On Tokyo's wide highways.

A black van sped at normal speed.

"Baga ——!".

"These damn cops won't accept our offer. "

"Since he wants to come, let this hateful policeman go and never return. "


...... at this point

The van was slowly parked in an abandoned industrial plant in Tokyo.

Two vicious kidnappers in special camouflage, as well as the two-MIX duo Mitsumi Takayama and Shiina Nagano who are bound all over.

"That's good. "

"We're just waiting for this guy to obediently deliver what we want. "

This is ......

One of the robbers' eyes suddenly flashed with a cold gaze.

Suddenly turned around ......

The arm was raised, and the muzzle of the gun was instantly aimed at the male singer of TWO-MIX, Shiina Nagano.


The bullet pierced Nagano Shiina's chest, and the breath of life could be seen in her terrified eyes as it passed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Two seconds later, Nagano Shiina had turned into a corpse lying on the ground.


Mimi Takayama next to her was already frightened when she saw her partner die in front of her, and the tape attached to her mouth fluctuated violently because of her rapid breathing.

"You... What are you?".

Not to mention meat tickets.

Now even the other robber was dumbfounded.

"What is the difference between one hostage and two hostages for us?".

"When the deal is over, we will kill all the nasty woman and the arrogant cop on the phone, and after a while we will mail a letter to the newspaper office and push the death of the hostage on the head of the policeman. "

"This is the consequence of the arrogance of this horde of abominable cops. "

...... at this point

Minami Takayama, who was scared silly, was once again chosen into despair.


She now knew that the two robbers had no intention of letting her and Nagano leave alive in the first place.

"Don't worry, miss. "

"We'll get you on your way as soon as we get what we want. "

Minami Takayama is full of question marks.

She is an ordinary female singer, she usually never provokes right and wrong, why is there something that robbers want.


"Alright. "

"We're going to teach this arrogant cop a lesson now. "

Let's talk about it.

One of the robbers took out his mobile phone and was already ready to play Niu Shuo like a puppet.


"Why is it so slow?".

"Do you know you're two minutes late?"

"Now the next location you're going to is the phone booth next to the rice flower station. "


"You only have ten minutes now, and if you run out of time, I'll tear up the ticket immediately. "

"If I find you with other police officers with you, these two hostages will be dead now. "



kidnappers listened to the blind tone on the phone, and their scalps exploded with anger.

They obviously have two hostages in their hands, but why are they so passive now?


"I'm going to kill this policeman with my own hands in a minute. "


The other side.

Niu Shuo, who hung up the phone, opened Takayama Mei's orange satchel.

Lipstick, headphones, sanitary napkins, ......

When he saw a tape inside the orange satchel, he was instantly attacked by a vague memory.

If nothing else, this is what the robbers wanted.

But it doesn't matter anymore!


His mission now is to kill the robbers.

In addition......

He also found a photo of Minami Takayama in his satchel.

Don't say it!

This female singer still looks a little good.


Thirteen minutes later......

He walked over to the phone booth at the rice flower station, which had been ringing several times.

"Do you know if you're three minutes late?"

"Believe it or not, I'm going to blow the hostage's head right now?".

The robber on the other end of the phone sounded angry, if it weren't for the fact that the thing was in Niu Shuo's hands, it was estimated that the meat ticket would have been torn apart by now.


"As long as you kill the hostages, then I guarantee that you will never live to see the sun tomorrow. "

...... a moment later

The kidnapper, who calmed down, told Niu Shuo about the next location.

That's ......

After several tosses, Niu Shuo finally came to the final trading waste factory with Minami Takayama's satchel.

"Two robbers. "

"One is inside the room, and the other is watching inside the outside corner. "

At this time, the full-level reconnaissance technique is like a radar illuminating the entire factory territory.

Niu Shuo smiled lightly ......

Easily walk behind the kidnappers who are secretly watching outside the corner of the factory.

Raise your hand and shoot a gun!


violent impact hit the back of the kidnapper's head, instantly sending the burly man into a deep coma.

Immediately after ......

He seized the moment when another robber was secretly watching through the crack in the window and decisively pulled the trigger.


From his point of view, the kidnapper's head quickly tilted back into an exaggerated angle that a living person could not make, followed by the sound of him falling to the ground.

That's it!

When Niu Shuo entered the room, he saw the kidnapper lying on the ground whimpering, and in the corner of the room there was a woman wearing a peaked cap, an orange jacket, and tight jeans.

Compare the photo in your hand ......

It is Minami Takayama, the female singer of TWO-MIX.

"Violent crime three detectives, you are now saved. "

Niu Shuo is very strange.

Didn't you say that there were two hostages?

Could it be ......

"Nagano... Nagano has been killed by them. "

After being saved, Takayama Mitsumi wept bitterly.


Ten minutes later, ......

Officer Twilight, who was following behind, and other detectives from the Metropolitan Police Department rushed to the scene.

"Brother Niu. "

"You're doing a great job this time. "

The kidnappers died and were arrested, and the female singer Minami Takayama was successfully rescued.

The only regret is that the male singer Shiina Nagano was torn up by the kidnappers.

"Officer Twilight. "

"Another kidnapper has been put in a police car by us. "

Twilight Thirteen immediately ordered.

Bring it back!

Be sure to take a good look at the truth about how the two robbers kidnapped TWO-MIX, and the secret behind the orange satchel, which doesn't seem to have any contraband.


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