses unknown!

The scope of the explosion is unknown!

Twilight Thirteen receives the call and sets out with everyone.

Driving, driving, cycling!

All the criminal police rushed to the scene of the crime in no particular order.

"You haven't been exposed to the bombing, have you?"

"Listen to you mean a lot of contact?".

Miwako Sato made an intriguing expression on her face.

Regular contact can't be talked about.

But in her career as a police officer, she has encountered no less than 10 bomb attacks.

However, only a few can explode!

"Be careful when you arrive, because there's a good chance that there will be no burnt powder or duds at the site of the explosion. "

"It's dangerous!".

Niu Shuo accepted this advice.

But even Miwako Sato doesn't say it, he knows.

Don't forget ......

He's a real man who has mastered full-level blasting now.


The scene of the explosion

If no one had told him that this was once a video game company, Niu Shuo would definitely not think about it.

It's miserable!

The epicenter of the explosion was in the restroom on the first floor of the video game company, but the extent of the explosion has spread to the vicinity of the lobby.

After the three violent crime departments arrived, they immediately blocked the entire video game company.

After an on-site investigation, the casualties were finally determined.

Five were killed and nine were wounded.

Among them, six were slightly injured and three were seriously injured.

"Brother Niu. "

"You're the only police officer we have here to study the blasting, what do you think of the crime scene?"

Niu Shuo finally knew the effect of the full-level blasting technique.

It was to make up for the fact that he had studied explosives in the police academy.


At the moment, that's the only thing that works.

"From the extent of the explosion and the extent of the damage to the building, it can be seen that this is a black powder that is not very powerful, and it is not a powerful TNT explosive ......."

Officer Twilight put his arm around Niu Shuo's shoulders and looked at the others proudly: "See, this is called professionalism." "

At this time, Niu Shuo's mobile phone rang suddenly.

A series of mysterious codes, both familiar and unfamiliar.


The black-clad organization was also involved in the bombing of the video game company, and among the dead was tequila, a core member of the black-clad organization

Which one is agave?

Niu Shuo looked at the charred corpses that were being carried out one after another.


I'm sorry for not knowing you in this way.

However, this time, the Black Clothes did not come to show him that they had successfully blown up and killed one of their own people, but that the Black Clothes had traded a list in this bombing case.

The list is currently unknown with the explosion.

The Black Coats hope that he can use his position as Inspector General to get his hands on the list.


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